Sunday, October 11, 2009

Windowblinds 7 Sig6 Problem

Family Playlist

missing something here ...
A conference that presents itself as "Music & Magic of Creation" has to have a soundtrack.
... So teachers and music teachers!

we can not but be a little playlist of songs that relate to the family. That song resonates in my head that maybe we as we enter and write in this blog ...

Why not identify them? Maybe listen to the pauses in the Congress, in the background. I'm leaving ... I

My favorite song is referring to the couple. It 's a brano che trovo “pragmaticamente romantico”, nel senso di un sentimento che non si concede al sentimentalismo, anzi…parla anche della sana noia dell’amore, non solo del batticuore. Ammetto che sono di parte, perché per me Peter Gabriel ha una voce che rasenta l’ipnotismo.

Ecco quindi il mio contributo alla nostra playlist:

The Book of Love ” di Peter Gabriel

Trovate musica e testo su YouTube

Progettazione/dodici/Stefano Pace


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