Thursday, October 15, 2009

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Because we attract and we feel attracted to? The bonds of love - part 2 ^


Route Preparation Conference Doc_10_2
And in the galaxy of the primary relationship mother child? The same thing can be said of relations with parents, with children. In the intimate sexual playing the notes learned in primary relationships. Not having mastered a deep respect and love for the movement of energy within us, as we could, as we live them in modulating the movement of energy around a newborn to a child, a son? To me it still seems so strange that a strike deeper wounds, though unconscious, must have been, and still often is, who loves us more, some more love. And the same is what we have done, albeit unwittingly. It 's the most horrible thing to consider, accept, love in our human history, right? It takes an infinite love, if only to see it. And than we want to stop it, disconnect, and then accept, forgive, let go? There is a song of healing, which Francesca Caruso the second day we will sing 'We-Us Children Parents'. The song ' MAMA CRY' ! (Chant of Pain), tear the door before the attachment bond that is destroying us, then, with a movement melting and ascent of spiraling melody enters in the love that is owed to themselves and the legitimacy of what you need to do to recover personal integrity. The song comes from the awareness that there is more love in an unhealthy relationship separate from the model established by a parent (or a sexual partner?), Which remain in a relationship that distorts the sense of guilt in love (or humiliation ?). If I go back to live and breathe, I can understand and forgive the mistake of those who did not know how to model the love with my daughter / son, as he put the comment back.

Leaving means to legitimize the need to cut a link that takes breath vital autonomy. But not necessarily close. In its report Marina Traversi will make us feel (with a statement made in alpha waves) as possible in order to remain protected and vital in relationships in which ATTRACTED TO U.S. WE HAVE A BOND OF LOVE where it meets a vacuum of UNDERSTANDING AND RECOGNITION . Understanding and acceptance that we can leave in for ourselves and for the person with whom we are dependent on the relationship ... (note!) potential of love within us . It may be that we draw a little understanding and respect for partners, because we have so much in our ability to understand and acceptance for ourselves and for others, you can cure a conflict of that type (so ... we are not worse than others, indeed!). Each of us has experienced and is experiencing conflicts in their emotional relationships (if you can notice it). Maybe somehow Marina Traversi will help us to feel love, unity, peace, even in the dissonance of emotional relationships and love.
E 'at the prospect of a look that is born of love for life, as it appears in its everyday aspects. In those pages of 'Book of Love' full of really stupid things, in our days are full. It 's the mission of one who feels that this More importantly, be love and unity, to bring understanding and unification. Also, and above all in the family! It 's the perspective from which to look at the life of Indigo and Crystal children of recent generations (although some have already forty / fifty or seventy years ...) that Cristina Garavaglia will mention, bringing insight and intuition that comes to heart, how to tilt the lens we look to our children, our children, to CHILDREN (those pockets of clear conscience that we are in and out of us). They do this by clearly very small, because we still believe in what they know of life (in the words of the first to comment) then perhaps with quiet behavior, sometimes only through their resistance, or self-destructive behavior, in adolescence, when they lost hope of being able to understand the 'adults' that matters. He suggests RULES 'OF CONCRETE a change of perspective. 'All We Need Is Love' are the Beatles? Spring control, stop with the sense of duty, with seriousness, with manipulation, with the guilt! This does not make any sense. Up to two years with a 'Amma likely! (= Mother enough, stop harass and torment ...). We aware intelligence to understand what they're really saying? We want stop trivializing what they say, reducing it to communications on the material needs of care or attention to himself? We want to decode the messages that guide us, which we had tried to drive to the Pacific? I will speak of KEY of understanding and CODES to dissolve the opposition, which is avoidable, in COMMUNICATION BETWEEN CHILDREN AND PARENTS . I will not say anything more than what all of us have always known since we were born. I will try to spend at least some of what a child communicates with his being, from its first days of life to those who can collect the messages of his eyes flash and communications speechless! A GREAT LOVE AND TOTAL that has nothing 'exclusive', because everything and everyone gathers around him a circle of union. Feeling
INTACT, WITH ALL ITS OWN TWO AND HALF '. We arrive in this life full of love, which nourishes. Then we start on a path where we're going to lose.

A key comment of the week: 'I too feel so, but unlike you I have not stopped looking for ... My cat and a child is not enough for me. Seeking to fill ... still love my other half '.

We know that 'is not evolved' to say that we are trying love that fills us. To say that we have a half to fill. But who really do not ever really does? Even with food? ... Even with spiritual practices, or wisely ... helping others? The 'authenticity' AND 'THE PRIDE OF THIS BLOG, THIS GROUP OF PREPARATION OF THE MEETING. If we acknowledge that we lack, it will be easier to be receptive to realize our own true path to personal completeness.

The tragedy of Tristan and Isolde had departed from the search for completeness through love. And he pointed out a path to occur, all the rest of us sooner or later we have way, if we really put into play. 'Walking through here, we will find the gold!' NOI TROVEREMO , mettendo il nostro pezzettino di verità sincera. Come abbiamo fatto , senza strafare, fin qui, con i documenti ed i commenti del blog. Portando ognuno di noi il nostro semplice contributo nel cerchio degli ARCANI (le sfaccettature del mistero della vita), metteremo insieme un puzzle di esperienze. Non le comunicheremo a voce, ma con la nostra partecipazione emozionale e di consapevolezza (come fanno i neonati).
Nella seconda parte dello spettacolo della sera, DANZARCANA: L’AMORE ALL’ORIGINE DELL’AMORE , la compagnia degli Zelattori metterà in scena le radici del cerchio degli Arcani maggiori dei tarocchi. L’origine all the 1, magician, cards 2 and 3, the two roots of women who carry the mastery in the dimension of spirit and matter (the High Priestess and Empress), and the two male counterparts, 4 and 5 ( the emperor and the pope). The 6 (lovers) will show the pressure of union between the polarities. And all the other arcane? They are derived from them, and discover how ...

And we live as the dissonance, the misunderstandings in the family?

How to metabolize the distortions in the most intimate communication of love, sexuality?

What we know remember the love messages you send, or send to our parents, and recognize the messages of love that we now transmit the children of any age, she and the baby girl inside of us?

Chiara Sozzi

Therapist of Family Relations

  • THE ROOTS OF THE STORIES OF LOVE ... LIFE, Report Traversi Marina - Saturday, October 31 , day 1, h. 19
  • KEY AGREEMENT IN COMMUNICATION: CODES FOR WIND UP the contrast between children and parents, Chiara Sozzi Report - Sunday, November 1st, 2nd day, h.11
  • children's eyes, DOORS FOR A PARADIGM OF LIFE AND THAT 'GIA' within us. GENERATIONS INDIGO, CRYSTAL ...., A Brief Statement of Cristina Garavaglia - Sunday, November 1, 2nd day, h. 14:45
  • DANZARCANA: Love at the origin of Love - Saturday, October 31 h. 22, plays vivencial, with the company of Zelattori, directed by Monica Antonioli
  • MAMA CRY! , Lyric Frank Caruso - Sunday, November 1, 2nd day, h.11.45


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