We start from the benefits. The main advantage in
share, in any form, the education of children is no longer alone to face a task, that parental impossible to fulfill if it is not connected to their world of values \u200b\u200bto identify with. The communities of the past
fulfill this need, providing safety and behavior in daily to find solutions to problems and enough self-esteem and identity as parents ...
The worst enemy of the parents and then the isolation, being dropped from feeling of community, of belonging, direction and tension towards a common goal, all of which are fundamental to our wellbeing as a species. Today
risk let us say what we do from television or a myriad of experts, increasing the confusion and losing the necessary strength to securely hold the helm, to successfully lead the family boat in rough seas of the relationship with their children.
Breaking the isolation of the parents can .
Many forms of spontaneous aggregation are replacing, in part, the community values \u200b\u200band life of the past.
Often these efforts take the moves from the need to find its points of reference values \u200b\u200bto be shared, with whom travel more easily along the path of growth in children.
One of the first areas Sharing the school provides. Knowing the parents of classmates of the children and share ideas, experiences, doubts and difficulties is often a resource that aggregates for sympathy or affinity, providing a friendly environment where you can find. It 'a field report that can be driven with intent, in order to become a group with goals of growth and mutual support. may be developed common approaches to challenges.
For those unfamiliar with the web, there are countless sites and blogs that talk about topics that may be of interest to all parents. Can be explored specific topics, you can increase their store of information. solutions can be found in many areas of life including the legal legislation, using the experiences of others.
can build networks of relationships that can become community and friendship, expanding the space beyond the door, finding in the random size of the place of residence, opportunities for exchange and joint work to create a network of safety and quality of life higher.
You can create a community of purpose, without necessarily going to live together. In this way you can do trend, create groups of strong opinions, to develop detailed positions on the important issues of human development, you can also direct the marketing and services with the pressure that can carry a group of users / consumers aware. Create groups guidance on the acquisition of basic kinds, food, media, apparel, furniture, games, books, the selection of different types of schools or targeted areas of growth, starting with shared values.
Parenting can be a system to increase the capacity to know and change oneself. Training groups for parents or di auto mutuo aiuto possono essere ambiti fertili di crescita personale, da cui trae giovamento la relazione con gli altri, quindi anche quella con i propri figli. In questi contesti è più ampia l’intimità, che può esprimersi in virtù della scelta di percorrere un cammino comune, non casuale, ma intenzionale. L’autoeducazione è in questo caso la via maestra per educare i figli. Scegliere di andare a vivere insieme, o in territori limitrofi, può ulteriormente approfondire il lavoro, che prende altro nutrimento da un progetto comune più ampio in cui confrontarsi.
Essere genitore non è staccato dall’essere persona, citizen interacting with its community of life. It 's a fact of nature that goes along with the endless myriad of roles that the relationship and commitment to grow the port. Making community, that is actively involved in social processes economic, political and cultural reality of its increases the ability to change reality, bringing it closer to our dreams. In this area there are:
- social policies state that, in the most evolved, are promoting actions of involvement of citizens, to build or strengthen the network of local solidarity, implying that even in all processes educational and family.
- le attività aggregative spontanee di cittadini che si riuniscono in associazioni o gruppi formati in base a scelte di vita e che interagiscono nell’ambiente, modificandolo. In questa categoria si collocano le Comunità Intenzionali, la rete degli Ecovillaggi, le Cohousing ecc,.. Tutte queste realtà toccano inevitabilmente i temi educativi, in virtù del loro essere connaturati e connessi alla vita ed alla relazione.
Damanhur è un progetto che può essere letto come aggregazione spontanea attorno ad una scelta ed un’ideale di vita. E’ quindi una Comunità Intenzionale, con un’esperienza di 34 anni di storia.
Questo risultato was possible with ingredients that have been summarized in a formula, broadcast course titled "How to build a community of success."
This formula can be declined in all forms of group or social groupings, starting with the smallest group represented by the couple or the parental couple, going to families, small businesses or degrees, or cultural groups, voluntary reaching up to very large groups of people.
It 's a complex formula that requires several days of study to be described, so do not fall within the aim of this report in greater depth features, and in any case available to anyone wanted to learn more.
Today what we are concerned about is his formula for education. I am
basic assumptions:
- work to rebuild the natural right to the role of the family, the mother and father and of their parents, within a broader group of people and a united society.
- Return to the great natural moments of existence such as birth, death, the different stages of growth experienced in a structured environment in order to enhance the importance and values, art and beauty, the wealth of stimuli around itself, the expression of individual talents and dreams and collective self-education
- parents and adults who are the first role model for children
- heard support for parents, by all community members, which become larger as an extension, while not replacing them.
- Rules common to identify with, to provide security and clear references.
- All areas of education must be connected and in synergy with each other. One of the areas most important thing is that the connection between school and family.
- We think it important to take care of the educational merits of education sons why we have chosen to Damanhur to have our own family from nursery to middle school
- The core of the recipe of Damanhur, the assumptions on which the above create a "sweet" special education: a right mix of tradition, innovation, experimentation and practice in social work on changing themselves, designed to achieve a common goal outside of ourselves, of our narrow interests.
We believe that, beyond what we as adults we can tell, to have in hand the levers of education are in fact our own children. Observe them with attention (which is a way to say "love" in full form and specification), means to help us understand their deepest nature, our turn to learn something more, at the same time we teach.
The task of growing children, is to steadily increase its territory by conquest, from the getting the confidence to do so through a few simple rules. Choose together as parents and adults, causes are perceived as true and good from their children.
Lucky to Be a supportive group of people, large or small, provides an unimaginable force, which is expressed whenever it manages to achieve a shared vision.
Vale per la coppia, per la famiglia, via via, sino ad arrivare ai Popoli.
Il nostro sistema prevede famiglie allargate e miste per età ed il tipo di strumenti di cui ci dotiamo al loro interno, può essere adottato anche da famiglie con caratteristiche diverse.
La condizione di partenza è la famiglia stessa, il suo calore affettivo, o quello da costruire, affinché diventi davvero un contenitore coeso.
Nella nostra esperienza, replicabile in molti aspetti, la scelta di avere un figlio viene condivisa nella famiglia allargata sin dall’inizio, dando molta importanza alla preparazione dei genitori e dell’ambiente familiare nel ricevere i nuovi nati. Collaborano a questa “gestazione” di pensieri, idee ed immaginario, i due futuri padrini del nascituro ed eventuali altre persone affini ai genitori.
Questa preparazione proietta l’immagine della propria genitorialità nel futuro, con la cornice di un confronto più allargato, che ne corregge e smussa gli inevitabili svarioni, tipici quando una visione è troppo interna e vicina a sé
Insieme si immagina che condizioni creare nell’ambiente e negli adulti della famiglia, per riuscire a formare un individuo il più possibile capace di essere padrone della sua vita e delle sue scelte e di aprire al massimo i propri talenti al servizio della sua stessa crescita e di quella della collettività
Il lavoro prosegue con costanza nel tempo per tutto l’arco evolutivo, in forma sistematica.
Ogni famiglia, periodicamente, dà attenzione alla crescita di ogni singolo figlio, attraverso incontri in cui si affrontano i punti di forza e quelli di debolezza su cui si sta impegnando, si ascoltano i suoi sogni, si pensano strategie utili per affrontare le sfide all’orizzonte.
Questo lavoro si chiama Programma in Atto e sta a significare che non basta che genitori, adulti ed ambiente si preparino al meglio per accoglier i figli alla nascita, occorre avere la costanza nel tempo di mantenere in essere queste stesse condizioni ottimali, per affrontare inevitabili momenti di difficoltà e crisi.
La forza dei significati condivisi è able to provide the necessary support to the process of generational turnover, which is the size of each family, group or population, able to innovate and stay viable in time and history.
program in place of families, in our experience, is a very important job that helps the family to become more intimate and cohesive
The alliance between the school and family creates a further education together, allowing you to give guidance and references to parents and children over the front door, projecting into the future.
- All this can be implemented in different contexts, choosing like-minded people with which to compare
Together we can!
Rita Bochicchio (Dorcas Mimosa) - Counselor Psychosynthesis in education, head of Education and the School of Damanhur Damanhur - Baldissero Canavese (TO) Dr. Susanna meme (Iris Pistachio) - Psychologist, Artist, Head of Department Education of Damanhur
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