Sunday, October 11, 2009

Slr Telescope Adapter

love exclusive? No, thanks

Route Preparation Conference Doc_9
We have seen how the myth of the suffering and dying for love, still resonates within us, through the matrix of the collective consciousness. That is suffering for a companion or a companion, or the love that we feel have received and paid by a parent or a child, deny or fight against this destructive feeling is not effective. It will be easier to start out of the predisposition to suffer from the common love, when we have recognized and accepted as an integral part of us. Of us are not me. Our culture is founded on the ideal of a God who became man to die for love .... And that can not vivere relazioni d’amore coniugali, non può avere una famiglia... .

Quando coglieremo da dove viene il nostro essere pronti a soffrire per amore, mangiando la foglia sulla verità di questo nucleo di coscienza, sentiremo che noi, in effetti, vorremmo invece VIVERE per amore. E null’altro. L’averlo colto farà nascere una calma allegria nel cuore, una capacità di sorridere e cantare di questa gabbia che ora sappiamo vedere. (La ‘Canzone dell’amore capovolto’ è una canzone che, con l’allegria di un cuore che finalmente si sente libero di incominciare a VIVERE PER AMORE, canta ‘T’hanno fregato, t’han detto che l’acqua dev’esser del close! Smiling deception now disbanded. This heart is able to wake up, now, to see the drama as illusory, and to feel compassion for what it was)

The secret is that the love we feel within us always. Right? What is the love we feel for someone else, or we feel addressed us by someone else. Whether it's a love that comes from inside or outside of us ... so no matter where it comes from and where it goes ... is still an energy that moves within us . Change only the stimulus that awakens.

by a comment in the blog of October 7:
- The water that laps the tree of love has to come from your neighbor. And if the neighbor does not give you water, you die. 'S terrible, but true. I've always looked for love outside, from the partner, from friends, from my mother, my father, my sister. I have a picture of me sitting waiting for someone to throw a piece of love and attention ... how much suffering. Then over the years I learned to find love inside of me, or through nature, or animals. But still a part of me still feels like a baby that needs constant and continuous love. So I take her up. And 'nice but find someone who wants to welcome you and hug you and say that everything will be fine. When happens a lot of joy arrives. For years I told myself 'I did not need anyone'. Now the deeper truth is 'I need to feel that I am loved'. In the past, for love I gave away myself. Now I want to find a way to love, to feel loved, but remain intact. -

It 's a mental conditioning wire can feel the love in socially defined situations (the matrix), approved as situations can make us feel the love. One of these is the exclusive love.

When we think of all 'exclusive love associate it with something satisfying, because total. Like a giant table set, everything for us. No one can take away anything ... ... Like the womb, would remind us Giuliano War? Strength in this desire we fail to grasp the aridity of solitude in the sit at this table without sharing. Since we are born we are forced to feel the threat that someone might take something away. E 'shared code of the sense of jealousy. A foolish code. I've also heard of a kitten, born and raised near fusiva consistent with six others, beside the common mother ... 'is jealous' when it is melted down and rushed to exchange caresses, seeing his sister do it with me. The primary thrust of sharing was blocked and manipulated the first moments of life. 'He must learn to be alone' said a baby was released after five days since the merger with the mother in the womb!

We are educated in separate, isolated, to transform the anxiety of the distance in a cynical sense of sense of reality. The first thing that we train is to stop breathing magnetic exchange of love with others. There plastic.

And then we learn to look for the exclusive love. Which excludes! All except one person. The other / other and me. We feel a bit 'of choking? Do not risk claim / give a little 'too much that one person? Not even god wants an exclusive love from us, forbids us to love ourselves, or others. Why one and only one person should become even more of a god?

From a blog comment October 8:
- My 'love' is very focused on love mother-child, which fully satisfies my heart, filling him with feelings of contentment, and what I perceive cosmic around me in my life in relationship with spirit. The love that I share with my partner is a choice of path together in harmony, accepting each other and with the awareness that we walk together better. The one for my son sometimes, unfortunately, knows the fear of loss, jealousy, and it scares me realize that I really 'need' of his love. It 's the fear that has created this state of affairs, when I separated from her father and I have received threats to take away the child. Even knowing that they were unfounded, he managed to let me know the sense of anguish that arises from the fear of loss.
I think you still love to live to 360 ° to fully enjoy its wonder, the basis of love for ourselves, to that of children, partner, loved ones around us constantly and simultaneously perceive the divine. So the need for love will be transformed into pleasure and we are always satisfied ...-

Ed ecco Cristiana Vignoli , nell’intervento che farà nella seconda giornata del Convegno Noi figli, Noi genitori, col titolo ‘Famiglia: matrice di amore’ .
- In greco antico la parola genos identificava la famiglia, ma anche la razza, la stirpe, la nascita, la genesi, ovvero l'origine. Questo ci aiuta comprendere come una Famiglia con dei figli è, e resterà sempre a livello energetico, una Famiglia, al di là della relazione di unione o di separazione che possono vivere i due genitori.
Bisogna trovare, nell'intricata foresta di emozioni, le risposte profonde ad alcune domande : cosa significano veramente le parole: Gioia, Armonia e Amore? Come We used to love and how, instead, we love? What does respect the free will of the members of a family? How to love their children without being obsessive or possessive? And yet how can we love, we adults, our parents and in-laws when we see, objectively, their "defects" and their "mistakes"?
And how can we afford to accept the love of others: friends, children, spouse, parents, if we ourselves are imperfect?

The question is solved if we learn to know the human being in its entirety and in its physical evolution, and spiritual soul. Learning to listen to love, is possible, requires a bit 'of good will, the same good will that we have used to learn to read and write! -

And if the loving relationship between parents runs out? What happened to us if our parents have stopped walking together? Who have officially separated, or that they continued to live in the house, but without deep harmony and closeness?

Colette Shama, Pediatrician, in 'The serenity of the family after his parents' separation' we will talk about his personal experience of a couple of parents who felt full of love, and separation from a companion who issued the challenge to keep love alive in the hearts of children, so as to help to continue to believe in the family. How can you do?
- Be honest with the child, do not hide your pain, but communicate, albeit in appropriate ways. The day his son will see again a smile on the lips of his mother or his father, after days of gloomy thoughts, it will be a beautiful day. So teach your kids how to distinguish real emotions, and teach them that the pain should not be hidden to make it go away, but faced and overcome.
love. Not to force his companion, nourishing your heart of malice and that of their children. A child comes before you, before your anger, your pain, your selfishness. You've made the world as an act of love. The first law which is to be helped to believe in, otherwise it loses most important thing in the world. The family crisis is the examination of this faith in love.
What is apparent from all this? Still love. See his son who built a family in love, which aspires to be a parent, this is the outcome of a crisis that has been dealt with responsibility and love. Organization, family, tasks, calendars, education, school ... all are necessary, but the fundamental view that children listen to and nourish their future is in love. -

Gian Marco Braga and Anna Bona, their intervention 'The union of love between the masculine and feminine archetypal god-in fact obscured in History and Consciousness' the first day of the conference, takes us along the tracks toward the nucleus of obscuring the source of love women History in officially recognized as such, and in the collective consciousness. The custodian of what is love itself, the Goddess, has long been hidden from the perception of our inner eyes . It 's strange then that the way in which we have received so far love was totally destructive, out of balance? Upside down?

'The mind sees only what he wants to see' si afferma nel film Il Codice Da Vinci. Come vivere d’amore, come far scorrere l’amore totale, cosmico, nella relazione tra un uomo e una donna, tra un figlio e un genitore, un genitore e il figlio, nella piena consapevolezza della propria Realtà interiore, della Coscienza Superiore a cui siamo connessi? Come vivere l’amore in relazioni umane , senza costringere la grandezza della nostra Consapevolezza elevata (il Sé Superiore) in schemi di dipendenza bisognosa che ci porta a sminuire noi stessi? E’ mai possibile farlo?

L’esempio archetipico è sempre stato lì, davanti ai nostri occhi. Persone reali che ci sono riuscite pienamente, e hanno lasciato una traccia tangibile. Un uomo e una donna, almeno, per quanto fin qui sappiamo (e di quanti altri che ancora non sappiamo, magari?) passati dalle nostre parti in uno spazio tempo storico ben definito. Un Amore tra due Coscienze piene di livello elevato, una donna e un uomo, ben testimoniati dalle persone che li hanno conosciuti. Quando ritroviamo quelle tracce scopriamo che se ci sono riusciti loro, possiamo farlo anche noi. Qui, nelle relazioni d’amore attuali di tutti i tipi. ...Perfino in famiglia!
Così la Canzone Song for two , nel primo tempo dello spettacolo della sera, concluderà il secondo passaggio del percorso umano che abbiamo fatto nell’illusione che sia grandezza il soffrire per amore. La vita è semplicemente vivere in un sogno. L’amore is to put others in your dream, as the sun rises and sets, and life begins again every day. But in this flow to the heart is simply 'EVERYTHING IS OKAY WHEN YOU AND I ARE TOGETHER'.

And climb the last step in the path of dissolution of the illusion of love, the song Higher Love , will make us feel the emotion of a love that is released in such a sense of intimate union with its core Consciousness of Love high. The ordinary person spoke to him (he speaks to himself) and says, 'You're the best thing I've encountered on this journey on Earth, you're my life, my survival. In I sink you in an Ocean of Peace. I think you are right beside me, and I feel that our unity is now. So I think it was worth trying (to find, touching the suffering and overcoming the illusion of love), because you know what I like my Higher Self '.

Many of us had been able to experience only brief flashes of love in the family. For many of us instead of love between parents and parents against them, there was closure, fatigue, distrust of one another, mutual devaluation, the courts, have generated anger, resentment and disappointment. There was definitely love at the mental level and compliance. There was perhaps even emotional attachment, dependency, helpful attitude, but no love from a heart that can afford to feel and experience the internal drive inside himself and with others.
Perhaps only rarely in the family have experienced the flow of the emotion of the heart of love. It was not enough to internalize it is to live on love that unites, rather than exclude.

You can solve it?
How we solve it?

Dr. Chiara Sozzi
Family Therapist Relationship

- The Love song upside - Song - Words and music by Chiara Sozzi
- The serenity of the family after her parents separated , Colette
Shama - Family: Love matrix, Christian Vignoli
- union Love between masculine and feminine archetypal god-in fact obscured in history and in our consciousness , Gian Marco Braga and Anna Bona
- Song for two (Song for two) - Song - Words and music by Luis Laberenti
- Higher Love (high love) - Song - Words and music by Chiara Sozzi


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