Monday, October 5, 2009

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the union of love between the masculine and feminine archetypal god-in fact obscured history and consciousness

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Sabato 31 ottobre 2009 - ore 16.30 - G.Marco Bragadin e A.Maria Bona

Cosa succede se vengono individuate testimonianze dissonanti con alcune verità storiche che ci erano state imposte? Cosa cambia nella nostra Coscienza , se scopriamo che una donna come Maddalena di Magdala è stata occultata dalla storia per cancellarne l’identità di compagna dell’uomo riconosciuto come il Cristo? Come si rifletterebbe ora questa nuova visione nella nostra coscienza, which was previously aligned with the imprinting of separation between male and female?

Intervention by Gian Marco Braga

The intervention will follow the trail of 'Da Vinci Code. Why yes'. published in 'The eternal union of Love', published by Melchizedek.

Speech by Anna Bona

In ancient times, the feminine principle was perceived as a cosmic force fundamental . Many people believed the world was created by a female deity who had created the Goddess by parthenogenesis, ie without a male influence.
Power generativo femminile è stato rappresentato nell’arte in civiltà di tutto il mondo, attraverso statue con seni, pancia e vulva molto pronunciati, come ad accentuarne la rilevanza per il culto. Questo si rifletteva poi, non solo in venerazione, ma influiva anche sulla vita sociale e sull’autorità politica .
Le prove archeologiche indicano che queste società, fondate sulla democrazia, sulla pace e sull’uguaglianza, furono sostituite gradualmente da stati dominati dagli uomini
in cui si svilupparono il lavoro, il commercio ma anche la guerra, i conflitti.
Il potere della Dea, della Grande Madre, diminuì fino alla completa distruzione , lasciando gradualmente spazio to male gods. In some cases the sex of the female deities were simply replaced, and soon the distinctive benign power of the goddesses was considered evil, destructive, demonic.
The image of a deity as male dominance was reflected in the collective thought, distorting reality and belittling the female counterpart.
early Jews, like many other ancient peoples worshiped a god who is a goddess. It took centuries for Jehovah became the chief deity in place of the goddess Astarte. When the Hebrew patriarchs were able to destroy the cult of the Goddess, the prestige of the women fell progressively.
The same story was repeated in all cultures. The destruction of the Goddess is of course also reflected in social, political and religious women in authority.
Women were considered to be "incapable of discernment" and entrusted it to the sphere of influence of their fathers and husbands.
Over time, going to the Middle Ages, all that had ties with the cult of the Goddess was completely destroyed or deemed an act of witchcraft. Eighty-five percent of people sentenced to death by the Inquisition were women who were guilty of being educated. The category of "witches" included herbalists, midwives, clairvoyants, gypsies, and in general all those who had a suspected link to the natural world. were accused by the church "does not have a soul," to be the instrument for tempting the evil this man and worthy of ending up burnt alive at the stake ...
The witch-hunt, which took place between the thirteenth and seventeenth century, caused the disappearance of female independence . Towards the end of the Renaissance to the woman was now forbidden to even have an education, which in the early Middle Ages, was still granted by the clause, put by the church to enter the convent.
marriage became the only socially acceptable option for women and gradually it was considered inconceivable that sex femminile avesse mire intellettuali, se non addirittura pericoloso. Alla donna furono negati educazione e libertà e imposta silenziosa obbedienza al proprio marito.
La progressiva congiura contro il femminile si infiltrò in ogni meandro, persino nella scelta dell’uso dei calendari. Il Sole nel suo cammino annuale attraversa la fascia dell’Eclittica toccando 13 diverse costellazioni tra cui quella dell’Ofiokos (Ofiuco), che in greco significa: “colui che tiene in mano il serpente”, ricollegabile ad una dea femminile.
Il calendario lunare, usato dagli antichi Egizi, dai Celti, dagli Esseni, di 13 mesi, (13 lune) ciascuno composto di 28 giorni (rivoluzione lunare intorno alla Terra nel corso a year) has been suppressed in favor of the solar calendar, which included the right to worship a male god . The number 13 is not a case was opposed by religions and considered evil. The number 13 is indeed associated with the revolt of Lucifer.
moon in the zodiac are not only the 4 elements of the astrological tradition (earth, water, fire, air) but also a fifth element: ether, element is not visible but very real.
A long battle of women's liberation was waged in Western society, and these reminiscences, it still reflected today in our society, which has not yet achieved full equality . Emancipation brought the woman in society to be realized, however, creating dichotomies within us and the family, a mirror of influences that come from far away.
The company continues to be a male setting. The woman, who is in charge of work commitments, in fact, has doubled its tasks. Often women are hindered in their careers as mother, as well as the conflict that may arise in her doubling in the roles of mother and worker. How not to feel divided inside?
The roles of responsibility are almost always entrusted to man. There are clear disparities in compensation. How to mediate the whole thing?
In addition, each day we are bombarded with messages subliminal by the media, where it appears a beautiful girl in skimpy clothes, as an appendix to a consumer product or as an object which is nice in the body (housing) and the inner (spirit) to be brought to light. The term "tissue" has been included in the common language. But the average woman is perhaps this "tissue"? In recent times the
the film "The Da Vinci Code" , based on the famous novel, the resurfacing ancient archetypes that are reflected in our unconscious. The couple Divine does not reflect anything but the couple on Earth, the opposites that must merge to become one . "So high, so below" gave us the sage Hermes Trismegistus.
The media power has given us the opportunity for a due introspective analysis.
The Grail is an ancient symbol of femininity and the Holy Grail represents the Goddess, but the power of women, once considered sacred, constituted a threat to the rise of a male-dominated church. Consequently, the sacred feminine was demonized and labeled unclean.
Deep in our psyche, buried for centuries, obstacles, prejudices, there is a breath of excitement, an awakening. We are uprooted from our true self and we need to recover the old seed, the Truth.
Mary Magdalene is the symbol archetypal of the Sacred Feminine .
The first person to whom Jesus appeared was the victim of a campaign of denigration and 2000 years duration has not yet ended. Magdalene was never a prostitute, was indeed a rich woman whose financial support was crucial to early Christianity, but the special relationship she had with Christ brought resentment among the disciples and the result is tarnish his reputation.
Jesus, as the Gospel of Mary Magdalene, which is part of the Gnostic Gospels, Mary Magdalene, the apostle of the apostles, receive from the Master's teachings more esoteric secrets. She is given a special revelation because Madeleine has "eyes to see" the Higher Mind, beyond cold conceptual analysis. The Apostles pay attention, observe, but use the rationality of the mind that obscures the true vision.
Needs shed light on pre-established truths obscured by the power to re-place the right order that the man to regain his feminine side and women their masculine side in a harmonious balance androgynous.
History has amply shown the disasters resulting from human behavior masculine, it has repeatedly attempted to suppress the image of Mary Magdalene and what she symbolizes, but memories of this transmission can not be erased, either now or never. Maddalena was only kept back the unconscious, where it is deeply nested, ready to resurface in the right time.
separating the two aspects was sentenced to one and was excited the other, creating the conflict and instability, which is visible to everyone.
should recontact their feminine energy, the creativity and intuitive understanding of the mind and not by rationality but through the heart, so that there is also the right balance between the couple and therefore in the family and society.
The women love men for the simple fact that it is complementary. The example of the divine couple (macrocosm) transmit to us (microcosm) the concept of transcendence to come in the unity of opposites.
The image of women is not only the subject of sexuality and pleasure for men, but also intelligence and power of the cosmic life force. Recall that the body of a woman is able to transform the material, giving his life.
It 's also the bridge between the known and unknown, between the visible and invisible, as was recognized in the past. And 'the wisdom that comes from the heart, I FEEL (moon) combined with the I AM (sun).
Find your feminine means finding their roots, find the relationship with Mother Earth , resume awareness that the Water and Moon pulsate in harmony with life and with the spirit that pervades them. Everything has to be rethought
in religion, in philosophy, in company with "the eyes of woman." We are at the end of a precessional cycle (25,920 years) to be driven, not surprisingly, toward women, toward the harmony and balance, to the Spirit. It 'important to recover the truth with creative energy for God, as Creator, is not only Father, but Mother.
Truth will bring light to this degenerate society and free balance female mediator.
The human being in its deepest is androgynous. The concept of opposites, male and female, is called to merge into a single cup, where no one prevails over the other.
The way it is circular and leads us to knowledge of the past, the planet changes the tilt of its axis and we we change with it. What has been concealed riaffiorerà.
We take this great opportunity, which is 2012, to reflect.
We are willing to cross the threshold of full consciousness? We are willing to leave behind our old world to enter the vacuum of the new creation where all things are possible? There is nothing to fear, for the kingdom to which we have access is a higher dimension, a new level of consciousness, a realm filled with ideas for collaboration and thought-forms waiting to come alive in the physical. We are learning to tap into inner wisdom contained in our heart. More and more people are letting go of old limited deep memories that kept them trapped in the illusion of the third dimension. Now we have to decide if we want to let go of the structure and limitations of our past and go into an unknown future.
Let us have faith in change. Having faith is not only believe in something but to look within ourselves.

Gian Marco Braga, Editor editions of Melchizedek, author of numerous books of wisdom and research esoteric - Milan

Anna Bona, writer of books to raise awareness of the awakening of consciousness. He focused his work on the study of subtle energies and hidden truth - Bagni di Lucca (LU)


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