Sunday, October 11, 2009

Whats A Good Bra Size

Family: matrix of love

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Track of the report of the Conference
Saturday, October 31, 2009 - 14:00 - Christian Vignoli


L’amore dei genitori è una vibrazione che si imprime nelle cellule, nei pensieri, nel Dna dei figli. Trasmettere questo amore è possibile sia che i genitori stiano insieme, sia che vivano separati. Ora sarebbe possibile portare l’amore di noi figli–di noi genitori al rispetto del libero arbitrio. Si può arrivare a sentir fluire l’amore dentro di noi, indipendentemente dal comportamento dell’altro. Si possono imparare dei giochi che aiutano a trovare e mantenere la vibrazione di gioia nella vita in famiglia.

Indagare sul significato profondo della Famiglia è uno degli basic steps to solve those problems that now seem difficult to overcome.

In ancient greek word genos identified the family, but also race, ancestry, birth, genesis, or origin. This helps us understand how a family with children is, and will always remain at an energetic level, a family, beyond the report of a union or separation that can live both parents.
Then a question arises: we can separate in Love?
Sure seems like a paradox, yet it is possible or difficult. In so doing the Family, or "the seed" that descend from that union, may know and live in joy and harmony.
To achieve this we must find, in the intricate forest of emotions, profound answers to some questions: what really mean the words Joy, Love and Harmony? As we have come to love and how, instead, we love. What does respect the free will of the members of a family? How to love their children without being obsessive or possessive? And yet how can we love, we adults, our parents and in-laws when we see, objectively, their "defects" and their "mistakes"?
And how can we afford to accept the love of others: friends, children, spouse, parents, if we ourselves are imperfect?
The issue is easily resolved if we learn to know the human being in its entirety and in its physical evolution, and spiritual soul.
Without this simple move from thought to thought cosmic ego and self-centered, it's easy to feel the love flowing into us and it's easy to smile with love limits, our and others', knowing that everything is part of a plan for growth we we wanted to and approved.
A simple example, to enter into the dynamics of the problem is as follows.
If a person gets clogged ears and sings loudly while you're talking about, then it is likely that there is to say: "I have not heard anything ... So if a person does not know how to listen and feel the love , then it is easy to say, or think to himself: "Nobody loves me, I'm just in the world!" Learning to listen
love, is possible, requires a little 'good will, and the same good will that we have used to learn to read and write! Similarly we can learn, with simple exercises of the Esplanade with me, listening to love, to breathe and give it with joy.
Christian Vignoli, writer, screenwriter, director. He devised the method smooths Meco, to complement the physical parts and energy in person.
President of the corner of Paradise


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