Track of the report of the conference
Saturday, October 31, 2009 - 18:00 - Monica Antonioli
What has happened to our sexuality? Experience excesses as sexual addiction or, conversely, the alleged superiority of mind or spirit from the body. We are disconnected from piacere che nasce in modo naturale. La coppia ha oggi a disposizione strumenti per una crescita ‘a due ’ , che fa ritrovare i sani istinti naturali . Ciò porta a percepire l’unione sessuale come veicolo di un amore adulto, grande, che tutti cerchiamo.
Al contrario di quello che si pensa comunemente, il sesso è solo un aspetto, anche se fondamentale, di quella galassia energetico-biologica chiamata Sessualità. La sessualità è principalmente un'espressione potentissima di energia che , generando calore e movimento, allows the approach of opposites that vibrate the same frequency. It is also the energy that allows the pole to pole male and female of every event of creation, to mate and merge and that the merger (just like the meeting between the egg and sperm) may have originated the creation and with it a new creature. That our sexual energy we move toward a man or a woman or to a delicious plate of pasta or refined to be used to open up an ideal social or artistic inspiration or mystical ecstasy, it creates "push toward" or generates attraction. The Greeks called this factor of attraction Eros. We call it love and that is why sometimes, without even grasping profound sense, we say that love is something that they have had and from which all things originate. Is the origin of life.
The question we ask today is: why the foundation of love and energy of every creative act, has been distorted and exploited to become the instrument through which each of us deals and suffered the heaviest air conditioning in relational terms, social, political, economic and religious? Right now full of challenges so crucial to the happiness of human beings, we must be honest and happy with ourselves and deal with this point perhaps inconvenient but crucial: most of our unresolved emotional particular type of relationship, therefore, are directly related to the stagnation and 'distorted use of sexual energy. It may just be the healing of sexuality, one of the key elements of a possible human and planetary renaissance in which the family will continue to play a key role? If the answer is yes, it becomes natural to identify the pair is in its own units tend to be polarized, the system - leading a healing process that he sees in using healthy, creative - and not just pro-creative - of sexuality, its main purpose. The couple can now choose to resolve itself and to evolve inside the individual Men's and Women's individual, using some simple tools, natural but powerful ability to bring us back to the primordial sense of the sacred and fundamental potential provided by the union of sexuality and Eros: sex.
The question we ask today is: why the foundation of love and energy of every creative act, has been distorted and exploited to become the instrument through which each of us deals and suffered the heaviest air conditioning in relational terms, social, political, economic and religious? Right now full of challenges so crucial to the happiness of human beings, we must be honest and happy with ourselves and deal with this point perhaps inconvenient but crucial: most of our unresolved emotional particular type of relationship, therefore, are directly related to the stagnation and 'distorted use of sexual energy. It may just be the healing of sexuality, one of the key elements of a possible human and planetary renaissance in which the family will continue to play a key role? If the answer is yes, it becomes natural to identify the pair is in its own units tend to be polarized, the system - leading a healing process that he sees in using healthy, creative - and not just pro-creative - of sexuality, its main purpose. The couple can now choose to resolve itself and to evolve inside the individual Men's and Women's individual, using some simple tools, natural but powerful ability to bring us back to the primordial sense of the sacred and fundamental potential provided by the union of sexuality and Eros: sex.
Monica Antonioli - Human Trainer. He established the School of Opera and service, leading to personal growth. Student of archetypal symbolism (the complex of the 22 Major Arcana of the Tarot) - Sesto Calende (VA)
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