Sunday, October 25, 2009

Brain Mri Interpretation

families Networks: Networks of love, conscious, action

Route Preparation Conference Doc_11

How to find serenity at a deep level? How
anchor ourselves and the relationships of love, affection, we lived and we are living in an inner certainty based on a mastery that love is there, and may be seen with less risk of suffering?
How to plan more effectively how we relate with everyday? How to assign new values \u200b\u200bto the masculine and feminine within us? How does one live attraction
sexual and, further, the magnetism between us and our children a healthy, creative?

This involves us in looking inside, TO BE BETTER OFF. And we know that
THE WAY 'AT THE TIME EACH OF U.S., AND' RELATED TO A common dream, created with beliefs, feelings, gut reactions 'written' within us. And when we see ourselves with a look at 180 ° together grasp the reality of who is around us, it becomes easier to grasp the unconscious CODES how we function and how we can transform ourselves.

FEEL CONNECTED TO AND 'THE KEY FOR A FUNDAMENTAL QUALSASI kind of change, both inside and outside of us.

' ONE', the first song that we sing Francesca Caruso the second day of the conference, we will travel to the area of \u200b\u200bperception in which the most immediate is feel united.
It 'a space of ease, lightness, poetry, creativity, which dissolve mental barriers raised between us. And again, later, THE SONG OF CIRCLE , in the same vibration of hearts, we feel that 'When you're here with me, I fear I no longer have, I am not alone, I feel that I'll manage. With you I will succeed '. On the day

Noi Figli-Noi Genitori, partiremo focalizzando che siamo genitori nel modo in cui siamo (o siamo stati) figli e in cui siamo genitori a noi stessi. L’ANCORAGGIO DELLA NOSTRA FAMIGLIA –DELLE NOSTRE FAMIGLIE, che noi creiamo a diversi livelli, nelle molte prospettive possibili (anche il gruppo di Famiglia Oggi è al momento una famiglia) E’ LA FIDUCIA NELL’AMORE CHE SAPPIAMO ALIMENTARE IN NOI .

Rassicuràti da questa prospettiva proveremo a lanciare il sogno di una VISIONE PIU’ AMPIA di quello che possiamo realizzare.
Lo faremo con gli interventi di Rita Bochicchio (Gazzella), Counselor in Psicosintesi e di Susanna Meme (Iris) Psychologist, responsible for the Department of Community Education of the Federation of Damanhur (Ivrea), 'In how many ways can you come out of isolation in the education of children? Experience combined with education and school run by the parents' , which will lead us in a network perspective BETWEEN PARENTS, CHILDREN, FAMILIES.

Following the intervention of even Prabhat Eusebio 'The inner courage and responsibility of parents who decide to create a school project shared' , will come in a pragmatic way in the 'HOW' to become TOGETHER protagonists of the future that we offer to children.

I leave the word to the iris (the Memè Dr Susanna), we sent a notice on its value may have to live LOVE BETWEEN FAMILIES.

From here it follows the release of Iris, which, after an initial theoretical flow like a great story, told by a grandmother happy, creative, and a bit 'crazy ... love!

'every feeling, every GROWING SMALL, HAS HIS VILLAGE.

love, I want to share and make something great or small, TOGETHER.

from many parts Today we talk about "making community." In this definition, social down the processes of re-ostensibly a social fabric, re-stitching of the "us" and networks of relationships, the economic boom and the advent of the dictatorship of the market, has escaped the reality that, at least in part, before the possessed. We are not talking of a nostalgic look back. In the past, there are so many errors and deviations, along with many good things in part, developed over the centuries.

in today, the opportunity to affirm the choices and directions that unite the mind and heart, technology and the broader consciousness that only a group of people, not the individual researcher has the power to thicken. To talk deep symbols present in each activated by studio, dalla ricerca e dallo scambio. Procedere per teorie predeterminate ed ipotesi da dimostrare. Fare esperienza diretta dei fenomeni vitali e successivamente dare un nome ed una teoria a quanto trovato. In qualsiasi modo ci si appropri della mela della conoscenza, essa fa traslare ed estrarre dalla sopravvivenza pura e semplice, i sottili codici di un amore che si fa coscienza, libero arbitrio, imprenditorialità di se stessi e dei propri laboratori alchemici intimi. Da questo spazio interno si distillano sostanze, delle quali si nutre la nostra forza vitale ed animica, sostenendosi nello sforzo di uscire dall’ipnosi della separatività .

Il che vuol dire, nella vita di tutti i giorni, gestire le insicurezze, fears, the sense of possession, addiction, knowing that there are and work to transform, through the trust and exchange with others, that the trial and especially the self - assessment is an obstacle, an excuse for not to change, not to accept that yes, you can feel good, be happy, oh my God ... But all this can do more afraid of the discomfort to which we are accustomed for centuries ... without my large and small flaws, suffering, do not know who are, I have no reference points. Especially the feelings ... And

if our polar star to become the beauty and daring and reach the Sun, the bright part of us and beyond us possiamo concepire, pur abitando la materia e le forme?

Cosa sarebbe l’amore? Cosa sarebbe la famiglia? Cosa sarebbe allevare piccoli della nostra specie lasciando i loro potenziali intatti e non decurtandoli e mutilandoli, come sa fare la nostra alternanza di consapevolezza?

Si potrebbe addirittura scrivere un nuovo Mito , quello della rinascita di un piccolo Pianeta Azzurro , ai confini delle galassie, dimenticato perché di poco conto e prossimo alla distruzione.

Si potrebbe narrare di come, a dispetto di una tendenza alla riduzione degli ideali e dei valori della sua specie dominante, il riscatto sia partito da tanti piccoli gruppi , composti proprio individuals of this species, in various compositions scattered around the globe.

Del that each in its own way, he sang a song and how the different notes have been able to "re-play" and "re-dreaming again all that exists, courage and giving back clarity to people of good will .

many small groups, motivated by the desire to act , useful to perform actions to change the direction set by the market on the planet and change the rules of the game, enabling him to serve the life of all species and all their diversity. Many

individuality made up of small fragments of bright interconnected that, together, can go beyond all limits . In big and small things. In the Know
challenge and grow with their peers and partners, know him at the same height in the eyes of a small, reaching the height of the stars .

And like this, from Mito, may have become history.
Together, we can '.

Dr. Susanna Meme, Psychologist

What in this world of interconnected groups calling itself 'Iris' as the iridescence of a big rainbow. Thanks, Iride!

D.ssa Chiara Sozzi,Terapeuta delle Relazioni Familiari

  • ‘In quanti modi si può uscire dall’isolamento nell’educazione dei figli? Un’esperienza di campo educativo unito e di scuola gestita dai genitori’ , Rita Bochicchio e Susanna Memè
  • ‘Il coraggio e la responsabilità interiore di genitori che decidono di dar vita ad un progetto scolastico condiviso’ , Prabhat Eusebio
  • One, Il canto del Cerchio, Il seme – Canzoni di Francesca Caruso

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Directions for navigating the blog

Welcome to our space di comunicazione di Famiglia Oggi.
In questo primo post sarà costantemente mantenuta la PRESENTAZIONE DEL CONVEGNO
Cliccando sui titoli a segiure è possibile accedere alla documentazione essenziale per conoscerne le principali caratteristiche e le modalità di partecipazione.
1. spazio di presentazione per mettere a disposizione di tutti il vasto materiale prodotto
2. forum che attiva già da ora lo scambio tra organizzazione – partecipanti – relatori.
- Path of preparation for the Conference
- Communications Team Training
- Free papers at the conference of members
- Conference Presentation
- Communications with the comments posted in the month

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In how many ways can you share the upbringing of children?

Traccia della relazione del convegno
Domenica 01 novembre 2009 - ore 15.00
Rita Bochicchio (Iride Pistacchio) e Susanna Memè (Gazzella Mimosa)
L’Educazione intenzionale: che obiettivi can be achieved by creating a combined education among families and between families and school. What motivates a parent to look for other parents. The aggregate wealth of experience already in place. As the 'making community', that is actively involved in social processes, economic, political, cultural, of their own reality, it increases the ability to change reality. The model of the 'program in place' in the intentional community of Damanhur

We start from the benefits. The main advantage in

share, in any form, the education of children is no longer alone to face a task, that parental impossible to fulfill if it is not connected to their world of values \u200b\u200bto identify with. The communities of the past

fulfill this need, providing safety and behavior in daily to find solutions to problems and enough self-esteem and identity as parents ...

The worst enemy of the parents and then the isolation, being dropped from feeling of community, of belonging, direction and tension towards a common goal, all of which are fundamental to our wellbeing as a species. Today

risk let us say what we do from television or a myriad of experts, increasing the confusion and losing the necessary strength to securely hold the helm, to successfully lead the family boat in rough seas of the relationship with their children.

Breaking the isolation of the parents can .

Many forms of spontaneous aggregation are replacing, in part, the community values \u200b\u200band life of the past.
Often these efforts take the moves from the need to find its points of reference values \u200b\u200bto be shared, with whom travel more easily along the path of growth in children.

    One of the first areas Sharing the school provides. Knowing the parents of classmates of the children and share ideas, experiences, doubts and difficulties is often a resource that aggregates for sympathy or affinity, providing a friendly environment where you can find. It 'a field report that can be driven with intent, in order to become a group with goals of growth and mutual support. may be developed common approaches to challenges.
    For those unfamiliar with the web, there are countless sites and blogs that talk about topics that may be of interest to all parents. Can be explored specific topics, you can increase their store of information. solutions can be found in many areas of life including the legal legislation, using the experiences of others.
    can build networks of relationships that can become community and friendship, expanding the space beyond the door, finding in the random size of the place of residence, opportunities for exchange and joint work to create a network of safety and quality of life higher.
    You can create a community of purpose, without necessarily going to live together. In this way you can do trend, create groups of strong opinions, to develop detailed positions on the important issues of human development, you can also direct the marketing and services with the pressure that can carry a group of users / consumers aware. Create groups guidance on the acquisition of basic kinds, food, media, apparel, furniture, games, books, the selection of different types of schools or targeted areas of growth, starting with shared values.
    Parenting can be a system to increase the capacity to know and change oneself. Training groups for parents or di auto mutuo aiuto possono essere ambiti fertili di crescita personale, da cui trae giovamento la relazione con gli altri, quindi anche quella con i propri figli. In questi contesti è più ampia l’intimità, che può esprimersi in virtù della scelta di percorrere un cammino comune, non casuale, ma intenzionale. L’autoeducazione è in questo caso la via maestra per educare i figli. Scegliere di andare a vivere insieme, o in territori limitrofi, può ulteriormente approfondire il lavoro, che prende altro nutrimento da un progetto comune più ampio in cui confrontarsi.
    Essere genitore non è staccato dall’essere persona, citizen interacting with its community of life. It 's a fact of nature that goes along with the endless myriad of roles that the relationship and commitment to grow the port. Making community, that is actively involved in social processes economic, political and cultural reality of its increases the ability to change reality, bringing it closer to our dreams. In this area there are:

- social policies state that, in the most evolved, are promoting actions of involvement of citizens, to build or strengthen the network of local solidarity, implying that even in all processes educational and family.
- le attività aggregative spontanee di cittadini che si riuniscono in associazioni o gruppi formati in base a scelte di vita e che interagiscono nell’ambiente, modificandolo. In questa categoria si collocano le Comunità Intenzionali, la rete degli Ecovillaggi, le Cohousing ecc,.. Tutte queste realtà toccano inevitabilmente i temi educativi, in virtù del loro essere connaturati e connessi alla vita ed alla relazione.

Damanhur è un progetto che può essere letto come aggregazione spontanea attorno ad una scelta ed un’ideale di vita. E’ quindi una Comunità Intenzionale, con un’esperienza di 34 anni di storia.
Questo risultato was possible with ingredients that have been summarized in a formula, broadcast course titled "How to build a community of success."

This formula can be declined in all forms of group or social groupings, starting with the smallest group represented by the couple or the parental couple, going to families, small businesses or degrees, or cultural groups, voluntary reaching up to very large groups of people.
It 's a complex formula that requires several days of study to be described, so do not fall within the aim of this report in greater depth features, and in any case available to anyone wanted to learn more.

Today what we are concerned about is his formula for education. I am

basic assumptions:

  • work to rebuild the natural right to the role of the family, the mother and father and of their parents, within a broader group of people and a united society.
  • Return to the great natural moments of existence such as birth, death, the different stages of growth experienced in a structured environment in order to enhance the importance and values, art and beauty, the wealth of stimuli around itself, the expression of individual talents and dreams and collective self-education
  • parents and adults who are the first role model for children
  • heard support for parents, by all community members, which become larger as an extension, while not replacing them.
  • Rules common to identify with, to provide security and clear references.
  • All areas of education must be connected and in synergy with each other. One of the areas most important thing is that the connection between school and family.
  • We think it important to take care of the educational merits of education sons why we have chosen to Damanhur to have our own family from nursery to middle school
  • The core of the recipe of Damanhur, the assumptions on which the above create a "sweet" special education: a right mix of tradition, innovation, experimentation and practice in social work on changing themselves, designed to achieve a common goal outside of ourselves, of our narrow interests.

We believe that, beyond what we as adults we can tell, to have in hand the levers of education are in fact our own children. Observe them with attention (which is a way to say "love" in full form and specification), means to help us understand their deepest nature, our turn to learn something more, at the same time we teach.

The task of growing children, is to steadily increase its territory by conquest, from the getting the confidence to do so through a few simple rules. Choose together as parents and adults, causes are perceived as true and good from their children.
Lucky to Be a supportive group of people, large or small, provides an unimaginable force, which is expressed whenever it manages to achieve a shared vision.

Vale per la coppia, per la famiglia, via via, sino ad arrivare ai Popoli.

Il nostro sistema prevede famiglie allargate e miste per età ed il tipo di strumenti di cui ci dotiamo al loro interno, può essere adottato anche da famiglie con caratteristiche diverse.

La condizione di partenza è la famiglia stessa, il suo calore affettivo, o quello da costruire, affinché diventi davvero un contenitore coeso.

Nella nostra esperienza, replicabile in molti aspetti, la scelta di avere un figlio viene condivisa nella famiglia allargata sin dall’inizio, dando molta importanza alla preparazione dei genitori e dell’ambiente familiare nel ricevere i nuovi nati. Collaborano a questa “gestazione” di pensieri, idee ed immaginario, i due futuri padrini del nascituro ed eventuali altre persone affini ai genitori.

Questa preparazione proietta l’immagine della propria genitorialità nel futuro, con la cornice di un confronto più allargato, che ne corregge e smussa gli inevitabili svarioni, tipici quando una visione è troppo interna e vicina a sé

Insieme si immagina che condizioni creare nell’ambiente e negli adulti della famiglia, per riuscire a formare un individuo il più possibile capace di essere padrone della sua vita e delle sue scelte e di aprire al massimo i propri talenti al servizio della sua stessa crescita e di quella della collettività

Il lavoro prosegue con costanza nel tempo per tutto l’arco evolutivo, in forma sistematica.
Ogni famiglia, periodicamente, dà attenzione alla crescita di ogni singolo figlio, attraverso incontri in cui si affrontano i punti di forza e quelli di debolezza su cui si sta impegnando, si ascoltano i suoi sogni, si pensano strategie utili per affrontare le sfide all’orizzonte.

Questo lavoro si chiama Programma in Atto e sta a significare che non basta che genitori, adulti ed ambiente si preparino al meglio per accoglier i figli alla nascita, occorre avere la costanza nel tempo di mantenere in essere queste stesse condizioni ottimali, per affrontare inevitabili momenti di difficoltà e crisi.

La forza dei significati condivisi è able to provide the necessary support to the process of generational turnover, which is the size of each family, group or population, able to innovate and stay viable in time and history.

program in place of families, in our experience, is a very important job that helps the family to become more intimate and cohesive

The alliance between the school and family creates a further education together, allowing you to give guidance and references to parents and children over the front door, projecting into the future.

  • All this can be implemented in different contexts, choosing like-minded people with which to compare

Together we can!

Rita Bochicchio (Dorcas Mimosa) - Counselor Psychosynthesis in education, head of Education and the School of Damanhur Damanhur - Baldissero Canavese (TO) Dr. Susanna meme (Iris Pistachio) - Psychologist, Artist, Head of Department Education of Damanhur


Saturday, October 24, 2009

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The courage and responsibility of parents who decide to create a school project shared

Download PDF

Track of the report of the conference
Sunday, November 1, 2009 - 17:00 - Eusebio Prabhat


An effective education is based on the awareness of parents who let the masks of social and educational conditions. Explore and transform the relationship with their emotions and the body is the added value that allows you to create an environment of healthy growth, in which freedom of the mind is first and foremost. With the necessary legal and bureaucratic terms, we can transform the dream of an educational group of parents, in the practical realization of a proposed school-family.



new Children imagine him as an attempt to completely de-structuring the idea we have of education, start a new era of educational means leaving behind everything that man as being influenced by the traditions expressed in these centuries, children have to reflect the new vision of the new man pure and untainted by society, no religion, no politics, no nation, capable of living their own emotions, mentally free and masters of their bodies, to achieve this (it will take many years ) we need people who have at least a glimpse of this vision.

The public school is unsuitable to For this purpose, the task of our research is to create new spaces for children parents and teachers, our job is to protect the sanity of our children, the biggest mistake a parent and a teacher can do is to introduce social conditions in minds of defenseless children, educators of the future will hold keys to understanding the objective reality must be able to use new ways of interacting with children and a new language as neutral as possible and away from subjective interpretations of experience.

We will dive into the path of creating new schools through the possibility that the institutions give us, the family, schools, analyze the steps to forward the request to the administrator of the studies and the rules to follow to start the school family.

So how to analyze the motivations and visions of life to take an alternative route is rich in rewards impegnativo.Tutto but this must be addressed with great clarity, extreme courage and deep love for life.

Prabhat Eusebio - Publisher of the Publishing House for the New Children future man, engaged in research of educational tools for the design of family-school, Orbassano (Torino)

Sunday, October 18, 2009

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Life Sexuality and intimate union: A way of growth, joy and love

Track of the report of the conference
Saturday, October 31, 2009 - 18:00 - Monica Antonioli
What has happened to our sexuality? Experience excesses as sexual addiction or, conversely, the alleged superiority of mind or spirit from the body. We are disconnected from piacere che nasce in modo naturale. La coppia ha oggi a disposizione strumenti per una crescita ‘a due ’ , che fa ritrovare i sani istinti naturali . Ciò porta a percepire l’unione sessuale come veicolo di un amore adulto, grande, che tutti cerchiamo.
Al contrario di quello che si pensa comunemente, il sesso è solo un aspetto, anche se fondamentale, di quella galassia energetico-biologica chiamata Sessualità. La sessualità è principalmente un'espressione potentissima di energia che , generando calore e movimento, allows the approach of opposites that vibrate the same frequency. It is also the energy that allows the pole to pole male and female of every event of creation, to mate and merge and that the merger (just like the meeting between the egg and sperm) may have originated the creation and with it a new creature. That our sexual energy we move toward a man or a woman or to a delicious plate of pasta or refined to be used to open up an ideal social or artistic inspiration or mystical ecstasy, it creates "push toward" or generates attraction. The Greeks called this factor of attraction Eros. We call it love and that is why sometimes, without even grasping profound sense, we say that love is something that they have had and from which all things originate. Is the origin of life.
The question we ask today is: why the foundation of love and energy of every creative act, has been distorted and exploited to become the instrument through which each of us deals and suffered the heaviest air conditioning in relational terms, social, political, economic and religious? Right now full of challenges so crucial to the happiness of human beings, we must be honest and happy with ourselves and deal with this point perhaps inconvenient but crucial: most of our unresolved emotional particular type of relationship, therefore, are directly related to the stagnation and 'distorted use of sexual energy. It may just be the healing of sexuality, one of the key elements of a possible human and planetary renaissance in which the family will continue to play a key role? If the answer is yes, it becomes natural to identify the pair is in its own units tend to be polarized, the system - leading a healing process that he sees in using healthy, creative - and not just pro-creative - of sexuality, its main purpose. The couple can now choose to resolve itself and to evolve inside the individual Men's and Women's individual, using some simple tools, natural but powerful ability to bring us back to the primordial sense of the sacred and fundamental potential provided by the union of sexuality and Eros: sex.
Monica Antonioli - Human Trainer. He established the School of Opera and service, leading to personal growth. Student of archetypal symbolism (the complex of the 22 Major Arcana of the Tarot) - Sesto Calende (VA)

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At the root of love stories ...

Scarica Pdf

Traccia della relazione del convegno
Saturday, October 31, 2009 - Hours - 18:45 - Marina Traversi



find meaning in couple relationships, family life as spiritual journey of the soul in search of unity. Integrity of Body, Mind, Soul, Spirit, we can live the endless possibilities of love, which needs us to act, everything that we are now and we've been in generations that preceded us.

The eternal and absolute in the pair is shown by the meeting of two souls who are attracted to harmonize the common ancestral wounds.
When the Soul heals, man and woman are ready to live this love only if they have the ability to overcome the limitations of the ego, feeling the other as a part of himself.
This union can be experienced in the plan of the Higher Self, when the two are open to this awareness.


Why is this happening necessario che uomo e donna abbiano curato le ferite nate nella relazione vissuta nei confronti delle figure primarie di riferimento, che sono i propri genitori. Quando non siamo stati amati in modo incondizionato, riportiamo la nostra ferita nelle dinamiche di coppia e proiettiamo nei confronti del nostro partner le aspettative deluse . Molto spesso viviamo ancora nel pensiero magico che l’altro possa compensare il nostro bisogno d’amore. In realtà nessuno può amarci se noi non troviamo questo amore in noi stessi.


I problemi che si manifestano nella coppia, sono lo specchio di tutto ciò che non si è risolto generazione after generation, and that manifests itself in various forms of physical, mental and emotional.


What we live in misunderstanding and the difficulty is not due to the fact that our partner does not love us, but the need of our Soul to continue its journey towards perfection, towards the ability to open a Love always larger, the chance to tune in to higher frequencies, even a divine love .


This love is a condition that we can all live when we hear the movement of the Soul in us and we welcome this that life brings us, letting ourselves be guided by you that you know what 'important in itself and to achieve a goal so big and huge, without trying to "control" events


The biggest fear is to be abandoned . This allows us to overcome this fear is feel the love in us . To evolve, we should not attribute to others the responsibility for our happiness, but become architects of what we can live in Love.


Only when we have treated the wounds of childhood e armonizzato le tematiche ancestrali disturbate nella nostra memoria psicogenetica, possiamo vivere nelle frequenze elevate che caratterizzano il piano dello Spirito.


Quando vibriamo nella Dimensione Spirituale possiamo percepire anche nella materia, nel corpo fisico, un Amore totale che ci nutre e che ci permette di amare noi stessi e ogni altro nel rispetto della propria individualità e nella comprensione compassionevole dei nostri/suoi limiti.


Viviamo nella capacità di accogliere noi e ogni altro noi, in ogni nuovo passo che ci porta nelle vita, in ogni direzione possibile, understanding that everything we are experiencing is necessary to enter into full awareness of what we .


understand to be co-creators of reality we are living up to feel that every being is the same Divine Matrix.


Marina Traversi, holistic operator, graduated Process Acopressure Italy - Salò (BS)


Sayings For Retirement Cakes

Because we attract and we feel attracted to? The bonds of love - 1 ^ parte


Route Preparation Conference Doc_10_1


' FOR WALKING IN HERE, WE struck gold this morning in truth I wanted to go alone ... if we now look after me, I see a long line, I did not know how to think From only ...'. The opening song of the Congress, by Angelo Branduardi, gives us the value and meaning of the work we started on 11 July and that is leading us to the Family Conference Today. People were added as hand. But above all it is already open awareness that each of us is not so alone, alone, to search for. There is a common path, because, as a 'human beings', we set program to search for love ... the most precious thing.

From a comment of the week: 'When we are born we know clearly what we want, we need to be loved, we love, the love within us. But then it all grow and change ... '. 'THE BOOK OF LOVE is long and tedious, written long ago. It has music inside. In fact, E 'WHERE IS THE PLACE TO BE MUSIC. PART IS 'REALLY GREAT, PART AND' PRIVATE silly. It 'full of things that we are all too young to know ...'. Thus continues the soundtrack of the conference, with the song 'Book of Love' by Peter Gabriel.

From a comment in August [reduction of the full text]: 'There has always been [in me] an oscillation of love and hatred toward them, and never deep connection. By appointing this situation, I can recall the great love that lies beneath, a love that has brought suffering and inadequacy. I wanted to bring that sense of family that love online has never been explained. Recalling my story with understanding and compassion, I can finally get forgiveness for myself and for others. As a daughter I feel I have never been in the open with my parents. I show them I can only feel good, you be happy. This allows me only to stay on the surface, not to show the whole truth of my being. But when this happens is a miracle and goes to untie knots decades and perhaps generations, and restore value to each. '

And when we go to look into space PIU 'UNDERWEAR OF LOVE? How did things go in the galaxy of sexuality? We left this for last, because we needed to gain flexibility and training to dive in deep water, knowing the right technique to re-emerge with decompression of the lungs (it says so?). Training to alleviate any feeling too pleasant or unpleasant, with a sense of humor that brings balance quickly. So it's easier.

Monica Antonioli will lead us naturally to follow the track of the instinct of attraction. 'Sexuality is a powerful expression of energy, generating heat and movement, allows the approach of opposites ... is that energy that allows the pole to pole male and female to mate and merge ... What ... our SEXUAL ENERGY we move toward a man or a woman, or to a delicious plate of pasta, or is refined to serve a social ideal, or to open artistic inspiration ... it GENERA 'push toward' , that creates ATTRACTION. The question we ask today is: why ... the foundation of love, and every creative act, has been distorted and exploited, to become the instrument through which each of us deals and suffered the heaviest packaging ...?

Chiara Sozzi

of Family Relations.


Saturday, October 17, 2009

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The essence of motorsport

leaving just a video to remind everyone what the real motorsport. It 'a piece tratto dagli ultimi giri della gara dell'ALMS che si è disputata a Laguna Seca lo scorso weekend. Da guardare fino in fondo, sono dieci minuti ben spesi...

Friday, October 16, 2009

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Foto GP Monza '09

Lo so, son mesi che non butto giù nemmeno una riga per riempire questa baracca. Vedrò di farmi perdonare =)
Nel frattempo lascio il link alle foto scattate durante l'ultimo GP di Monza, a chi interessano...

Thursday, October 15, 2009

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Because we attract and we feel attracted to? The bonds of love - part 2 ^


Route Preparation Conference Doc_10_2
And in the galaxy of the primary relationship mother child? The same thing can be said of relations with parents, with children. In the intimate sexual playing the notes learned in primary relationships. Not having mastered a deep respect and love for the movement of energy within us, as we could, as we live them in modulating the movement of energy around a newborn to a child, a son? To me it still seems so strange that a strike deeper wounds, though unconscious, must have been, and still often is, who loves us more, some more love. And the same is what we have done, albeit unwittingly. It 's the most horrible thing to consider, accept, love in our human history, right? It takes an infinite love, if only to see it. And than we want to stop it, disconnect, and then accept, forgive, let go? There is a song of healing, which Francesca Caruso the second day we will sing 'We-Us Children Parents'. The song ' MAMA CRY' ! (Chant of Pain), tear the door before the attachment bond that is destroying us, then, with a movement melting and ascent of spiraling melody enters in the love that is owed to themselves and the legitimacy of what you need to do to recover personal integrity. The song comes from the awareness that there is more love in an unhealthy relationship separate from the model established by a parent (or a sexual partner?), Which remain in a relationship that distorts the sense of guilt in love (or humiliation ?). If I go back to live and breathe, I can understand and forgive the mistake of those who did not know how to model the love with my daughter / son, as he put the comment back.

Leaving means to legitimize the need to cut a link that takes breath vital autonomy. But not necessarily close. In its report Marina Traversi will make us feel (with a statement made in alpha waves) as possible in order to remain protected and vital in relationships in which ATTRACTED TO U.S. WE HAVE A BOND OF LOVE where it meets a vacuum of UNDERSTANDING AND RECOGNITION . Understanding and acceptance that we can leave in for ourselves and for the person with whom we are dependent on the relationship ... (note!) potential of love within us . It may be that we draw a little understanding and respect for partners, because we have so much in our ability to understand and acceptance for ourselves and for others, you can cure a conflict of that type (so ... we are not worse than others, indeed!). Each of us has experienced and is experiencing conflicts in their emotional relationships (if you can notice it). Maybe somehow Marina Traversi will help us to feel love, unity, peace, even in the dissonance of emotional relationships and love.
E 'at the prospect of a look that is born of love for life, as it appears in its everyday aspects. In those pages of 'Book of Love' full of really stupid things, in our days are full. It 's the mission of one who feels that this More importantly, be love and unity, to bring understanding and unification. Also, and above all in the family! It 's the perspective from which to look at the life of Indigo and Crystal children of recent generations (although some have already forty / fifty or seventy years ...) that Cristina Garavaglia will mention, bringing insight and intuition that comes to heart, how to tilt the lens we look to our children, our children, to CHILDREN (those pockets of clear conscience that we are in and out of us). They do this by clearly very small, because we still believe in what they know of life (in the words of the first to comment) then perhaps with quiet behavior, sometimes only through their resistance, or self-destructive behavior, in adolescence, when they lost hope of being able to understand the 'adults' that matters. He suggests RULES 'OF CONCRETE a change of perspective. 'All We Need Is Love' are the Beatles? Spring control, stop with the sense of duty, with seriousness, with manipulation, with the guilt! This does not make any sense. Up to two years with a 'Amma likely! (= Mother enough, stop harass and torment ...). We aware intelligence to understand what they're really saying? We want stop trivializing what they say, reducing it to communications on the material needs of care or attention to himself? We want to decode the messages that guide us, which we had tried to drive to the Pacific? I will speak of KEY of understanding and CODES to dissolve the opposition, which is avoidable, in COMMUNICATION BETWEEN CHILDREN AND PARENTS . I will not say anything more than what all of us have always known since we were born. I will try to spend at least some of what a child communicates with his being, from its first days of life to those who can collect the messages of his eyes flash and communications speechless! A GREAT LOVE AND TOTAL that has nothing 'exclusive', because everything and everyone gathers around him a circle of union. Feeling
INTACT, WITH ALL ITS OWN TWO AND HALF '. We arrive in this life full of love, which nourishes. Then we start on a path where we're going to lose.

A key comment of the week: 'I too feel so, but unlike you I have not stopped looking for ... My cat and a child is not enough for me. Seeking to fill ... still love my other half '.

We know that 'is not evolved' to say that we are trying love that fills us. To say that we have a half to fill. But who really do not ever really does? Even with food? ... Even with spiritual practices, or wisely ... helping others? The 'authenticity' AND 'THE PRIDE OF THIS BLOG, THIS GROUP OF PREPARATION OF THE MEETING. If we acknowledge that we lack, it will be easier to be receptive to realize our own true path to personal completeness.

The tragedy of Tristan and Isolde had departed from the search for completeness through love. And he pointed out a path to occur, all the rest of us sooner or later we have way, if we really put into play. 'Walking through here, we will find the gold!' NOI TROVEREMO , mettendo il nostro pezzettino di verità sincera. Come abbiamo fatto , senza strafare, fin qui, con i documenti ed i commenti del blog. Portando ognuno di noi il nostro semplice contributo nel cerchio degli ARCANI (le sfaccettature del mistero della vita), metteremo insieme un puzzle di esperienze. Non le comunicheremo a voce, ma con la nostra partecipazione emozionale e di consapevolezza (come fanno i neonati).
Nella seconda parte dello spettacolo della sera, DANZARCANA: L’AMORE ALL’ORIGINE DELL’AMORE , la compagnia degli Zelattori metterà in scena le radici del cerchio degli Arcani maggiori dei tarocchi. L’origine all the 1, magician, cards 2 and 3, the two roots of women who carry the mastery in the dimension of spirit and matter (the High Priestess and Empress), and the two male counterparts, 4 and 5 ( the emperor and the pope). The 6 (lovers) will show the pressure of union between the polarities. And all the other arcane? They are derived from them, and discover how ...

And we live as the dissonance, the misunderstandings in the family?

How to metabolize the distortions in the most intimate communication of love, sexuality?

What we know remember the love messages you send, or send to our parents, and recognize the messages of love that we now transmit the children of any age, she and the baby girl inside of us?

Chiara Sozzi

Therapist of Family Relations

  • THE ROOTS OF THE STORIES OF LOVE ... LIFE, Report Traversi Marina - Saturday, October 31 , day 1, h. 19
  • KEY AGREEMENT IN COMMUNICATION: CODES FOR WIND UP the contrast between children and parents, Chiara Sozzi Report - Sunday, November 1st, 2nd day, h.11
  • children's eyes, DOORS FOR A PARADIGM OF LIFE AND THAT 'GIA' within us. GENERATIONS INDIGO, CRYSTAL ...., A Brief Statement of Cristina Garavaglia - Sunday, November 1, 2nd day, h. 14:45
  • DANZARCANA: Love at the origin of Love - Saturday, October 31 h. 22, plays vivencial, with the company of Zelattori, directed by Monica Antonioli
  • MAMA CRY! , Lyric Frank Caruso - Sunday, November 1, 2nd day, h.11.45

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Whats A Good Bra Size

Family: matrix of love

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Track of the report of the Conference
Saturday, October 31, 2009 - 14:00 - Christian Vignoli


L’amore dei genitori è una vibrazione che si imprime nelle cellule, nei pensieri, nel Dna dei figli. Trasmettere questo amore è possibile sia che i genitori stiano insieme, sia che vivano separati. Ora sarebbe possibile portare l’amore di noi figli–di noi genitori al rispetto del libero arbitrio. Si può arrivare a sentir fluire l’amore dentro di noi, indipendentemente dal comportamento dell’altro. Si possono imparare dei giochi che aiutano a trovare e mantenere la vibrazione di gioia nella vita in famiglia.

Indagare sul significato profondo della Famiglia è uno degli basic steps to solve those problems that now seem difficult to overcome.

In ancient greek word genos identified the family, but also race, ancestry, birth, genesis, or origin. This helps us understand how a family with children is, and will always remain at an energetic level, a family, beyond the report of a union or separation that can live both parents.
Then a question arises: we can separate in Love?
Sure seems like a paradox, yet it is possible or difficult. In so doing the Family, or "the seed" that descend from that union, may know and live in joy and harmony.
To achieve this we must find, in the intricate forest of emotions, profound answers to some questions: what really mean the words Joy, Love and Harmony? As we have come to love and how, instead, we love. What does respect the free will of the members of a family? How to love their children without being obsessive or possessive? And yet how can we love, we adults, our parents and in-laws when we see, objectively, their "defects" and their "mistakes"?
And how can we afford to accept the love of others: friends, children, spouse, parents, if we ourselves are imperfect?
The issue is easily resolved if we learn to know the human being in its entirety and in its physical evolution, and spiritual soul.
Without this simple move from thought to thought cosmic ego and self-centered, it's easy to feel the love flowing into us and it's easy to smile with love limits, our and others', knowing that everything is part of a plan for growth we we wanted to and approved.
A simple example, to enter into the dynamics of the problem is as follows.
If a person gets clogged ears and sings loudly while you're talking about, then it is likely that there is to say: "I have not heard anything ... So if a person does not know how to listen and feel the love , then it is easy to say, or think to himself: "Nobody loves me, I'm just in the world!" Learning to listen
love, is possible, requires a little 'good will, and the same good will that we have used to learn to read and write! Similarly we can learn, with simple exercises of the Esplanade with me, listening to love, to breathe and give it with joy.
Christian Vignoli, writer, screenwriter, director. He devised the method smooths Meco, to complement the physical parts and energy in person.
President of the corner of Paradise

How Many Films Jenna Jameson

The serenity of the family after the separation of parents: an experience of a woman and mother

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Track of the report of the conference
Sunday, November 1, 2009 - 09.45 - Dr. Colette Shama

Presentation by Stephen Pace

Chiara Sozzi Interview with Dr. Colette Shama, holistic doctor, Specialist in Pediatrics - Milan

There is a recipe for keeping the integrity of the family when he took over his parents' separation. A woman, a man can learn to accept the pain of failure. It may come to believe again in the report and family. May be able to leave the force to maintain for themselves and their children, the serenity that came from the love of a couple who is loved. By a separation may well also have the option of a beautiful and healthy family, even if divided.

We all experience the focus of a family, this center that holds it together and cohesive. And sometimes what we experience as gravity moves unexpectedly. A move that leaves you breathless because the cohesion flake (perhaps only illusory) that had been painstakingly created among family members. The deaf conflict that can lurk in a family in crisis has long-term effects on children, more sensitive and receptive members of the family itself. In a conflict between parents, leading to their separation, the children lose their points of reference. This loss is painful for the children educated in the values \u200b\u200bof proximity, sharing, union.

yet ... And yet a parent feels that he has an energy that comes from a tall task, a journey undertaken for the sake of their children. And that turns out to be for the good of himself, of himself.
In this journey that brings peace of mind in our children, there are recipes and tips pre-packaged. However, there are little tricks and practical in approach that can support the child at the time of separation:

  • not create the false illusion that all is well. Experience the family reunions and Christmas celebrations, for example, as a constraint only adds a dose of hypocrisy and deceptive serenity that makes the child suffer further
  • Be honest with the child, do not hide your pain, but to communicate it, though in appropriate ways. The day his son will see again a smile on the lips of his mother or his father, after days of gloomy thoughts, it will be a beautiful day. So teach your kids how to distinguish the true emotions and teach them that the pain should not be hidden to make it go away, but faced and overcome
  • love. Not with rage companion, nourishing your heart of malice and that of their children. A child comes before you, before your anger, your pain, your selfishness. You've made the world as an act of love. The first right which is to be helped to believe in, otherwise it loses most important thing in the world. The family crisis is the examination of this faith in love.

What next? What to do after the peak of the crisis is behind us now and the two parents live separate lives? Do not rush. Do not hasten to enter into a new romance with the hope to compensate or replace the eyes of children the previous report. The child needs time to heal its wounds. Do not rush this process and, above all, do not confuse the roles. A father and a mother are unique and are forever. They have no substitutes. New partners are welcome and may open up new loves to life, but the point of reference that is to be parents should not be denied her son. A mother, good or bad, nice or ugly, is already there. A loving dad or cold, or distant participant, is already there. Confusing the roles superficially adhering to vague idea of \u200b\u200bextended family has the sole effect of the confusion in the child.

What is apparent from all this? Still love. See that your child builds a family love, which aspires to be a parent, this is the outcome of a crisis that has been dealt with responsibility and love. Organization, family, tasks, calendars, education, school ... all are necessary, but the fundamental view that children listen to and nourish their future is in love.

Colette Shama
holistic doctor, Specialist in Pediatrics - Milan


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Family Playlist

missing something here ...
A conference that presents itself as "Music & Magic of Creation" has to have a soundtrack.
... So teachers and music teachers!

we can not but be a little playlist of songs that relate to the family. That song resonates in my head that maybe we as we enter and write in this blog ...

Why not identify them? Maybe listen to the pauses in the Congress, in the background. I'm leaving ... I

My favorite song is referring to the couple. It 's a brano che trovo “pragmaticamente romantico”, nel senso di un sentimento che non si concede al sentimentalismo, anzi…parla anche della sana noia dell’amore, non solo del batticuore. Ammetto che sono di parte, perché per me Peter Gabriel ha una voce che rasenta l’ipnotismo.

Ecco quindi il mio contributo alla nostra playlist:

The Book of Love ” di Peter Gabriel

Trovate musica e testo su YouTube

Progettazione/dodici/Stefano Pace

Slr Telescope Adapter

love exclusive? No, thanks

Route Preparation Conference Doc_9
We have seen how the myth of the suffering and dying for love, still resonates within us, through the matrix of the collective consciousness. That is suffering for a companion or a companion, or the love that we feel have received and paid by a parent or a child, deny or fight against this destructive feeling is not effective. It will be easier to start out of the predisposition to suffer from the common love, when we have recognized and accepted as an integral part of us. Of us are not me. Our culture is founded on the ideal of a God who became man to die for love .... And that can not vivere relazioni d’amore coniugali, non può avere una famiglia... .

Quando coglieremo da dove viene il nostro essere pronti a soffrire per amore, mangiando la foglia sulla verità di questo nucleo di coscienza, sentiremo che noi, in effetti, vorremmo invece VIVERE per amore. E null’altro. L’averlo colto farà nascere una calma allegria nel cuore, una capacità di sorridere e cantare di questa gabbia che ora sappiamo vedere. (La ‘Canzone dell’amore capovolto’ è una canzone che, con l’allegria di un cuore che finalmente si sente libero di incominciare a VIVERE PER AMORE, canta ‘T’hanno fregato, t’han detto che l’acqua dev’esser del close! Smiling deception now disbanded. This heart is able to wake up, now, to see the drama as illusory, and to feel compassion for what it was)

The secret is that the love we feel within us always. Right? What is the love we feel for someone else, or we feel addressed us by someone else. Whether it's a love that comes from inside or outside of us ... so no matter where it comes from and where it goes ... is still an energy that moves within us . Change only the stimulus that awakens.

by a comment in the blog of October 7:
- The water that laps the tree of love has to come from your neighbor. And if the neighbor does not give you water, you die. 'S terrible, but true. I've always looked for love outside, from the partner, from friends, from my mother, my father, my sister. I have a picture of me sitting waiting for someone to throw a piece of love and attention ... how much suffering. Then over the years I learned to find love inside of me, or through nature, or animals. But still a part of me still feels like a baby that needs constant and continuous love. So I take her up. And 'nice but find someone who wants to welcome you and hug you and say that everything will be fine. When happens a lot of joy arrives. For years I told myself 'I did not need anyone'. Now the deeper truth is 'I need to feel that I am loved'. In the past, for love I gave away myself. Now I want to find a way to love, to feel loved, but remain intact. -

It 's a mental conditioning wire can feel the love in socially defined situations (the matrix), approved as situations can make us feel the love. One of these is the exclusive love.

When we think of all 'exclusive love associate it with something satisfying, because total. Like a giant table set, everything for us. No one can take away anything ... ... Like the womb, would remind us Giuliano War? Strength in this desire we fail to grasp the aridity of solitude in the sit at this table without sharing. Since we are born we are forced to feel the threat that someone might take something away. E 'shared code of the sense of jealousy. A foolish code. I've also heard of a kitten, born and raised near fusiva consistent with six others, beside the common mother ... 'is jealous' when it is melted down and rushed to exchange caresses, seeing his sister do it with me. The primary thrust of sharing was blocked and manipulated the first moments of life. 'He must learn to be alone' said a baby was released after five days since the merger with the mother in the womb!

We are educated in separate, isolated, to transform the anxiety of the distance in a cynical sense of sense of reality. The first thing that we train is to stop breathing magnetic exchange of love with others. There plastic.

And then we learn to look for the exclusive love. Which excludes! All except one person. The other / other and me. We feel a bit 'of choking? Do not risk claim / give a little 'too much that one person? Not even god wants an exclusive love from us, forbids us to love ourselves, or others. Why one and only one person should become even more of a god?

From a blog comment October 8:
- My 'love' is very focused on love mother-child, which fully satisfies my heart, filling him with feelings of contentment, and what I perceive cosmic around me in my life in relationship with spirit. The love that I share with my partner is a choice of path together in harmony, accepting each other and with the awareness that we walk together better. The one for my son sometimes, unfortunately, knows the fear of loss, jealousy, and it scares me realize that I really 'need' of his love. It 's the fear that has created this state of affairs, when I separated from her father and I have received threats to take away the child. Even knowing that they were unfounded, he managed to let me know the sense of anguish that arises from the fear of loss.
I think you still love to live to 360 ° to fully enjoy its wonder, the basis of love for ourselves, to that of children, partner, loved ones around us constantly and simultaneously perceive the divine. So the need for love will be transformed into pleasure and we are always satisfied ...-

Ed ecco Cristiana Vignoli , nell’intervento che farà nella seconda giornata del Convegno Noi figli, Noi genitori, col titolo ‘Famiglia: matrice di amore’ .
- In greco antico la parola genos identificava la famiglia, ma anche la razza, la stirpe, la nascita, la genesi, ovvero l'origine. Questo ci aiuta comprendere come una Famiglia con dei figli è, e resterà sempre a livello energetico, una Famiglia, al di là della relazione di unione o di separazione che possono vivere i due genitori.
Bisogna trovare, nell'intricata foresta di emozioni, le risposte profonde ad alcune domande : cosa significano veramente le parole: Gioia, Armonia e Amore? Come We used to love and how, instead, we love? What does respect the free will of the members of a family? How to love their children without being obsessive or possessive? And yet how can we love, we adults, our parents and in-laws when we see, objectively, their "defects" and their "mistakes"?
And how can we afford to accept the love of others: friends, children, spouse, parents, if we ourselves are imperfect?

The question is solved if we learn to know the human being in its entirety and in its physical evolution, and spiritual soul. Learning to listen to love, is possible, requires a bit 'of good will, the same good will that we have used to learn to read and write! -

And if the loving relationship between parents runs out? What happened to us if our parents have stopped walking together? Who have officially separated, or that they continued to live in the house, but without deep harmony and closeness?

Colette Shama, Pediatrician, in 'The serenity of the family after his parents' separation' we will talk about his personal experience of a couple of parents who felt full of love, and separation from a companion who issued the challenge to keep love alive in the hearts of children, so as to help to continue to believe in the family. How can you do?
- Be honest with the child, do not hide your pain, but communicate, albeit in appropriate ways. The day his son will see again a smile on the lips of his mother or his father, after days of gloomy thoughts, it will be a beautiful day. So teach your kids how to distinguish real emotions, and teach them that the pain should not be hidden to make it go away, but faced and overcome.
love. Not to force his companion, nourishing your heart of malice and that of their children. A child comes before you, before your anger, your pain, your selfishness. You've made the world as an act of love. The first law which is to be helped to believe in, otherwise it loses most important thing in the world. The family crisis is the examination of this faith in love.
What is apparent from all this? Still love. See his son who built a family in love, which aspires to be a parent, this is the outcome of a crisis that has been dealt with responsibility and love. Organization, family, tasks, calendars, education, school ... all are necessary, but the fundamental view that children listen to and nourish their future is in love. -

Gian Marco Braga and Anna Bona, their intervention 'The union of love between the masculine and feminine archetypal god-in fact obscured in History and Consciousness' the first day of the conference, takes us along the tracks toward the nucleus of obscuring the source of love women History in officially recognized as such, and in the collective consciousness. The custodian of what is love itself, the Goddess, has long been hidden from the perception of our inner eyes . It 's strange then that the way in which we have received so far love was totally destructive, out of balance? Upside down?

'The mind sees only what he wants to see' si afferma nel film Il Codice Da Vinci. Come vivere d’amore, come far scorrere l’amore totale, cosmico, nella relazione tra un uomo e una donna, tra un figlio e un genitore, un genitore e il figlio, nella piena consapevolezza della propria Realtà interiore, della Coscienza Superiore a cui siamo connessi? Come vivere l’amore in relazioni umane , senza costringere la grandezza della nostra Consapevolezza elevata (il Sé Superiore) in schemi di dipendenza bisognosa che ci porta a sminuire noi stessi? E’ mai possibile farlo?

L’esempio archetipico è sempre stato lì, davanti ai nostri occhi. Persone reali che ci sono riuscite pienamente, e hanno lasciato una traccia tangibile. Un uomo e una donna, almeno, per quanto fin qui sappiamo (e di quanti altri che ancora non sappiamo, magari?) passati dalle nostre parti in uno spazio tempo storico ben definito. Un Amore tra due Coscienze piene di livello elevato, una donna e un uomo, ben testimoniati dalle persone che li hanno conosciuti. Quando ritroviamo quelle tracce scopriamo che se ci sono riusciti loro, possiamo farlo anche noi. Qui, nelle relazioni d’amore attuali di tutti i tipi. ...Perfino in famiglia!
Così la Canzone Song for two , nel primo tempo dello spettacolo della sera, concluderà il secondo passaggio del percorso umano che abbiamo fatto nell’illusione che sia grandezza il soffrire per amore. La vita è semplicemente vivere in un sogno. L’amore is to put others in your dream, as the sun rises and sets, and life begins again every day. But in this flow to the heart is simply 'EVERYTHING IS OKAY WHEN YOU AND I ARE TOGETHER'.

And climb the last step in the path of dissolution of the illusion of love, the song Higher Love , will make us feel the emotion of a love that is released in such a sense of intimate union with its core Consciousness of Love high. The ordinary person spoke to him (he speaks to himself) and says, 'You're the best thing I've encountered on this journey on Earth, you're my life, my survival. In I sink you in an Ocean of Peace. I think you are right beside me, and I feel that our unity is now. So I think it was worth trying (to find, touching the suffering and overcoming the illusion of love), because you know what I like my Higher Self '.

Many of us had been able to experience only brief flashes of love in the family. For many of us instead of love between parents and parents against them, there was closure, fatigue, distrust of one another, mutual devaluation, the courts, have generated anger, resentment and disappointment. There was definitely love at the mental level and compliance. There was perhaps even emotional attachment, dependency, helpful attitude, but no love from a heart that can afford to feel and experience the internal drive inside himself and with others.
Perhaps only rarely in the family have experienced the flow of the emotion of the heart of love. It was not enough to internalize it is to live on love that unites, rather than exclude.

You can solve it?
How we solve it?

Dr. Chiara Sozzi
Family Therapist Relationship

- The Love song upside - Song - Words and music by Chiara Sozzi
- The serenity of the family after her parents separated , Colette
Shama - Family: Love matrix, Christian Vignoli
- union Love between masculine and feminine archetypal god-in fact obscured in history and in our consciousness , Gian Marco Braga and Anna Bona
- Song for two (Song for two) - Song - Words and music by Luis Laberenti
- Higher Love (high love) - Song - Words and music by Chiara Sozzi

Monday, October 5, 2009

Air Mattress For Stroke Patients

the union of love between the masculine and feminine archetypal god-in fact obscured history and consciousness

Scarica Pdf

Traccia della relazione del Convegno
Sabato 31 ottobre 2009 - ore 16.30 - G.Marco Bragadin e A.Maria Bona

Cosa succede se vengono individuate testimonianze dissonanti con alcune verità storiche che ci erano state imposte? Cosa cambia nella nostra Coscienza , se scopriamo che una donna come Maddalena di Magdala è stata occultata dalla storia per cancellarne l’identità di compagna dell’uomo riconosciuto come il Cristo? Come si rifletterebbe ora questa nuova visione nella nostra coscienza, which was previously aligned with the imprinting of separation between male and female?

Intervention by Gian Marco Braga

The intervention will follow the trail of 'Da Vinci Code. Why yes'. published in 'The eternal union of Love', published by Melchizedek.

Speech by Anna Bona

In ancient times, the feminine principle was perceived as a cosmic force fundamental . Many people believed the world was created by a female deity who had created the Goddess by parthenogenesis, ie without a male influence.
Power generativo femminile è stato rappresentato nell’arte in civiltà di tutto il mondo, attraverso statue con seni, pancia e vulva molto pronunciati, come ad accentuarne la rilevanza per il culto. Questo si rifletteva poi, non solo in venerazione, ma influiva anche sulla vita sociale e sull’autorità politica .
Le prove archeologiche indicano che queste società, fondate sulla democrazia, sulla pace e sull’uguaglianza, furono sostituite gradualmente da stati dominati dagli uomini
in cui si svilupparono il lavoro, il commercio ma anche la guerra, i conflitti.
Il potere della Dea, della Grande Madre, diminuì fino alla completa distruzione , lasciando gradualmente spazio to male gods. In some cases the sex of the female deities were simply replaced, and soon the distinctive benign power of the goddesses was considered evil, destructive, demonic.
The image of a deity as male dominance was reflected in the collective thought, distorting reality and belittling the female counterpart.
early Jews, like many other ancient peoples worshiped a god who is a goddess. It took centuries for Jehovah became the chief deity in place of the goddess Astarte. When the Hebrew patriarchs were able to destroy the cult of the Goddess, the prestige of the women fell progressively.
The same story was repeated in all cultures. The destruction of the Goddess is of course also reflected in social, political and religious women in authority.
Women were considered to be "incapable of discernment" and entrusted it to the sphere of influence of their fathers and husbands.
Over time, going to the Middle Ages, all that had ties with the cult of the Goddess was completely destroyed or deemed an act of witchcraft. Eighty-five percent of people sentenced to death by the Inquisition were women who were guilty of being educated. The category of "witches" included herbalists, midwives, clairvoyants, gypsies, and in general all those who had a suspected link to the natural world. were accused by the church "does not have a soul," to be the instrument for tempting the evil this man and worthy of ending up burnt alive at the stake ...
The witch-hunt, which took place between the thirteenth and seventeenth century, caused the disappearance of female independence . Towards the end of the Renaissance to the woman was now forbidden to even have an education, which in the early Middle Ages, was still granted by the clause, put by the church to enter the convent.
marriage became the only socially acceptable option for women and gradually it was considered inconceivable that sex femminile avesse mire intellettuali, se non addirittura pericoloso. Alla donna furono negati educazione e libertà e imposta silenziosa obbedienza al proprio marito.
La progressiva congiura contro il femminile si infiltrò in ogni meandro, persino nella scelta dell’uso dei calendari. Il Sole nel suo cammino annuale attraversa la fascia dell’Eclittica toccando 13 diverse costellazioni tra cui quella dell’Ofiokos (Ofiuco), che in greco significa: “colui che tiene in mano il serpente”, ricollegabile ad una dea femminile.
Il calendario lunare, usato dagli antichi Egizi, dai Celti, dagli Esseni, di 13 mesi, (13 lune) ciascuno composto di 28 giorni (rivoluzione lunare intorno alla Terra nel corso a year) has been suppressed in favor of the solar calendar, which included the right to worship a male god . The number 13 is not a case was opposed by religions and considered evil. The number 13 is indeed associated with the revolt of Lucifer.
moon in the zodiac are not only the 4 elements of the astrological tradition (earth, water, fire, air) but also a fifth element: ether, element is not visible but very real.
A long battle of women's liberation was waged in Western society, and these reminiscences, it still reflected today in our society, which has not yet achieved full equality . Emancipation brought the woman in society to be realized, however, creating dichotomies within us and the family, a mirror of influences that come from far away.
The company continues to be a male setting. The woman, who is in charge of work commitments, in fact, has doubled its tasks. Often women are hindered in their careers as mother, as well as the conflict that may arise in her doubling in the roles of mother and worker. How not to feel divided inside?
The roles of responsibility are almost always entrusted to man. There are clear disparities in compensation. How to mediate the whole thing?
In addition, each day we are bombarded with messages subliminal by the media, where it appears a beautiful girl in skimpy clothes, as an appendix to a consumer product or as an object which is nice in the body (housing) and the inner (spirit) to be brought to light. The term "tissue" has been included in the common language. But the average woman is perhaps this "tissue"? In recent times the
the film "The Da Vinci Code" , based on the famous novel, the resurfacing ancient archetypes that are reflected in our unconscious. The couple Divine does not reflect anything but the couple on Earth, the opposites that must merge to become one . "So high, so below" gave us the sage Hermes Trismegistus.
The media power has given us the opportunity for a due introspective analysis.
The Grail is an ancient symbol of femininity and the Holy Grail represents the Goddess, but the power of women, once considered sacred, constituted a threat to the rise of a male-dominated church. Consequently, the sacred feminine was demonized and labeled unclean.
Deep in our psyche, buried for centuries, obstacles, prejudices, there is a breath of excitement, an awakening. We are uprooted from our true self and we need to recover the old seed, the Truth.
Mary Magdalene is the symbol archetypal of the Sacred Feminine .
The first person to whom Jesus appeared was the victim of a campaign of denigration and 2000 years duration has not yet ended. Magdalene was never a prostitute, was indeed a rich woman whose financial support was crucial to early Christianity, but the special relationship she had with Christ brought resentment among the disciples and the result is tarnish his reputation.
Jesus, as the Gospel of Mary Magdalene, which is part of the Gnostic Gospels, Mary Magdalene, the apostle of the apostles, receive from the Master's teachings more esoteric secrets. She is given a special revelation because Madeleine has "eyes to see" the Higher Mind, beyond cold conceptual analysis. The Apostles pay attention, observe, but use the rationality of the mind that obscures the true vision.
Needs shed light on pre-established truths obscured by the power to re-place the right order that the man to regain his feminine side and women their masculine side in a harmonious balance androgynous.
History has amply shown the disasters resulting from human behavior masculine, it has repeatedly attempted to suppress the image of Mary Magdalene and what she symbolizes, but memories of this transmission can not be erased, either now or never. Maddalena was only kept back the unconscious, where it is deeply nested, ready to resurface in the right time.
separating the two aspects was sentenced to one and was excited the other, creating the conflict and instability, which is visible to everyone.
should recontact their feminine energy, the creativity and intuitive understanding of the mind and not by rationality but through the heart, so that there is also the right balance between the couple and therefore in the family and society.
The women love men for the simple fact that it is complementary. The example of the divine couple (macrocosm) transmit to us (microcosm) the concept of transcendence to come in the unity of opposites.
The image of women is not only the subject of sexuality and pleasure for men, but also intelligence and power of the cosmic life force. Recall that the body of a woman is able to transform the material, giving his life.
It 's also the bridge between the known and unknown, between the visible and invisible, as was recognized in the past. And 'the wisdom that comes from the heart, I FEEL (moon) combined with the I AM (sun).
Find your feminine means finding their roots, find the relationship with Mother Earth , resume awareness that the Water and Moon pulsate in harmony with life and with the spirit that pervades them. Everything has to be rethought
in religion, in philosophy, in company with "the eyes of woman." We are at the end of a precessional cycle (25,920 years) to be driven, not surprisingly, toward women, toward the harmony and balance, to the Spirit. It 'important to recover the truth with creative energy for God, as Creator, is not only Father, but Mother.
Truth will bring light to this degenerate society and free balance female mediator.
The human being in its deepest is androgynous. The concept of opposites, male and female, is called to merge into a single cup, where no one prevails over the other.
The way it is circular and leads us to knowledge of the past, the planet changes the tilt of its axis and we we change with it. What has been concealed riaffiorerà.
We take this great opportunity, which is 2012, to reflect.
We are willing to cross the threshold of full consciousness? We are willing to leave behind our old world to enter the vacuum of the new creation where all things are possible? There is nothing to fear, for the kingdom to which we have access is a higher dimension, a new level of consciousness, a realm filled with ideas for collaboration and thought-forms waiting to come alive in the physical. We are learning to tap into inner wisdom contained in our heart. More and more people are letting go of old limited deep memories that kept them trapped in the illusion of the third dimension. Now we have to decide if we want to let go of the structure and limitations of our past and go into an unknown future.
Let us have faith in change. Having faith is not only believe in something but to look within ourselves.

Gian Marco Braga, Editor editions of Melchizedek, author of numerous books of wisdom and research esoteric - Milan

Anna Bona, writer of books to raise awareness of the awakening of consciousness. He focused his work on the study of subtle energies and hidden truth - Bagni di Lucca (LU)