anchor ourselves and the relationships of love, affection, we lived and we are living in an inner certainty based on a mastery that love is there, and may be seen with less risk of suffering?
How to plan more effectively how we relate with everyday? How to assign new values \u200b\u200bto the masculine and feminine within us? How does one live attraction
sexual and, further, the magnetism between us and our children a healthy, creative?
This involves us in looking inside, TO BE BETTER OFF. And we know that
THE WAY 'AT THE TIME EACH OF U.S., AND' RELATED TO A common dream, created with beliefs, feelings, gut reactions 'written' within us. And when we see ourselves with a look at 180 ° together grasp the reality of who is around us, it becomes easier to grasp the unconscious CODES how we function and how we can transform ourselves.
FEEL CONNECTED TO AND 'THE KEY FOR A FUNDAMENTAL QUALSASI kind of change, both inside and outside of us.
' ONE', the first song that we sing Francesca Caruso the second day of the conference, we will travel to the area of \u200b\u200bperception in which the most immediate is feel united.
It 'a space of ease, lightness, poetry, creativity, which dissolve mental barriers raised between us. And again, later, THE SONG OF CIRCLE , in the same vibration of hearts, we feel that 'When you're here with me, I fear I no longer have, I am not alone, I feel that I'll manage. With you I will succeed '. On the day
Noi Figli-Noi Genitori, partiremo focalizzando che siamo genitori nel modo in cui siamo (o siamo stati) figli e in cui siamo genitori a noi stessi. L’ANCORAGGIO DELLA NOSTRA FAMIGLIA –DELLE NOSTRE FAMIGLIE, che noi creiamo a diversi livelli, nelle molte prospettive possibili (anche il gruppo di Famiglia Oggi è al momento una famiglia) E’ LA FIDUCIA NELL’AMORE CHE SAPPIAMO ALIMENTARE IN NOI .
Rassicuràti da questa prospettiva proveremo a lanciare il sogno di una VISIONE PIU’ AMPIA di quello che possiamo realizzare.
Lo faremo con gli interventi di Rita Bochicchio (Gazzella), Counselor in Psicosintesi e di Susanna Meme (Iris) Psychologist, responsible for the Department of Community Education of the Federation of Damanhur (Ivrea), 'In how many ways can you come out of isolation in the education of children? Experience combined with education and school run by the parents' , which will lead us in a network perspective BETWEEN PARENTS, CHILDREN, FAMILIES.
Following the intervention of even Prabhat Eusebio 'The inner courage and responsibility of parents who decide to create a school project shared' , will come in a pragmatic way in the 'HOW' to become TOGETHER protagonists of the future that we offer to children.
I leave the word to the iris (the Memè Dr Susanna), we sent a notice on its value may have to live LOVE BETWEEN FAMILIES.
From here it follows the release of Iris, which, after an initial theoretical flow like a great story, told by a grandmother happy, creative, and a bit 'crazy ... love!
'every feeling, every GROWING SMALL, HAS HIS VILLAGE.
love, I want to share and make something great or small, TOGETHER.
from many parts Today we talk about "making community." In this definition, social down the processes of re-ostensibly a social fabric, re-stitching of the "us" and networks of relationships, the economic boom and the advent of the dictatorship of the market, has escaped the reality that, at least in part, before the possessed. We are not talking of a nostalgic look back. In the past, there are so many errors and deviations, along with many good things in part, developed over the centuries.
in today, the opportunity to affirm the choices and directions that unite the mind and heart, technology and the broader consciousness that only a group of people, not the individual researcher has the power to thicken. To talk deep symbols present in each activated by studio, dalla ricerca e dallo scambio. Procedere per teorie predeterminate ed ipotesi da dimostrare. Fare esperienza diretta dei fenomeni vitali e successivamente dare un nome ed una teoria a quanto trovato. In qualsiasi modo ci si appropri della mela della conoscenza, essa fa traslare ed estrarre dalla sopravvivenza pura e semplice, i sottili codici di un amore che si fa coscienza, libero arbitrio, imprenditorialità di se stessi e dei propri laboratori alchemici intimi. Da questo spazio interno si distillano sostanze, delle quali si nutre la nostra forza vitale ed animica, sostenendosi nello sforzo di uscire dall’ipnosi della separatività .
Il che vuol dire, nella vita di tutti i giorni, gestire le insicurezze, fears, the sense of possession, addiction, knowing that there are and work to transform, through the trust and exchange with others, that the trial and especially the self - assessment is an obstacle, an excuse for not to change, not to accept that yes, you can feel good, be happy, oh my God ... But all this can do more afraid of the discomfort to which we are accustomed for centuries ... without my large and small flaws, suffering, do not know who are, I have no reference points. Especially the feelings ... And
if our polar star to become the beauty and daring and reach the Sun, the bright part of us and beyond us possiamo concepire, pur abitando la materia e le forme?
Cosa sarebbe l’amore? Cosa sarebbe la famiglia? Cosa sarebbe allevare piccoli della nostra specie lasciando i loro potenziali intatti e non decurtandoli e mutilandoli, come sa fare la nostra alternanza di consapevolezza?
Si potrebbe addirittura scrivere un nuovo Mito , quello della rinascita di un piccolo Pianeta Azzurro , ai confini delle galassie, dimenticato perché di poco conto e prossimo alla distruzione.
Si potrebbe narrare di come, a dispetto di una tendenza alla riduzione degli ideali e dei valori della sua specie dominante, il riscatto sia partito da tanti piccoli gruppi , composti proprio individuals of this species, in various compositions scattered around the globe.
Del that each in its own way, he sang a song and how the different notes have been able to "re-play" and "re-dreaming again all that exists, courage and giving back clarity to people of good will .
many small groups, motivated by the desire to act , useful to perform actions to change the direction set by the market on the planet and change the rules of the game, enabling him to serve the life of all species and all their diversity. Many
individuality made up of small fragments of bright interconnected that, together, can go beyond all limits . In big and small things. In the Know
challenge and grow with their peers and partners, know him at the same height in the eyes of a small, reaching the height of the stars .
And like this, from Mito, may have become history.
Together, we can '.
Dr. Susanna Meme, Psychologist
What in this world of interconnected groups calling itself 'Iris' as the iridescence of a big rainbow. Thanks, Iride!
D.ssa Chiara Sozzi,Terapeuta delle Relazioni Familiari
- ‘In quanti modi si può uscire dall’isolamento nell’educazione dei figli? Un’esperienza di campo educativo unito e di scuola gestita dai genitori’ , Rita Bochicchio e Susanna Memè
- ‘Il coraggio e la responsabilità interiore di genitori che decidono di dar vita ad un progetto scolastico condiviso’ , Prabhat Eusebio
- One, Il canto del Cerchio, Il seme – Canzoni di Francesca Caruso