Saturday, December 5, 2009

Unclaimable Insurance Policy

Family Today:

experience of how to create a shared purpose that unites a deep sense of belonging


design stage it was thought that two months following the conference were devoted to develop the theoretical contents that have emerged. We resumed operations, expanding the passages, commenting, asking any clarifications to the speakers. The communication through the blog has led in one direction instead of emotional and affective. Introduce theoretical insights would break the flow of waves emotional, sometimes moved by a single notification of a participant, sometimes as a synergistic resonance. There is a long wave of sharing. The resonance is going to experience in depth, where it seems at times to rest and then return, each with their own time, an elaboration of her own life. There has been a tacit agreement remain in the same area of \u200b\u200battention when we were suspended during the conference, and to communicate on that level: the experience with our sincere respect, love and family.

from the path of family conference today, roots and wings emerged perceptibly the wealth of a truthful communication of ordinary people, who live a normal family life, how we are all.

It seems that the development is stronger: it is not locked in a really valuable one-way, mononuclear, in which the relationship between you and me, parent, girlfriend or daughter or end in the handle separations, tensions do not we create. Il problema nasce per tutti dalla percezione di famiglia come di una realtà chiusa nella gabbia di interazioni superficiali, giocate solo in orizzontale, in cui siamo privati dei valori ideali profondi /elevati, che portiamo in noi. Una percezione impoverita di famiglia ci riduce alla stessa triste realtà dei polli che chiudiamo negli allevamenti. In realtà sappiamo di essere aquile, e di poter spaziare in orizzonti estesi, salendo a vedere la vita da altezze da brivido. La relazione a due genitori / figli, partner in coppia, può vibrare nella vastità di panorami sconfinati, o soffocare nella gabbia di rapporti automatici di un nucleo familiare asfittico. Se percorriamo la risonanza del succo di tutti gli interventi che abbiamo fatto scorrere nei two days, I feel I FEEL GOOD FOR OUR FAMILY'S 'ONE MORE' TO WHICH WE NEED TO RECONNECT.

SCENE THAT WE HAVE MORE IN 'MAKING A DIFFERENCE WITH DIFFERENT NAMES, SCENARIOS, content. The underlying message was, in fact, that no matter how everyone feels right to call him, or how, where, he thinks to find it. Opening of the conference we launched the proposal to create a consensus ON THIS 'IS THAT WE WANT THE FAMILY TO U.S.. However it would be something precious as gold. And we would have achieved whilst together. So far it seems that we found in weaving a REALITY 'MORE' EXTENDED, IN WHICH MOLTI, da luglio ad adesso, ABBIAMO CHIAMATO AMORE, e sulla quale ci siamo ampiamente detti cosa intendiamo.

MUOVERSI IN VERTICALE VERSO L’ALTO O IN PROFONDITA’ DENTRO DI NOI, ( il proprio Centro, la Coscienza superiore, Dio, valori archetipici o etici, etc.) O IN ORIZZONTALE ( un nucleo più grande di progettualità condivisa, che non resta chiuso nell’attaccamento morboso del rapporto ‘me e te’ ) NON SONO DIREZIONI DIVERSE: una implica l’altra e la attiva di conseguenza. E la realtà più espansa che raggiungiamo modifica il nostro vissuto di realtà circoscritta di famiglia. Nella visione che stiamo creando insieme, la nostra famiglia è come a fractal in a whole holographic: each part resonates throughout everything that's in total. If we reach the reality of a WHAT'S EXPANDED FAMILY 'IN AND OUT OF U.S., have expanded the horizons of what we in our own family.

If we listen to the threads of our lives that we have approached within three months of preparation for the conference through the communication of the blog, the two-day conference, and this month after the conference, we can perceive an aggregate translucent inner images, feelings, sounds, emotions that makes us a whole dynamic as picture at the top of the article. This is where WE MOVE there, even when we do not pay attention. It 'a reserve of energy that we can draw on, entering the other, when we hear of it.


WHEN LISTENING COLLEGHIEMO AUTHENTICITY OF OUR 'and decide to share, you create a space for communication HIS LIFE AND THAT HAS ITS OWN SOUL. Vibra notes on authenticity, courage, respect, creativity and love. It 'a community, in cui si entra ed esce ricevendo ed immettendo comunicazione, senza vincoli, dando fiducia al fluire del desiderio di esserci e di ‘cucinare’ qualcosa di buono che rimodelli la famiglia ( come nel sogno condiviso da Partecipazione/undici/1).

E’ UN MODELLO DI PARTECIPAZIONE CIRCOLARE, che al centro ha un nucleo di consapevolezza su ciò che ha fatto male alla famiglia e l’ha svuotata. L’esperienza di persone che hanno camminato a lungo ‘in tutti i tipi di mocassini’ per dirla come i nativi lakota, e conoscono le fatiche, le tristezze, le delusioni, le ferite proprie ed altrui dell’esperienza di famiglia a tutti i livelli. Ed hanno sciolto l’illusione dell’irrimediabilità, traendone il coraggio di capire, credere ed amare.

Abbiamo bisogno di imparare a entrare in contatto con questo spazio dentro di noi in cui vibriamo sulla verità dei nostri sogni e sul riconoscimento della loro preziosità. Abbiamo bisogno di aprirci a farlo diventare comunicazione rispettosa con chi c’è intorno a noi, e azioni nuove, che creano collaborazione . La collaborazione ci potenzia.

L’elaborazione personale dell’esperienza del convegno di Marina Traversi ( Intervento al convegno: ‘ Alle radici delle storie d’amore … la vita ’ ) è stata : 'Speaking at the conference, among those people, I felt that I no longer need to keep close to me as normally when we did not feel recognized. I could share with others the perception of love in me. As I told my pain, my condition of insulation melted, because I feel the love of the listener. Love is past and has made us vibrate together. We did raise. We were together find a way. I felt loved by each person who was there. AND I HAVE SEEN THE OPPORTUNITY 'TO FEEL an extended family in which I recognize themselves in what' THAT IS. And if love could be expressed in a spazio temporale così piccolo di mezz’ora, con persone che non mi avevano mai visto, abbiamo creato una possibilità: l’amore può non avere più limiti’.

Il Percorso del Convegno è stato un LABORATORIO in cui abbiamo incominciato a CREARE INSIEME LA FAMIGLIA CHE DESIDERIAMO, nel modo in cui la desideriamo. Siamo lontani dalla perfezione, ma abbiamo incominciato a riconoscere LE MODALITA’ E GLI STRUMENTI.


Dopo aver condiviso le emozioni, e le immagini pregnanti dell’esperienza del Convegno, potremmo passare al terzo and last step, which can also form the Conclusion of the Conference RITUAL: THE NOTICE OF PUSHING FORWARD / UP conference that he gave each of us. And then all of us together. There is a grain of gold, now, in our family life, we begin to find after returning to normal everyday what's left inside as an impetus to change something.

The ritual of closure is an invitation to speak in turn, even more than once (we have every month or early next ...), leaving us time to reflect, listen, find the opening you are creating in us, in the wake of this path.

COMMUNICATE IN CIRCLE, WITH THE TALKING STIK. It 's a form of communication learned from the native Lakota. You sit in a circle, indicating that each has the same importance as any other. Better if we sit on the ground, in contact with the mother of all things. Who leads the circle has brought a stick, full of energy. The switch to first person who sits to his left. The person takes over with his hands. The stick is the full attention of all who are seated together. Gives it the authority to be heard with deep respect for what comes out of his heart, the truth that feels itself at that time. Who holds the stick in his hands the sacred trust takes only say words that bring the truth that is in his heart, or rather remain silent.

From then visualize each of the participants, who in turn picks up the pole to honor the truth of what he experienced. Perhaps not everyone will find the words or the courage to share them. But everyone held hands for a moment the stick of the word, and will be honored even in the silence of its truth.

There is an awareness, a desire that has gained strength in me with the path on the family?

. What
I feel the need now to revive my family?

Who feel to broaden the sense of belonging to being a family now?

How is making me travel, changing my perception of myself in the family, which are the mirror of the bow with him / her as family now?

answer to the question that resounds ... .. Greetings from the heart to each of us, and thanks for the journey we shared. When it is finished processing the location of the conference we will meet in projects that are flowing from this common experience .

Ci sono tre direzioni fondamentali, che verranno via, via, presentate nei tre spazi a seguire:

  • I PERCORSI di CRESCITA INTERIORE nelle relazioni familiari
  • I GRUPPI di PROGETTUALITA’ CONDIVISA genitori-figli / famiglie / famiglia umana-famiglia planetaria
  • La creazione di uno spazio di comunicazione costante, come LABORATORIO di una COMMUNITY FAMIGLIA

D.ssa Chiara Sozzi
Esperta di Relazioni Familiari


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