Saturday, December 5, 2009

Toy Medical Trolleywith A Heart Monitor

shared planning

groups network parents and children - families - family human / planetary family

Network contact parents / grandparents - children

While each of you continues its development staff on the experiences of families, couples, parents, who follow the Path of Family Today, I renew an alert :

the meeting in Damanhur (Ivrea)
March 20, 2010
for those with children (0 to 12 years) or pre-adolescents and adolescents.

Rita Bochicchio (Dorcas) and Susanna Meme (Iris), speakers of the day we children we parents (and phantasmagoric play of colored paper!), organized a day devoted to who is consciously choosing the educational path to offer growth opportunity for their children.
The day off is dedicated to

'The importance of field-school'

There will be a lunch together at the farm, and will be the opportunity to review and tell the last two months. At 14:20 we will exchange the two groups for parents of children and parents of pre-adolescents and adolescents. At 16.30

the conference 'Intentional education at school and family '.

-> See pdf for detailed program . The guided tour and lunch are to be booked.


Second report:

Thanks to the energy released during the previous session that we exchange among mothers of children on January 16 at Damanhur, in Milan - Como - Lecco - Varese Pavia - Vercelli - Alessandria is reactivating a

Circle of women

The first circle was born in the 90 with 2013gate. The current one is still catalyzed by me, assisted by seven women who have previously done in-depth on a growth path with the Women's Consciousness Shifting Method.
If there are women in the family today Path interested in participating can contact me for further information.

It 's a group of women, not only mothers, and one of his goals is to unite across women as such, beyond the social status of their mothers / grandmothers, single or childless for Perhaps energy and strengthen its alignment with the female energy.


Sabato 16 gennaio 2010

a Baldissero Canavese (To), ospiti di Damanhur e del


  • h. 11 - Incontro di conoscenza e gioco genitori, nonni e bambini di Famiglia Oggi , con Chiara Sozzi e Memè Susanna

  • h. 14 - Gruppo di lavoro mamme: i primi passi per supportarsi each other, enhance their educational intentions, making plans with others in their place of residence, Rita Bochicchio, Meme Susanna, Chiara Sozzi
  • h. 16.30 - Conference Keys and codes of communication with children, understanding each other to grow together, Dr. Chiara Sozzi

Other organizational details:

- At 12:30, lunch at the restaurant of Damanhur Crea (very low cost - booking within 10 January)
- In the afternoon, dad, grandparents, grandmothers can continue to play with the children, supported by an animation of Damanhur
- Durante la conferenza un’animatrice di Damanhur intratterrà i bambini – Possibilità di baby sitting individuale per i piccoli ( con prenotazione e contributo di circa 10 € ).

Informazioni e prenotazioni: 0124.512175 (orari ufficio)

Ritrovo: h. 11 in Via Pramarzo, 3 – Baldissero Canavese

(sul satellitare Google segnalato come Federazione di Damanhur)

Segnala la partecipazione a to be updated / on a particular organization.

If you are a parent or grandparent indicates your interest in joining the group NETWORK CONTACT PARENTS / GRANDPARENTS - CHILDREN, however, to be informed on the opportunities, meetings, joint development of emerging groups, and to receive notices of other parents / grandparents.
will be placed in specific mailing list.


Keys and codes of communication with children, understanding each other to grow together

Dr. Chiara Sozzi


January 16, 2010 - Damanhur Crea, Baldissero Canavese (To)

Parents and committed people to offer to children and adolescents respectful relationships, which can grow according to their codes of evolution, are now facing a significant challenge. They need not only to understand their key unified interpretation of reality, but also to detoxify by deep emotions and beliefs which are often not aware of it, put the key in which perception has been shaped by previous human matrix. Without this movement per una reale trasformazione interiore, rischiano l’inefficacia educativa, o di suscitare, con le proprie modalità di relazione, la ribellione ad un messaggio comunicativo che risulta inevitabilmente contraddittorio.

La partecipazione è gratuita.

Informazioni: 0124.512175 –

Inizio h. 16.30 - Via Baldissero, 21 – Vidracco

(Sul satellitare Google : Segnalato come Supermercato biologico Tentaty)



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