XXI Giochi Olimpici Invernali Vancouver 2010
2° Esposizione d’Arte Spirito Olimpico italiano
Educare alla contemporaneità delle culture e alla pace
S’inaugura a Vancouver, presso Casa Italia, Round House-YaleTown, la 2° Esposizione d’Arte
Spirito Olimpico Italiano. Curatrice è Renata Freccero, University of Turin, the artistic direction of Silvia
Belvisi "Living Art".
The Exhibition will be open from 12 to 28 February.
The catalog published by the Libreria Editrice Universitaria Levrotto & Bella Torino, was officially presented to House
Italy CONI February 19, 2010 together with the Italian Cultural Centre who helped organize the evening dedicated
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the present works at Casa Italy CONI, the Italian artists is already well established and some emerging
. Besides, it is submitted by the critic of La Stampa, Angelo Mistrangelo exposure
cinque artisti per 5 Cerchi, che ad alcuni giorni dall’inaugurazione dei Giochi ha perso un artista
di grande valore, il maestro Antonio Carena.
Queste rappresentazioni pittoriche sono dedicate al senso profondo della pace olimpica.
Il Presidente della Repubblica Giorgio Napolitano in una lettera inviata dal Segretario
Generale della Presidenza della Repubblica agli organizzatori, ha così espresso la sua stima
all’Esposizione Spirito Olimpico Italiano: «L’impegno profuso nella realizzazione di questa
iniziativa culturale e la sintesi espressiva delle opere esposte contribuirà a stimolare la riflessione
dei visitatori, provenienti da Paesi diversi, sul significato universale dei valori fairness,
solidarity, brotherhood and mutual respect that animate and regulate every
sports competition. "
the president of CONI Giovanni Petrucci, a member of the Honorary Committee presentation
wrote: "Sport, essential dimension of education and culture, must develop the attitudes
, will and mastery of ourselves and of every
human and facilitate full integration into society. The values \u200b\u200bof sport, friendship, commitment, courage, self-respect
themselves and others, peace, universal ideals are valid for all and at all times which can be summarized in a single expression
: Olympic spirit. Today, more than ever, there is a greater
need to find the values \u200b\u200bthat society often seems to forget today. But
values \u200b\u200bthat despite developments and changes of modern society are inherent in sport and, for this
, must be protected and safeguarded. All these meanings are expressed in art
dedicated to the Olympic Games, where the language of sport as art is a universal language
, through which all are able to understand and communicate, where the spirit of the athlete
merges with that of the artist. The search for the ethical quality of life, the desire
to express their physical and moral. From this point of view is that the Arts Sport
are also carriers of messages of peace, creating a bond that unites people of every nationality
, of \u200b\u200ball races and all walks of life. "
Today's society is included in an intercultural context, bigger and bigger. This new contingency
invites us to look to the values \u200b\u200bof social harmony and peace, values \u200b\u200bthat are well paired with
Olympic event, extraordinary moments that unite peoples and cultures under the same flag
Looking to 5. The works submitted for the XXI Olympic Winter Games 2010 Vancouver
tell of a poetic access runways, stadiums, places where humanity is facing, he discovers the existence
pure feelings and emotions, the dream becomes reality and reality podium, fighting,
defeat, hope, play, music, energy, match, flip words in rarefied atmospheres.
Their work constitutes the basis of a discourse that goes beyond words.
The exhibition of art made in Italy CONI House "Italian Olympic Spirit-Educating
contemporary cultures and peace", was inspired by the Olympic motto: Citius Altius
FORTIUS. The "contemporary cultures' is the presence of all the world's cultural identity, combined joy
participation in the Games. This is the context, the ekecheiria, the Olympic Truce
already present at the ancient Olympic Games.
Five Artists for by Section 5 Search
Mistrangelo Angelo, La Stampa of Turin
Ennio Calabria, Antonio Carena, Maria Cristina Carlini, Riccardo Cordero, Richard Licata.
Artists presented by Silvana Belvisi "Living Art"
Silvana Alasia, Luis Alberto, Branimir Antonov, Roberto Angiolillo, Cornelia Badel, Francesco
Argiolu, Gianpiero Bonfantini, Ines Daniela Bertolino, John Bort, Valeria Corvino, Antonietta
Campilongo, Paola Delfino, Massimo Castronuovo, Donatella Di Maria, Liliana Cavigioli, Daniela
Foschi, Anna Costantini, Ceylan Insel, Alfredo Di Bacco, Paolo Lantieri, Elena Ferrini, Isabella Monari,
Simonetta Fontani, Consuelo Mura, Manuela Kanaris, Antonio Paradiso, Maurizio Magretti, Salvatore
Pino, Guglielmo Meltzeid, Nicoletta Nava, Vanni Saltarelli, Alberto Scalas, Angiolo Pergolini, Davide
Secci, Piero Rasero, Liliana Stefanutti, Benedetto Robazza, Antonio Tamburro.
Daniele Compatangelo - Ufficio Stampa, Esposizione Spirito Olimpico Italiano –
Cell: 001 778 320 5493 – 0039 335 30 38 79