Sunday, September 13, 2009

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the Italian family in the past: a look at the roots collective

Track of the report of the Conference
Saturday, October 31, 2009 - 09.45 - Serena Melloni
Reflections on the major economic and cultural patterns of the family of our recent past: the legitimacy, role playing, social and legal rules that have shaped the dynamics of family past centuries.

The story offers a large reservoir of research that is very useful for those who want to bring more harmony in daily life: to know better rules that shaped the family relationships of the past in fact allows us to identify those hidden and powerful mechanisms that, unbeknownst to us, take out the command of the mind, influencing actions and emotions. The result is the ability to make choices more aware: Some values \u200b\u200bwill prove valuable and essential, others will appear as a burden and a constraint. The invitation is to make a selection, deliberately decide what to keep and what to throw away, something to make our use.

's very interesting to watch as the motivations that lead to marriage. In the past we know that the strategic component (economic and social) was predominant, and that love era perlopiù relegato ai romanzi, ai rapporti extraconiugali e ai sogni delle fanciulle benestanti. Oggi il fatto di sposarsi per amore è altamente riconosciuto e approvato a livello sociale. Tuttavia la spinta al matrimonio perchè "così fan tutti" è molto forte. E il rischio è quello di vendere la propria onestà e chiarezza interiore in cambio della normalità.

Ci si sposa per amore e poi tutto cambia. Com'è possibile? Lui non era così pantofolaio e possessivo, io non ero così nevrotica e insoddisfatta... la mente tende a scivolare nei modelli nascosti e, mentre a vent'anni era chiarissimo che avrei fatto a modo mio, quando mi sposo tendo a ricadere nel "pacchetto matrimonio" come in un vestito già I'm not ready to have him even realize, until it becomes too tight. Should instead be on the alert. Renewed every day. It is no longer possible to buy pre-packaged because it compresses the individual and his flower, and in providing too much suffering.

The fact is that the collective unconscious is very slow. On the scientific front, for example, we are all mostly related to a Newtonian view of space-time, as if the next century of Einstein and quantum physics did not exist. Historically we have no idea about all the ferment, the centuries of individual and collective struggles, wars and global housewives, who have taken his family where he is today: trapped in the cocoon as a caterpillar, between death and rebirth. What do you leave? What to bring in the new world everyday? These questions need to be placed at each individual, and the answer lies within each of us.

Serena Melloni
Degree in Modern History, Holistic Operator


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