VENTOvelocitàRIFLESSI third leg in Milan, Banca Sella
From October 2 October 30 at my paintings will be present at the Milan branch of Banca Sella Via Parmigianino 13-15.
schedules are opening branch: 8.30 to 13.30 and from 15.45 to 16.45 Monday to Friday. I expect you all
Monday, September 28, 2009
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Rc Aiplane Build Stand
We love the way we have been loved? How is the matrix of love that we experience?
Route Preparation Conference Doc_7
Respect and be respected.
To love and be loved.
understand and be understood.
Allow freedom to be themselves and maintain the freedom to be ourselves.
... And find the energy to invest in the attention to this!
The nodes of the relationship.
The nodes of the relationship with parents and their children.
nodes of the family.
Why is not all spontaneous? Why
triggered conflicts or creating distance barriers?
Our conduct of love and family are born from spontaneous habits. Following behavior patterns that have little to do with what we want to be. Some escape by becoming aware. Others have been noticed and feel inadequate and discouraged by this.
TO CREATE A consensus about love and family we need to look at how we are together, comparing them with serenity. 'The dirty clothes are washed in the family' was the rule. So we could not know that everyone was experiencing exactly the same feelings, the same experiences.
so begins the story of Hyemeyohsts Storm, the traditions of Native North Americans. The river could be the life that flows within us? And be there in a group of extraordinary consciousness, that if we had the courage to seek it, would lead us to a dramatic change?
The common reality that flows in us is that the loving relationships we build it from scratch out family of origin, inevitably reflect the patterns that we have experienced with their parents and siblings.
In his will that the Congress [I, the person looking for myself. The different ways in which I can project myself in love relationships - published in the blog in speakers'] Julian Guerra, a psychiatrist and psychotherapist, says that "The person must be able to harmonize its parts unconscious and conscious. In his less conscious there are situations related to what mom and dad sent him, sometimes mixed in the shade. Above are the qualities (those of the soul).
The person must acquire clear vision of how this is done. If it succeeds common shares to supplement the shadow of his parents, can develop a conscious way to deal with the partner and children. When the pair should not ally ourselves to the level of meaning, that the alliance should take place here at the top. If we are in a process of evolution of the soul, then we meet a couple who knows how to generate love and completeness. But now most of the time the couple alleiamo still there in the complex. If you had a strict father, a wife looking severe, if you had a mother who abandoned you, the imprinting is the abandonment. This is intimately
to establish a complicity on the planes of consciousness.
Compared to the existence of imprinting is there to say that you can not heal the imprinting, because the mind is a computer that can not erase.
What we have received in memory, but WE CAN MAKE NEW MEMORIES.
The task is to create the pair NEW RULES 'REPORT through a new relationship. "
In the light of Julian's War, we can also make a step further. When we open ourselves to shared comparison, we find that the models that gave us the imprinting of how love changes are minimal MATRICES common to us all.
arrays behaviors of love does not belong to us only as a generation. They come from afar, from DNA codes, in which we are shaped like waves of a common great ocean ...
there actually a single river, or ocean, made of models of love, which flows within us, where we travel, even if unconscious.
not all 'our stuff' or our parents. There is much more.
becoming aware of this, we begin to swim, learning how to make waves. If you see there of us immersed in a stormy sea, surrounded by many other people in need as we are, what would we do?
would effectively lose energy with feelings of guilt or inadequacy? O mulling over who made me end up here?
'O man, or woman of 2000. Come down from the tree, wake up! '.
It will be the song-rap that will take us to the conference, playfully taking note of a situation in which all amazing we are in our ordinary consciousness than the experience of love.
'You got
said that love is a plant that dies if the baths'.
So far there is. But there is something on which to warn us.
'T'han He must be said that the water of the nearby,
t'han must be said that from his garden ...'.
What do you think? There is something to be ineffective in a matrix of love like this? Rationally we
anche capire che ‘non deve’ essere così, perché impostando l’amore in questo modo tra gli umani qualche volta può anche non funzionare.
Eppure chi di noi onestamente può negare che la percezione immediata che abbiamo dell’amore è di DARE IL NOSTRO AMORE A QUALCUNO , oppure DI ESSERE AMATI DA QUALCUNO?
Non diamo il nostro consenso a riflessioni filosofiche o spirituali elevate. Chi si è ripetutamente recato ‘al fiume ’ della vita in noi, sa, perché l’ha sperimentato, che non cambiano di fatto il vissuto inconscio.
Tra gli animali è abbastanza scontata la reciprocità. Tra gli umani sembra per lo più che lo schema si attivi invece al contrario. Quasi sempre we give our energy, all of us, mostly those who do not give us anything in return. Against anyone who gives us so much ... let's assume that we will always be loved, then do not worry, we do not need to show gratitude and love.
E 'common experience of the matrix of love and desire the love of ... who does not give us love! The rule seems to be that love must be won, won!
Why is it so?
How can we get away? How can we work differently
love and family?
Dr. Chiara Sozzi
relations Family Therapist
Route Preparation Conference Doc_7
Respect and be respected.
To love and be loved.
understand and be understood.
Allow freedom to be themselves and maintain the freedom to be ourselves.
... And find the energy to invest in the attention to this!
The nodes of the relationship.
The nodes of the relationship with parents and their children.
nodes of the family.
Why is not all spontaneous? Why
triggered conflicts or creating distance barriers?
Our conduct of love and family are born from spontaneous habits. Following behavior patterns that have little to do with what we want to be. Some escape by becoming aware. Others have been noticed and feel inadequate and discouraged by this.
TO CREATE A consensus about love and family we need to look at how we are together, comparing them with serenity. 'The dirty clothes are washed in the family' was the rule. So we could not know that everyone was experiencing exactly the same feelings, the same experiences.
'There was a time when everyone lived in a state of deep confusion, fear and suffering. Everyone knew that the river lived a very powerful person, who could solve any problem, but nobody wanted to admit to himself or others having a problem. Then everyone went to the river and crawling secretly did not speak with anyone '.
so begins the story of Hyemeyohsts Storm, the traditions of Native North Americans. The river could be the life that flows within us? And be there in a group of extraordinary consciousness, that if we had the courage to seek it, would lead us to a dramatic change?
The common reality that flows in us is that the loving relationships we build it from scratch out family of origin, inevitably reflect the patterns that we have experienced with their parents and siblings.
In his will that the Congress [I, the person looking for myself. The different ways in which I can project myself in love relationships - published in the blog in speakers'] Julian Guerra, a psychiatrist and psychotherapist, says that "The person must be able to harmonize its parts unconscious and conscious. In his less conscious there are situations related to what mom and dad sent him, sometimes mixed in the shade. Above are the qualities (those of the soul).
The person must acquire clear vision of how this is done. If it succeeds common shares to supplement the shadow of his parents, can develop a conscious way to deal with the partner and children. When the pair should not ally ourselves to the level of meaning, that the alliance should take place here at the top. If we are in a process of evolution of the soul, then we meet a couple who knows how to generate love and completeness. But now most of the time the couple alleiamo still there in the complex. If you had a strict father, a wife looking severe, if you had a mother who abandoned you, the imprinting is the abandonment. This is intimately
to establish a complicity on the planes of consciousness.
Compared to the existence of imprinting is there to say that you can not heal the imprinting, because the mind is a computer that can not erase.
What we have received in memory, but WE CAN MAKE NEW MEMORIES.
The task is to create the pair NEW RULES 'REPORT through a new relationship. "
In the light of Julian's War, we can also make a step further. When we open ourselves to shared comparison, we find that the models that gave us the imprinting of how love changes are minimal MATRICES common to us all.
arrays behaviors of love does not belong to us only as a generation. They come from afar, from DNA codes, in which we are shaped like waves of a common great ocean ...
there actually a single river, or ocean, made of models of love, which flows within us, where we travel, even if unconscious.
not all 'our stuff' or our parents. There is much more.
becoming aware of this, we begin to swim, learning how to make waves. If you see there of us immersed in a stormy sea, surrounded by many other people in need as we are, what would we do?
would effectively lose energy with feelings of guilt or inadequacy? O mulling over who made me end up here?
'O man, or woman of 2000. Come down from the tree, wake up! '.
It will be the song-rap that will take us to the conference, playfully taking note of a situation in which all amazing we are in our ordinary consciousness than the experience of love.
'You got
said that love is a plant that dies if the baths'.
So far there is. But there is something on which to warn us.
'T'han He must be said that the water of the nearby,
t'han must be said that from his garden ...'.
What do you think? There is something to be ineffective in a matrix of love like this? Rationally we
anche capire che ‘non deve’ essere così, perché impostando l’amore in questo modo tra gli umani qualche volta può anche non funzionare.
Eppure chi di noi onestamente può negare che la percezione immediata che abbiamo dell’amore è di DARE IL NOSTRO AMORE A QUALCUNO , oppure DI ESSERE AMATI DA QUALCUNO?
Non diamo il nostro consenso a riflessioni filosofiche o spirituali elevate. Chi si è ripetutamente recato ‘al fiume ’ della vita in noi, sa, perché l’ha sperimentato, che non cambiano di fatto il vissuto inconscio.
Tra gli animali è abbastanza scontata la reciprocità. Tra gli umani sembra per lo più che lo schema si attivi invece al contrario. Quasi sempre we give our energy, all of us, mostly those who do not give us anything in return. Against anyone who gives us so much ... let's assume that we will always be loved, then do not worry, we do not need to show gratitude and love.
E 'common experience of the matrix of love and desire the love of ... who does not give us love! The rule seems to be that love must be won, won!
Why is it so?
How can we get away? How can we work differently
love and family?
Dr. Chiara Sozzi
relations Family Therapist
- The tree to bloom again - Published in the speakers'
- person I'm looking for myself. The different ways in which I can project myself in love relationships. Dr. Julian Guerra, MD, Psychotherapist. Specialist in psychiatry and medical psychology. - Published in the speakers'
- The song of love turned upside down. Dr. Chiara Sozzi, Therapist of family relationships - Published in the speakers'
Acrostic Poem For Islam
I, the person looking for myself. The different ways in which I can project myself in love relationships.
The interior spaces of the person and the different plans from which we can open ourselves to relationships.
The balance and integration between the inner part of the male and female, to build our completeness. The harmonious relations in the person who has loose ties and parenting has walked the line of evolution from consciousness of the adult child, to the consciousness of the transpersonal Self. The direction of our unconscious and the plans of awareness, live in our love relationships.
The 'egg model' of therapeutic Psychosynthesis, Roberto Assagioli, integrates the contributions of Jung and transpersonal psychology. It 'been recognized as a scientific model by WHO (World Health Organization).
see the person as consisting of the Unconscious upper, middle and bottom. It also formed by the ego, the conscious part, by Sé Transpersonale e dall’Inconscio collettivo.
Noi siamo sostanzialmente un Inconscio, e una parte in cui noi siamo coscienti, che è il nostro Io. E’ la consapevolezza, che riceve con i cinque sensi, e la coscienza che dall’Io porta a questo Sé transpersonale (Inconscio cosmico), il collegamento con lo Spirito. Tutto questo che troviamo in noi, rientra nell’Inconscio collettivo.
La maturazione personale porta a trovare un’armonia, una sintesi dentro di noi , nel nostro Inconscio inferiore, medio e superiore, tra le nostri parti maschile e femminile, razionale ed emozionale, adulte ed infantili. Quando abbiamo armonizzato in gran parte tutto questo, siamo in qualche modo già complete. We open the reports do not need to, but desire to interact, to identify ourselves. We are already 'married' in a marriage within, we are already at the same time, children and parents ourselves.
As children up to age 18 do not exist for energy self . To construct our identity we need to nourish the energy of love that we receive from the mother and father. Next, we cut the link with parents and begin to create for ourselves our own process of evolution. become adults becoming aware of how we were children , forms of male and female, the type of rational and emotional energy that act upon us, through binding with the internal models of father and mother. We need to understand if we were able to break the cordon, or if we are still trapped in a harnessing of unresolved links.
to build new ties balanced, we must take place within us the harmonization of the masculine and feminine we have given our parents. Unconscious below are the qualities, talents, and situations associated with what mom and dad passed on to us. These issues are unconscious, sometimes mixed in the shade. In proportion, way, way, we gain a clear vision of how we are made, and will integrate the shadow shares related to our parents, we become complete in the relationship between our male and female, and we become parents ourselves .
How far we have formed relationships couple?
When we form relationships, especially couples, often tuned to only one side of which we are trained. The alliance may be lower or higher.
More often than individuals, couples line up in the complex. For example, if you had a strict father seeking a partner to severe, and if you had a mother who left you, the imprint on which attract a bond is the abandonment. This is intimately known, plans to bring the complicity of consciousness.
fact you can not heal the imprinting, because our mind is a computer that can not erase. Compared to the existence of imprinting is there to say you can not heal the imprinting, because the mind is a computer that can not erase.
What we have received in memory, but WE CAN MAKE NEW MEMORIES.
The task is to create the pair NEW RULES 'REPORT through a new report.
Who becomes a person?
There infantile libido, which has its stages of evolution from the physiological point of view. The stage of delivery, the oral, anal, etc.. If the child does not
libido has evolved, it can be stops at the hearing, and then you ask the couple as the child who seeks milk. If there is the unresolved oedipal phase, the relationship is always three. The genital stage is not resolved in a harnessed power of communication that is only sexuality (what the company is proposing in the film). There
to understand that love is above all a state of consciousness, is an energy that comes from above. When passing from the head is expressed as love, when it passes from the heart becomes how to project. When it comes to the genitals becomes sexuality.
The SINGLE how does this exercise in communication?
The single is the persona che prima di tutto armonizza lo sviluppo della sua libido interna . Cerca come è fatta la sua struttura di persona. Impara a contenere le sue zone d’ombra , imparando a sviluppare le sue parti superiori, i suoi talenti.
A questo punto ognuno di noi che ha realizzato questa operazione è già sposato, perché ha già trovato dentro di sé tutto ciò che gli serve .
E nella COPPIA ?
Quando abbiamo saputo , dentro di noi, liberarci dei legami genitoriali, armonizzare il maschile e il femminile, razionalità ed emozioni, abbiamo trovato un IO , UNA SINTESI .
Allora troviamo un/a compagno/a NON SOLO PER LA LEGGE DELL’ATTRAZIONE. Richiamiamo a noi una persona al pari di noi, e cerchiamo di costruire una COMUNICAZIONE A LIVELLO DI IO COSCIENTE.
Su questo piano si genera comunicazione in cui, quando capita un’ombra, la coppia la riconosce come passaggio della vita che serve per la propria evoluzione …
Track of the report of the Conference
Saturday, October 31, 2009 - 11:30 - Dr. Julian Guerra
Interview with Dr. Chiara Sozzi Dr. Julian Guerra,
Doctor, Psychotherapist Specialist in psychiatry, psychology and spiritual
Saturday, October 31, 2009 - 11:30 - Dr. Julian Guerra
Interview with Dr. Chiara Sozzi Dr. Julian Guerra,
Doctor, Psychotherapist Specialist in psychiatry, psychology and spiritual
The interior spaces of the person and the different plans from which we can open ourselves to relationships.
The balance and integration between the inner part of the male and female, to build our completeness. The harmonious relations in the person who has loose ties and parenting has walked the line of evolution from consciousness of the adult child, to the consciousness of the transpersonal Self. The direction of our unconscious and the plans of awareness, live in our love relationships.
The 'egg model' of therapeutic Psychosynthesis, Roberto Assagioli, integrates the contributions of Jung and transpersonal psychology. It 'been recognized as a scientific model by WHO (World Health Organization).
see the person as consisting of the Unconscious upper, middle and bottom. It also formed by the ego, the conscious part, by Sé Transpersonale e dall’Inconscio collettivo.
Noi siamo sostanzialmente un Inconscio, e una parte in cui noi siamo coscienti, che è il nostro Io. E’ la consapevolezza, che riceve con i cinque sensi, e la coscienza che dall’Io porta a questo Sé transpersonale (Inconscio cosmico), il collegamento con lo Spirito. Tutto questo che troviamo in noi, rientra nell’Inconscio collettivo.
La maturazione personale porta a trovare un’armonia, una sintesi dentro di noi , nel nostro Inconscio inferiore, medio e superiore, tra le nostri parti maschile e femminile, razionale ed emozionale, adulte ed infantili. Quando abbiamo armonizzato in gran parte tutto questo, siamo in qualche modo già complete. We open the reports do not need to, but desire to interact, to identify ourselves. We are already 'married' in a marriage within, we are already at the same time, children and parents ourselves.
As children up to age 18 do not exist for energy self . To construct our identity we need to nourish the energy of love that we receive from the mother and father. Next, we cut the link with parents and begin to create for ourselves our own process of evolution. become adults becoming aware of how we were children , forms of male and female, the type of rational and emotional energy that act upon us, through binding with the internal models of father and mother. We need to understand if we were able to break the cordon, or if we are still trapped in a harnessing of unresolved links.
to build new ties balanced, we must take place within us the harmonization of the masculine and feminine we have given our parents. Unconscious below are the qualities, talents, and situations associated with what mom and dad passed on to us. These issues are unconscious, sometimes mixed in the shade. In proportion, way, way, we gain a clear vision of how we are made, and will integrate the shadow shares related to our parents, we become complete in the relationship between our male and female, and we become parents ourselves .
How far we have formed relationships couple?
When we form relationships, especially couples, often tuned to only one side of which we are trained. The alliance may be lower or higher.
More often than individuals, couples line up in the complex. For example, if you had a strict father seeking a partner to severe, and if you had a mother who left you, the imprint on which attract a bond is the abandonment. This is intimately known, plans to bring the complicity of consciousness.
fact you can not heal the imprinting, because our mind is a computer that can not erase. Compared to the existence of imprinting is there to say you can not heal the imprinting, because the mind is a computer that can not erase.
What we have received in memory, but WE CAN MAKE NEW MEMORIES.
The task is to create the pair NEW RULES 'REPORT through a new report.
Who becomes a person?
There infantile libido, which has its stages of evolution from the physiological point of view. The stage of delivery, the oral, anal, etc.. If the child does not
libido has evolved, it can be stops at the hearing, and then you ask the couple as the child who seeks milk. If there is the unresolved oedipal phase, the relationship is always three. The genital stage is not resolved in a harnessed power of communication that is only sexuality (what the company is proposing in the film). There
to understand that love is above all a state of consciousness, is an energy that comes from above. When passing from the head is expressed as love, when it passes from the heart becomes how to project. When it comes to the genitals becomes sexuality.
The SINGLE how does this exercise in communication?
The single is the persona che prima di tutto armonizza lo sviluppo della sua libido interna . Cerca come è fatta la sua struttura di persona. Impara a contenere le sue zone d’ombra , imparando a sviluppare le sue parti superiori, i suoi talenti.
A questo punto ognuno di noi che ha realizzato questa operazione è già sposato, perché ha già trovato dentro di sé tutto ciò che gli serve .
E nella COPPIA ?
Quando abbiamo saputo , dentro di noi, liberarci dei legami genitoriali, armonizzare il maschile e il femminile, razionalità ed emozioni, abbiamo trovato un IO , UNA SINTESI .
Allora troviamo un/a compagno/a NON SOLO PER LA LEGGE DELL’ATTRAZIONE. Richiamiamo a noi una persona al pari di noi, e cerchiamo di costruire una COMUNICAZIONE A LIVELLO DI IO COSCIENTE.
Su questo piano si genera comunicazione in cui, quando capita un’ombra, la coppia la riconosce come passaggio della vita che serve per la propria evoluzione …
Giuliano Guerra
Medico, Psicoterapeuta, Specialista in psichiatria e psicologia spirituale
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Data Transfer Objects Makes Me Sick
Waiting for the next stage of the second stage VENTOvelocitàRIFLESSI
Dear supporters waiting for the next leg of the tour VENTOvelocitàRIFLESSI which has to date received a lot of public consensus will interview for the exhibition of TG2 in Vitarte. My speech is about 3 ½ minutes into the film. Enjoy.
remember that the next stages of the exhibition will be in Milan and Turin in October to December.
I wait.
Dear supporters waiting for the next leg of the tour VENTOvelocitàRIFLESSI which has to date received a lot of public consensus will interview for the exhibition of TG2 in Vitarte. My speech is about 3 ½ minutes into the film. Enjoy.
remember that the next stages of the exhibition will be in Milan and Turin in October to December.
I wait.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Cpa Licensed In Wisconsin Working In Florida
the Italian family in the past: a look at the roots collective
Track of the report of the Conference
Saturday, October 31, 2009 - 09.45 - Serena Melloni
Reflections on the major economic and cultural patterns of the family of our recent past: the legitimacy, role playing, social and legal rules that have shaped the dynamics of family past centuries.
The story offers a large reservoir of research that is very useful for those who want to bring more harmony in daily life: to know better rules that shaped the family relationships of the past in fact allows us to identify those hidden and powerful mechanisms that, unbeknownst to us, take out the command of the mind, influencing actions and emotions. The result is the ability to make choices more aware: Some values \u200b\u200bwill prove valuable and essential, others will appear as a burden and a constraint. The invitation is to make a selection, deliberately decide what to keep and what to throw away, something to make our use.
's very interesting to watch as the motivations that lead to marriage. In the past we know that the strategic component (economic and social) was predominant, and that love era perlopiù relegato ai romanzi, ai rapporti extraconiugali e ai sogni delle fanciulle benestanti. Oggi il fatto di sposarsi per amore è altamente riconosciuto e approvato a livello sociale. Tuttavia la spinta al matrimonio perchè "così fan tutti" è molto forte. E il rischio è quello di vendere la propria onestà e chiarezza interiore in cambio della normalità.
Ci si sposa per amore e poi tutto cambia. Com'è possibile? Lui non era così pantofolaio e possessivo, io non ero così nevrotica e insoddisfatta... la mente tende a scivolare nei modelli nascosti e, mentre a vent'anni era chiarissimo che avrei fatto a modo mio, quando mi sposo tendo a ricadere nel "pacchetto matrimonio" come in un vestito già I'm not ready to have him even realize, until it becomes too tight. Should instead be on the alert. Renewed every day. It is no longer possible to buy pre-packaged because it compresses the individual and his flower, and in providing too much suffering.
The fact is that the collective unconscious is very slow. On the scientific front, for example, we are all mostly related to a Newtonian view of space-time, as if the next century of Einstein and quantum physics did not exist. Historically we have no idea about all the ferment, the centuries of individual and collective struggles, wars and global housewives, who have taken his family where he is today: trapped in the cocoon as a caterpillar, between death and rebirth. What do you leave? What to bring in the new world everyday? These questions need to be placed at each individual, and the answer lies within each of us.
Serena Melloni
Degree in Modern History, Holistic Operator
The story offers a large reservoir of research that is very useful for those who want to bring more harmony in daily life: to know better rules that shaped the family relationships of the past in fact allows us to identify those hidden and powerful mechanisms that, unbeknownst to us, take out the command of the mind, influencing actions and emotions. The result is the ability to make choices more aware: Some values \u200b\u200bwill prove valuable and essential, others will appear as a burden and a constraint. The invitation is to make a selection, deliberately decide what to keep and what to throw away, something to make our use.
's very interesting to watch as the motivations that lead to marriage. In the past we know that the strategic component (economic and social) was predominant, and that love era perlopiù relegato ai romanzi, ai rapporti extraconiugali e ai sogni delle fanciulle benestanti. Oggi il fatto di sposarsi per amore è altamente riconosciuto e approvato a livello sociale. Tuttavia la spinta al matrimonio perchè "così fan tutti" è molto forte. E il rischio è quello di vendere la propria onestà e chiarezza interiore in cambio della normalità.
Ci si sposa per amore e poi tutto cambia. Com'è possibile? Lui non era così pantofolaio e possessivo, io non ero così nevrotica e insoddisfatta... la mente tende a scivolare nei modelli nascosti e, mentre a vent'anni era chiarissimo che avrei fatto a modo mio, quando mi sposo tendo a ricadere nel "pacchetto matrimonio" come in un vestito già I'm not ready to have him even realize, until it becomes too tight. Should instead be on the alert. Renewed every day. It is no longer possible to buy pre-packaged because it compresses the individual and his flower, and in providing too much suffering.
The fact is that the collective unconscious is very slow. On the scientific front, for example, we are all mostly related to a Newtonian view of space-time, as if the next century of Einstein and quantum physics did not exist. Historically we have no idea about all the ferment, the centuries of individual and collective struggles, wars and global housewives, who have taken his family where he is today: trapped in the cocoon as a caterpillar, between death and rebirth. What do you leave? What to bring in the new world everyday? These questions need to be placed at each individual, and the answer lies within each of us.
Serena Melloni
Degree in Modern History, Holistic Operator
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