I, the person looking for myself. The different ways in which I can project myself in love relationships. .
Track of the report of the Conference
Saturday, October 31, 2009 - 11:30 - Dr. Julian Guerra
Interview with Dr. Chiara Sozzi Dr. Julian Guerra,
Doctor, Psychotherapist Specialist in psychiatry, psychology and spiritual
The interior spaces of the person and the different plans from which we can open ourselves to relationships.
The balance and integration between the inner part of the male and female, to build our completeness. The harmonious relations in the person who has loose ties and parenting has walked the line of evolution from consciousness of the adult child, to the consciousness of the transpersonal Self. The direction of our unconscious and the plans of awareness, live in our love relationships.
The 'egg model' of therapeutic Psychosynthesis, Roberto Assagioli, integrates the contributions of Jung and transpersonal psychology. It 'been recognized as a scientific model by WHO (World Health Organization).
see the person as consisting of the Unconscious upper, middle and bottom. It also formed by the ego, the conscious part, by Sé Transpersonale e dall’Inconscio collettivo.
Noi siamo sostanzialmente un Inconscio, e una parte in cui noi siamo coscienti, che è il nostro Io. E’ la consapevolezza, che riceve con i cinque sensi, e la coscienza che dall’Io porta a questo Sé transpersonale (Inconscio cosmico), il collegamento con lo Spirito. Tutto questo che troviamo in noi, rientra nell’Inconscio collettivo.
La maturazione personale porta a trovare un’armonia, una sintesi dentro di noi , nel nostro Inconscio inferiore, medio e superiore, tra le nostri parti maschile e femminile, razionale ed emozionale, adulte ed infantili. Quando abbiamo armonizzato in gran parte tutto questo, siamo in qualche modo già complete. We open the reports do not need to, but desire to interact, to identify ourselves. We are already 'married' in a marriage within, we are already at the same time, children and parents ourselves.
As children up to age 18 do not exist for energy self . To construct our identity we need to nourish the energy of love that we receive from the mother and father. Next, we cut the link with parents and begin to create for ourselves our own process of evolution. become adults becoming aware of how we were children , forms of male and female, the type of rational and emotional energy that act upon us, through binding with the internal models of father and mother. We need to understand if we were able to break the cordon, or if we are still trapped in a harnessing of unresolved links.
to build new ties balanced, we must take place within us the harmonization of the masculine and feminine we have given our parents. Unconscious below are the qualities, talents, and situations associated with what mom and dad passed on to us. These issues are unconscious, sometimes mixed in the shade. In proportion, way, way, we gain a clear vision of how we are made, and will integrate the shadow shares related to our parents, we become complete in the relationship between our male and female, and we become parents ourselves .
How far we have formed relationships couple?
When we form relationships, especially couples, often tuned to only one side of which we are trained. The alliance may be lower or higher.
More often than individuals, couples line up in the complex. For example, if you had a strict father seeking a partner to severe, and if you had a mother who left you, the imprint on which attract a bond is the abandonment. This is intimately known, plans to bring the complicity of consciousness.
fact you can not heal the imprinting, because our mind is a computer that can not erase. Compared to the existence of imprinting is there to say you can not heal the imprinting, because the mind is a computer that can not erase.
What we have received in memory, but WE CAN MAKE NEW MEMORIES.
The task is to create the pair NEW RULES 'REPORT through a new report.
Who becomes a person?
There infantile libido, which has its stages of evolution from the physiological point of view. The stage of delivery, the oral, anal, etc.. If the child does not
libido has evolved, it can be stops at the hearing, and then you ask the couple as the child who seeks milk. If there is the unresolved oedipal phase, the relationship is always three. The genital stage is not resolved in a harnessed power of communication that is only sexuality (what the company is proposing in the film). There
to understand that love is above all a state of consciousness, is an energy that comes from above. When passing from the head is expressed as love, when it passes from the heart becomes how to project. When it comes to the genitals becomes sexuality.
The SINGLE how does this exercise in communication?
The single is the persona che prima di tutto armonizza lo sviluppo della sua libido interna . Cerca come è fatta la sua struttura di persona. Impara a contenere le sue zone d’ombra , imparando a sviluppare le sue parti superiori, i suoi talenti.
A questo punto ognuno di noi che ha realizzato questa operazione è già sposato, perché ha già trovato dentro di sé tutto ciò che gli serve .
E nella COPPIA ?
Quando abbiamo saputo , dentro di noi, liberarci dei legami genitoriali, armonizzare il maschile e il femminile, razionalità ed emozioni, abbiamo trovato un IO , UNA SINTESI .
Allora troviamo un/a compagno/a NON SOLO PER LA LEGGE DELL’ATTRAZIONE. Richiamiamo a noi una persona al pari di noi, e cerchiamo di costruire una COMUNICAZIONE A LIVELLO DI IO COSCIENTE.
Su questo piano si genera comunicazione in cui, quando capita un’ombra, la coppia la riconosce come passaggio della vita che serve per la propria evoluzione …
Giuliano Guerra
Medico, Psicoterapeuta, Specialista in psichiatria e psicologia spirituale