Friday, March 11, 2011

Milena Velba In The Park

Senza rete

(two success stories without the help of the web)

company I work at a high, high technology: what comes out today as a product we have already seen, studied thought years ago . A pioneering company, which ranks among the top in its market sectors. But if you can see from the perspective of Web 2.0, the desert. In the face of companies like Intel, with 15 Twitter users I think the official (ie, bearing the company logo as an image), like Samsung, 13, Texas Instruments 9, all with at least two other Twitter login, my conspicuous absence.
Same with Facebook (FB that has to do with business? got to do, go and read the series recently published by the Sole24Ore). The first page you come across clicking on the name Intel has 315,782 'like me', 6,640 for Texas Instruments, Freescale 11,119, my company has only 10 people who say 'I like', and the rest of the pages is not to be less.
(Some may argue that my peripheral vision is, but if these are the skylines from the periphery, I dare not think how it is in the middle)
This is partly explained by the model business in pursuit of the sellers of my company: heel customers, establish a relationship of trust with them, finding the solution better, etc..
But is this enough?
If my company was present in large numbers in the participatory network, would get better results? Would
more business?
do not know.

Two brothers have a family business. It is small, but it has to feed not only themselves, other employees 4-5. They are addressed primarily to builders and other craftsmen. Every week one of the brothers run for Texas (serving other regions, but they `have an agent) and to follow its customers, offering products, negotiate discounts. Without the constant presence would not do business, competitors are at the gate, ready to take a few centesimi sul prezzo unitario, magari a scapito della qualita`, che a volte non sembra essere un valore aggiunto, per conquistarsi la commessa.
Cambierebbe se fossero in rete? Hanno un loro sito, ma funziona solo da vetrina.
Se si creassero  una identita` sociale, probabilmente ne guadagnerebbero in immagine, ma cio` non porterebbe un guadagno in termini lavorativi. Non lavorano nel B2C, i loro non sono clienti finali, orientabili grazie a un brand sapientemente gestito in rete. Il brand se lo sono conquistato sul campo, e con le unghie e con i denti se lo devono conservare, perche` i clienti guardano ai margini di profitto e alla sicurezza della fornitura, non alle pagine web.

Non e` ancora detto che tutto passi There are people from the Internet before.


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