Mostra personale dell'artista Paola Delfino ad Albissola Mare nella storica saletta del Bar Testa (angolo piazza del Comune/via Repetto)
da sabato June 26, 2010
After the exciting exhibitions of Aosta, Turin, Milan, Rome, Venice, Varese, and Vancouver for the World Cup in South Africa, and in anticipation of exhibitions in Paris and Geneva for a moment ..... rest in his beloved breakfast.
sails, the scenery, the wind, the sun, the colors of Liguria are the masters in his works .... a great love and only bound to the land .... its source of inspiration and energy.
only for short periods can to move away from its sea ..... and the only one who really knows and loves you understand ....
This exhibition is an anthem, is a declaration of love for his country!!
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