Monday, November 16, 2009

Gay Hook Up Spots Long Island

signaling events

- Saturday, November 21, h. 16.30 - Prabhat will be at Damanhur with
'Le Stories are food for the soul '
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will also be an opportunity, if there will be some of you, to expand the operation, just alluded to Congress on the possibility of making family plans in schools and extracurricular organizations.

Vidracco City - Torino - info: 0124.512175 or cell. Dorcas 328.1205015 - Free participation

If the reported involvement with your children, the children of Damanhur offer a free baby sitter ... by reading stories published by the New Children (the publisher of Prabhat). Announce in advance the presence and age ....
I am attaching the cover of one of the stories .... to entice you and your children to come.

- Saturday, November 28, h. 20 - Monica Antonioli will stage
'The 22 faces of Love'
(all the major arcana!) - With the company of Zelattori (same as the conference, full), directed by Monica Antonioli

Presso l'Auditorium di Villa Milesi - Palazzo del Comune , Lovere (Bergamo)
info Monica 348.4112057 - Partecipazione 20,00 Euro


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