The internal images of intent on sharing the family, today
The Family Conference today ended two weeks ago. In the first ten days many of us have sent a wave of emotions aroused. The call at the opening of the conference was to put all at stake, even if there would be room for questions or comments at the end of each report. There were even opportunities for communication in the group and intergroup horizontal. I raised a suggestion of the ancient Toltec school dreamers of 'writing with his finger' in the space of common awareness that we created, everything that which would be emotionally moved and how insight of awareness in all of us. I had promised that the items essential to say what we want to become the family today, were not those of the speakers, but those who listened. And here is the image of listening part, full of what we are, we've created. 'If I may comment on the most exciting moment of the whole conference was ... NOW! Saturday morning ... As if I had waited so long. 'He wrote Participation / five / 2.
what got us this far, it has moved a long wait before, and emotions during and after the conference? We try to answer together, because it is sempre incredibile quando accade. Io vedo il fattore sincerità, verità, trasparenza, nel metterci in contatto con la parte di noi che è ancora prioritaria e pregnante di sentimento: la nostra dimensione personale di Famiglia. La voce ufficiale della Presidenza Apei, (Associazione Pedagogisti Educatori Italiani) ha inoltrato questa comunicazione alla mailing list ‘Cari colleghi, torno dal Convegno sulla famiglia, … organizzato in una magica Abbazia vicino al Garda. Stanze senza televisione, letti rigidi, brodino a cena… a parte questo il Convegno è stato denso di emozioni e suggestioni...Non c’erano i soliti tromboni a parlare della famiglia degli altri. C’erano FAMIGLIE vere che parlavano di sé . E parlando self-addressed all the issues with which we deal every day in the office.
It crossed personal experiences, stories, emotions, human suffering told by the protagonists. But he also sought answers, projects, ideas. I got a load of my Palermo, my neighborhood, violence on youth, women, violence in the family lived and acted.
I am convinced that the family must organize the conference on 'families', that immediacy and language skills, touch the heart and mind. Chiara accompanied us on this journey, as a good educator, making a bridge to cross ourselves, our family ... I continue my journey, but with a little extra heat in the heart. 'The exchange took place, because we have tuned, everyone, on a total communication. When this happens it makes no difference who is speaking, the singer, who read a narrative text, the listener, assist, develop.
We touched on the fact that each of us experiences in the family, speakers and participants, present no masks. The stories, lectures, short communications that we have produced live art on the theme of total search of love, we were transported in universal symbolic worlds. The poetic evocations of the story back to the tree to bloom, di Hyemeyhosts Storm, ci hanno ricordato che intuitivamente già conosciamo uno spazio di integrazione armonica tra le parti di noi. Il racconto eroico di Tristano ed Isotta ci ha permesso di oggettivare il senso innato di drammaticità che accompagna i nostri innamoramenti e le nostre separazioni .
Le canzoni ci hanno fatto viaggiare in profondità, su onde di suono e ritmo che hanno parlato a parti di noi aperte al SENSO DI UNIONE, come ‘One’.
Oppure sono riuscite a farci sorridere, per qualche minuto almeno, delle nostre convinzioni illusorie sull’amore, tanto ingenue, quanto drammatiche come in ‘ La canzone dell’amore capovolto ’.
We went with disconcerting nuclei of married life: the loss of connection with the naturelezza instinctive that we may live in sexuality, mutual ol'incomprensione that leads us to having to separate to maintain our integrity. We shared the Community is courageous speakers who spoke in first person experience of marital separation. And the evocation of a professor of communication in times when we finish completely off-center, gathering, alas, energy (DEMON) of the collision. And the poignant image of CONE in which we are projected by our historical past in planning the size of our family?
The performing art spaces: the dream of living a simple love of a woman to her man for two of Song, sincere love for Myself total of Higher Love and miss.
Our roots in male and female in love, in the spiritual and the material of the first Arcana and what we recover in us, for connection to that ancient awareness.
And then .... broken the game of love with colored papers, which freed our children happy.
These were the most common emotions, arising from external experiences, we have been able to focus on images.
But there is still much to deepen and share, if we dare to enter the third phase of the project: to create a consensus founding new truth in the common awareness. Each of us has an image pregnant with external situations escaped the camera, or using only the emotion caused by perhaps only a word, or a situation that could have been significant only for us, but that would broaden the reality that we have traced the roots and wings of the family if we decided to communicate it.
Launch an invitation. We find images internal personal, that have survived in the two weeks of work and family life spent from the conference. We feel the depth of the message they contain. Let us become aware of it. And if possible, we also bring our personal word on the plot that was hitherto woven. The rates and limiting family experience that we have in common is the sense of low self-esteem, inadequacy, resulting in a self-centered attitude of closure. So who cares what I discovered .... What if but also really important that I put myself in the game? If the game was the participation of everyone, because the puzzle is complete? In the family we have lost our love for truth, we have ceased to believe in its preciousness. The truth is alive when we communicate. Our Word is always important as anyone else, even if they told us that ... 'The parents were born before, so they know what is right! '
when root is our experience in our area of \u200b\u200bawareness, making our truth, we build a core part of ourselves, that family is usually sold out. The truth of the experience of each of us, this is what path the Congress has created to date. It 's time to found a new attitude in family size: RESPECT THAT EVERYONE OF U.S. IS THE TRUTH' of what 'that has lived and experienced by being together with others. The generosity 'in believing that our truth' is important to all. Who is she?
Dr. Chiara Sozzi, Family Therapist Relationship