Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Sample Letters Announcing New Doctor

Four - Five - Eight - Italia

only news that could reawaken the long summer hibernation when I was inevitably sunk: the successor to the F430 is already here, a little 'surprise. It's called
458 Italy: a name of a certain weight for the new sedan of the Horse, no doubt destined to become the benchmark in its class. Under the hood beats an eight cylinder direct-injection 4.5-liter, well capable of 570 hp at 9000 rpm, mated to a dual-clutch gearbox with seven speeds, presumably derived from that fitted to the California. The press kit is full of other digits and percentages that will be sure to rattle off here: there is just to indicate the weight that keeps the order of 1380 kg

Outstanding under the skin, but aesthetically the new 458 as it appears at first sight?
It must be said that these sort of render-stink of fake photos are not helpful for a gut as it should. The profile of the car looking sleek and sinuous, overall very, very successful with striking echoes of Enzo towards the tail; classical references that are repeated in the rear, revolutionized than the F430, with the three aggressive central exhaust-style F40. Less successful is the front, or so it seems from tre scarse immagini che ci sono state concesse (si spera che a Maranello cambino fotografo, o almeno si decidano a scattare all'aperto). A non convincermi è principalmente la grossa bocca con il cavallino appiccicato lì non si sa come, ma servirebbero altre inquadrature per confermare l'impressione o meno.

Bocciati senza pietà i cerchi, brutti, scialbi e anonimi, tant'è che nelle foto che accompagnano questo post li ho velocemente rimpiazzati tramite Photoshop con quelli della 430 Scuderia. E già così in mia opinione la 458 guadagna parecchi punti. Stay tuned...


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