LAST UPDATE: 9.30 h.17: 15
22:58 pm the night before the fateful September 30: the first confirmation from those who come to the salon is already entered. The car will be totally new to the Lotus stand FIVE . New Elise: No, not the redesign presented in February, but a completely new model! (4-cylinder, 320 hp, 1095 kg)
Elite : already seen last week, the concept of 2 +2 coupe / convertible.
Elan : very bad (and stylistically very Lambo) Sport 2 +2, can substitute for the future of Evora and rival of the 911 (4.0 V6 400 hp, 1295 kg)
Eternal : four doors, stylistically very similar to Elite
Esprit : return, highly anticipated, the historic supercar. In the 458 viewfinder Italy, the price will be stratospheric (5.0 V8, 620 hp, 1450 kg, 330 km / h, 0-100 in 3.4 seconds)
All models feature a clean style, very clear with the past. Forget the soft lines and retro Elise S1, Donato Coco has revolutionized everything (for better and, alas, even worse). See you soon, more updates soon!
UPDATE 1: Here is a picture of the stand by a user of Seloc : in the foreground the new Elise (!), Then the Elite, Elan (yellow) and the Esprit ...

UPDATE 2: here is the new Galla .. er, Elan! It seems very successful ...

UPDATE 3 : ecco il posteriore della Esprit, finalmente! La foto è abbastanza pessima, difficile giudicare bene da ora, ma pare essere molto molto cattiva...

UPDATE 4 : si svela la coupè quattro porte Eterne; non sono un grande fan della categoria, ma il risultato sembra davvero gradevole (altro che Panamera...)

UPDATE 5 : nuove foto della Esprit. Prima impressione: bella e cattivissima, ma stilisticamente poteva essere differenziata maggiormente dalla Elan (l'anteriore sembra quasi un copia-incolla).

6 UPDATE: This should be the new Elise. A partial disappointment to be honest ... the family feeling with the other concept is very clear but it appears to be the worst managed of the lot. Not to mention that if the technical data are true, we are talking about 320 hp and 1095 kg .. that there is dangerously alongside the band dominated by Boxster/TT/Z4. The roof on this concept seems to be glass and fixed, but surely the Elise will be a plaque as the current and likely will have a hard-top in addition to the traditional classic canvas roof. The latter I do not mind, there is also some reference to the S2, but the front with that face and eyes from AIS to China told me recently ...

UPDATE 7: other photos of the stand with the concept. Esprit in the foreground, then Elan, Elite, Elise.

8 UPDATE: A short video of the car at the VIP presentation took place last night. Only three hours to end the embargo and the official press conference.
9 UPDATE: The live press conference has just ended. I'm already writing a post con le mie impressioni sui vari modelli, nell'attesa delle foto ufficiali...