Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Friday, October 15, 2010
Can They Put Veneers On Bad Gums
Landscapes of Thought
This exhibition organized by the Cultural Association of R. Aiolfi of Savona and thanks to the efforts, tenacity, professionalism of Dr. Silvia Bottaro has seen the participation of various artists through their works pay homage to the memory of Mario and Bruno Bonalauri Weaver.
The exhibition opened on Sunday, October 10 Redwing in Villa Scassi and continues until 17 October.
For more information see website of Aiolfi

This exhibition organized by the Cultural Association of R. Aiolfi of Savona and thanks to the efforts, tenacity, professionalism of Dr. Silvia Bottaro has seen the participation of various artists through their works pay homage to the memory of Mario and Bruno Bonalauri Weaver.
The exhibition opened on Sunday, October 10 Redwing in Villa Scassi and continues until 17 October.
For more information see website of Aiolfi
Monday, October 11, 2010
Budget Furniture Melbourne
Afrika Graffiti
were about ten years that does not take a spary bottle in his hand ... then a few days ago some friends invite me to paint graffiti performanz for a lifetime. A celebration in honor of Africa! fear woman.
This is what came out. Photos are a little shit ... if they have a better remedy will not hesitate to put it on.
The promoter of the event is the 'Call to Africa Onlus

were about ten years that does not take a spary bottle in his hand ... then a few days ago some friends invite me to paint graffiti performanz for a lifetime. A celebration in honor of Africa! fear woman.
This is what came out. Photos are a little shit ... if they have a better remedy will not hesitate to put it on.
The promoter of the event is the 'Call to Africa Onlus
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Tripp Trapp Harness Alternative
Wonderland quando Alice se ne andò
This summer I found myself drawing a short story by Nicola Pesce Editore. protagonistidella history of the famous characters of ALICE IN WONDERLAND WORLD OF PHOTONICS (the original title is another), the book tells the story of Famous characters from Alice in the wonderland, without Alice. Namely, that these are here when there is Alice?! The book contains ten stories drawn by ten authors (if you want to know more click here ). I designed the fantastic and PincoPanco PancoPinco. To accompany me on this adventure in the guise of writer's friend David G .
for the rest click here to win a copy.
forgot will be out for LUCCA COMICS and then in bookstores, comics and Groceries ...

This summer I found myself drawing a short story by Nicola Pesce Editore. protagonistidella history of the famous characters of ALICE IN WONDERLAND WORLD OF PHOTONICS (the original title is another), the book tells the story of Famous characters from Alice in the wonderland, without Alice. Namely, that these are here when there is Alice?! The book contains ten stories drawn by ten authors (if you want to know more click here ). I designed the fantastic and PincoPanco PancoPinco. To accompany me on this adventure in the guise of writer's friend David G .
for the rest click here to win a copy.
forgot will be out for LUCCA COMICS and then in bookstores, comics and Groceries ...

Friday, October 1, 2010
Converse Aero Jam Size 13
Lotus Parigi 2010: un'opinione fra tante

3:00 to 4:00 I think the visitors of this blog at least a couple you will be very sad to see only the name Lotus written anywhere in the post recently, but the innovations unveiled yesterday are so greedy that they can not pass under the guillotine tragic than my usual opinabilissimo and personal opinion. Who wants to read and understand the little article (in the hope of not falling asleep before) can write his thought: the subject is too hot to not let everyone say its ...
ELISE 2015
Abstract: this writer likes the current Elise, and no doubt those of you who have wandered a little bit thin for this blog will have it already figured out long ago. And 'perhaps the only car that could, I would buy instantly without thinking about a femtosecond, simply love it to distraction, for me is the sport with the capital "S", I care little whether it is crude, uncomfortable and noisy, if it stinks of the resin used to glue the frame or the coupling of the panels was more precise on a Volvo 80s. And I also like to ignore that large handful of purists reproach that the nearly two tons in excess of the original born in '96. Because the soul, going to look beyond the chiletti put up in the last fifteen years and the icy Toyota Motor, in reality has remained the same.
E 'perhaps for my particular emotional involvement that I can not explain the choice of presenting a concept of the future Elise right now, four years ahead of schedule and just over six months since the last redesign. The new Lotus men want to kill sales of perhaps their best-seller, the car that saved them from the brink of failure? Or perhaps, to want to be malicious, they hope to increase flow in Paris a bad prototype of the Elise has zero, except the name? Donato Coco perhaps smoking a pipe while he designed the 2015 Elise, or maybe he was drunk, or maybe not in full possession of his mental faculties. Go for the new family look and the clean cut style Carr signed by past and Crijns, but the truth is that this concept is ugly and it looks squat. Front clumsy, with a great mouth, surmounted by a pair of tiny lights embedded in a completely flat cofanone (where are the traditional outlets?). At the rear is better, because of a confusion of lines a bit 'twisted that come to naught, even if there is a slight reference to the S2. Go then to understand the meaning of two colors, stupid fashion that Coco was dragged behind the Ferrari.
But if style is completely dissociated from today Elise, under the skin of the gap is less marked: the two key figures are 320 hp and 1095 kg. A comparison of fast, sheer numbers, with past and present: MY1996 Elise S1 had 118 hp and weighed 720 pounds, the Elise S2 2011 has 136 hp and 860 kg This means that the Elise will make 2015 a number of steps in the direction of TT, SLK, Z4, Boxster and company, in fact going to distort the basic principles that led to the birth and evolution of the Type 111.
Elise 2015? No, thanks. VOTE 4
Since the death of the Esprit V8 in 2004, many rumors (and rendered more or less watchable) have tried to outline a future heir, and after a long wait of the Esprit 2013 is here, in the form of concept, ready to win a place of honor among 458, MP4-12 / C and Gallardo. Even here in references to the past Lotus, near and far, one sees very few. But the new style, the Elise does not work at all, can express himself fully on the Esprit. Low, wide, slender, technological and aggressive, with a touch of Lambo and Italy 458. From the first picture I viewed the style a cut above the MP4-12, although it seems a tad bit less personal than the 458. To be completely honest, I would like to see gone this glass roof (which will probably remain the prerogative of the concept) and the rear wheels seem a bit lost 'in the muscular wheel arches. Under the bodywork lurks a 5.0 V8 capable of 540 or 620 hp depending on the version that allow the Esprit series of exceeding 330 km / h and drop below 3.4 seconds in the sprint from zero to a hundred. The weight will be in 1450 instead of pounds, much in line with the current competition. Perhaps it is too early to tell, but it seems that the new Esprit will be able to do justice to the name it carries heavy below. I like it, and not a little. VOTE 8
E 'little sister miniature Esprit, think of a 911-type relationship Cayman. With over 440 horses provided by a 4.0 V6 is a nice mid-engined coupe, as the Evora, will have the opportunity to be a 2 +2. Stylistically, the relationship with the sister, Esprit is very obvious, perhaps too much for the front, so much so that a careless glance could easily be confused. The latter is successful, even if little appreciated by the official photos released by Lotus. As the price should pursue in the area 911 Carrera, which is around 100 thousand euro for a planned marketing (sigh!) submitted in 2013. Even given the weight it gets interesting: we talk about 1295 kg, or 50 less than the standard Evora currently for sale. It rises only a few doubts about the name Elan is another name for noble recovered from the attic, but the original was a slight front-engine convertible ... clever marketing ploy? Ultimately, the most successful group like the Esprit. VOTE 8
Of Elite I have already spoken in this post . My thoughts about it has not changed though, put aside the surprise for the revolution in style and type of car for the "little Lotus", I must say that I started to appreciate it more. And 'big and pesantuccia, although the 1600 kg do not seem out of place given the 5.0 V8 compressed, the 2 +2 configuration, the hard top, the KERS system and the interior iperlussuosi. The photos live As expected, make it more justice to its sleek lines, it seems almost impossible that it is a coupe-cabrio due to the lack of compromise evident on the face style. VOTE 7
Based (apparently) on the Elite, Lotus is the first four-door of history. I must admit that fundamentalist which I would rather not see nor the Mormon nor the Elite with the Lotus brand on the hood, but if this is the policy implemented by the new CEO, then let's try to put aside prejudices and judge with greater detachment. The Lord is very successful, you can not deny it is an entirely different quell'aborto pasta than called Panamera, by far the most graceful of the new CLS, and dare I say almost as good and balanced the Aston Rapide. While not a big fan of the "four-door coupe" (I call them again sedans, I will be old-fashioned), I must acknowledge that it is becoming an increasingly important market segment, ergo a safe source of wealthy buyers and their liquidity . If you choose to bring cash to focus on models of good taste and fine, then I approve. Just in Hethel do not come up with a SUV .. . VOTE 7
Hidden in one corner was the stuff you see in the picture above. Officially it should be a prototype of the Lotus Engineering (the section completely separated from the Lotus Cars that he is a consultant to other houses and to develop innovative projects), in other words, there is hope that as other prototypes in the past this shame never see the light. And 'I dwell on unnecessary to speak further. VOTE 1
Finally, a school report also helms the Lotus.
Lotus Cars Ltd.
A great credit must be said: no one would never expected a total revolution as was that of the Paris Motor Show: five concept (City Car excluded) and so many promises, which we hope to see maintained. The cards were thrown on the table and the game is short, perhaps too soon since the first model (Esprit) we will see in dealerships in two years. A model which I entrust the future of the house in anticipation of 2013? I doubt that sales of Evora, as the choice has been enriched by the new S and IPS, is not penalized by the presentation of a range of cars so different. And the Elise? As reported in this article , more powerful variants R and SC can no longer be sold in our dell'insulso continent because European regulations on emissions, or remain in the list only 136 hp 1.6-Elise. I'm afraid to sell to customers that can draw only limited, consisting of those who do not appreciate the heir unveiled yesterday and those who realize that the 2015 version is not what you look for in a Elise. We'll see, but expectations are not the most optimistic ...
Among the ads has gone a bit 'on the sly that the total reconstruction of the factory in Hethel circuit and annex: the idea is to recreate a mini-flower, a big step forward compared to the former RAF airfield. Still on the track and related activities, I was surprised by the decision of wanting to develop a prototype closed for the LMP2 category. Lotus at Le Mans? The idea excites me more than a little ... Dany Bahar bravo!
Now for the sad note: the style department. Paris 2010 was undoubtedly a huge shock: who expected that the ex-Ferrari Donato Coco and his colleagues have thrown in the toilet today's styles to start from a completely blank sheet? Lotus style, at least what we were accustomed to seeing with Elise and Evora, seems to have entirely disappeared, and a good part of me regrets. Not that the new models are ugly, mind you (the new "Elise" is a different matter), but the cut with the past was just too fast and too unexpected. Maybe it's just a matter of us the eye, perhaps we will move forward to idolize models of the past, or perhaps between a year or two we'll be back here to tell everyone how good they are in Lotus. Honestly, I hope so. The initial
ACBC on the traditional coat of arms in yellow are too precious to see her legacy in a future scialaquata manufacturer anonymously and without personality.
VOTE 6 , encouragement. Lotus Force!
ELISE 2015

Abstract: this writer likes the current Elise, and no doubt those of you who have wandered a little bit thin for this blog will have it already figured out long ago. And 'perhaps the only car that could, I would buy instantly without thinking about a femtosecond, simply love it to distraction, for me is the sport with the capital "S", I care little whether it is crude, uncomfortable and noisy, if it stinks of the resin used to glue the frame or the coupling of the panels was more precise on a Volvo 80s. And I also like to ignore that large handful of purists reproach that the nearly two tons in excess of the original born in '96. Because the soul, going to look beyond the chiletti put up in the last fifteen years and the icy Toyota Motor, in reality has remained the same.
E 'perhaps for my particular emotional involvement that I can not explain the choice of presenting a concept of the future Elise right now, four years ahead of schedule and just over six months since the last redesign. The new Lotus men want to kill sales of perhaps their best-seller, the car that saved them from the brink of failure? Or perhaps, to want to be malicious, they hope to increase flow in Paris a bad prototype of the Elise has zero, except the name? Donato Coco perhaps smoking a pipe while he designed the 2015 Elise, or maybe he was drunk, or maybe not in full possession of his mental faculties. Go for the new family look and the clean cut style Carr signed by past and Crijns, but the truth is that this concept is ugly and it looks squat. Front clumsy, with a great mouth, surmounted by a pair of tiny lights embedded in a completely flat cofanone (where are the traditional outlets?). At the rear is better, because of a confusion of lines a bit 'twisted that come to naught, even if there is a slight reference to the S2. Go then to understand the meaning of two colors, stupid fashion that Coco was dragged behind the Ferrari.

But if style is completely dissociated from today Elise, under the skin of the gap is less marked: the two key figures are 320 hp and 1095 kg. A comparison of fast, sheer numbers, with past and present: MY1996 Elise S1 had 118 hp and weighed 720 pounds, the Elise S2 2011 has 136 hp and 860 kg This means that the Elise will make 2015 a number of steps in the direction of TT, SLK, Z4, Boxster and company, in fact going to distort the basic principles that led to the birth and evolution of the Type 111.
Elise 2015? No, thanks. VOTE 4

Since the death of the Esprit V8 in 2004, many rumors (and rendered more or less watchable) have tried to outline a future heir, and after a long wait of the Esprit 2013 is here, in the form of concept, ready to win a place of honor among 458, MP4-12 / C and Gallardo. Even here in references to the past Lotus, near and far, one sees very few. But the new style, the Elise does not work at all, can express himself fully on the Esprit. Low, wide, slender, technological and aggressive, with a touch of Lambo and Italy 458. From the first picture I viewed the style a cut above the MP4-12, although it seems a tad bit less personal than the 458. To be completely honest, I would like to see gone this glass roof (which will probably remain the prerogative of the concept) and the rear wheels seem a bit lost 'in the muscular wheel arches. Under the bodywork lurks a 5.0 V8 capable of 540 or 620 hp depending on the version that allow the Esprit series of exceeding 330 km / h and drop below 3.4 seconds in the sprint from zero to a hundred. The weight will be in 1450 instead of pounds, much in line with the current competition. Perhaps it is too early to tell, but it seems that the new Esprit will be able to do justice to the name it carries heavy below. I like it, and not a little. VOTE 8


E 'little sister miniature Esprit, think of a 911-type relationship Cayman. With over 440 horses provided by a 4.0 V6 is a nice mid-engined coupe, as the Evora, will have the opportunity to be a 2 +2. Stylistically, the relationship with the sister, Esprit is very obvious, perhaps too much for the front, so much so that a careless glance could easily be confused. The latter is successful, even if little appreciated by the official photos released by Lotus. As the price should pursue in the area 911 Carrera, which is around 100 thousand euro for a planned marketing (sigh!) submitted in 2013. Even given the weight it gets interesting: we talk about 1295 kg, or 50 less than the standard Evora currently for sale. It rises only a few doubts about the name Elan is another name for noble recovered from the attic, but the original was a slight front-engine convertible ... clever marketing ploy? Ultimately, the most successful group like the Esprit. VOTE 8


Of Elite I have already spoken in this post . My thoughts about it has not changed though, put aside the surprise for the revolution in style and type of car for the "little Lotus", I must say that I started to appreciate it more. And 'big and pesantuccia, although the 1600 kg do not seem out of place given the 5.0 V8 compressed, the 2 +2 configuration, the hard top, the KERS system and the interior iperlussuosi. The photos live As expected, make it more justice to its sleek lines, it seems almost impossible that it is a coupe-cabrio due to the lack of compromise evident on the face style. VOTE 7

Based (apparently) on the Elite, Lotus is the first four-door of history. I must admit that fundamentalist which I would rather not see nor the Mormon nor the Elite with the Lotus brand on the hood, but if this is the policy implemented by the new CEO, then let's try to put aside prejudices and judge with greater detachment. The Lord is very successful, you can not deny it is an entirely different quell'aborto pasta than called Panamera, by far the most graceful of the new CLS, and dare I say almost as good and balanced the Aston Rapide. While not a big fan of the "four-door coupe" (I call them again sedans, I will be old-fashioned), I must acknowledge that it is becoming an increasingly important market segment, ergo a safe source of wealthy buyers and their liquidity . If you choose to bring cash to focus on models of good taste and fine, then I approve. Just in Hethel do not come up with a SUV .. . VOTE 7


Hidden in one corner was the stuff you see in the picture above. Officially it should be a prototype of the Lotus Engineering (the section completely separated from the Lotus Cars that he is a consultant to other houses and to develop innovative projects), in other words, there is hope that as other prototypes in the past this shame never see the light. And 'I dwell on unnecessary to speak further. VOTE 1
Finally, a school report also helms the Lotus.
Lotus Cars Ltd.

A great credit must be said: no one would never expected a total revolution as was that of the Paris Motor Show: five concept (City Car excluded) and so many promises, which we hope to see maintained. The cards were thrown on the table and the game is short, perhaps too soon since the first model (Esprit) we will see in dealerships in two years. A model which I entrust the future of the house in anticipation of 2013? I doubt that sales of Evora, as the choice has been enriched by the new S and IPS, is not penalized by the presentation of a range of cars so different. And the Elise? As reported in this article , more powerful variants R and SC can no longer be sold in our dell'insulso continent because European regulations on emissions, or remain in the list only 136 hp 1.6-Elise. I'm afraid to sell to customers that can draw only limited, consisting of those who do not appreciate the heir unveiled yesterday and those who realize that the 2015 version is not what you look for in a Elise. We'll see, but expectations are not the most optimistic ...
Among the ads has gone a bit 'on the sly that the total reconstruction of the factory in Hethel circuit and annex: the idea is to recreate a mini-flower, a big step forward compared to the former RAF airfield. Still on the track and related activities, I was surprised by the decision of wanting to develop a prototype closed for the LMP2 category. Lotus at Le Mans? The idea excites me more than a little ... Dany Bahar bravo!
Now for the sad note: the style department. Paris 2010 was undoubtedly a huge shock: who expected that the ex-Ferrari Donato Coco and his colleagues have thrown in the toilet today's styles to start from a completely blank sheet? Lotus style, at least what we were accustomed to seeing with Elise and Evora, seems to have entirely disappeared, and a good part of me regrets. Not that the new models are ugly, mind you (the new "Elise" is a different matter), but the cut with the past was just too fast and too unexpected. Maybe it's just a matter of us the eye, perhaps we will move forward to idolize models of the past, or perhaps between a year or two we'll be back here to tell everyone how good they are in Lotus. Honestly, I hope so. The initial
ACBC on the traditional coat of arms in yellow are too precious to see her legacy in a future scialaquata manufacturer anonymously and without personality.
VOTE 6 , encouragement. Lotus Force!
How To Get Static Out Of Microfiber Shirt
Group Exhibition: Hand enactment of Mind
After the summer I have before a period of reflection and meditation in order to create new things! I was invited
alla mostra collettiva sul Priamar di Savona....luogo prestigioso e storico!!!
Inaugurazione Sabato 2 Ottobre alle ore 18 la mostra terminerà il 20 ottobre
Essendo incentrata sulla mano ho pensato a 2 nuovi soggetti.....dovevano scegliere...sono piaciuti entrambi e li hanno esposti!!!! disponibile il catalogo.
Novità a breve!!
After the summer I have before a period of reflection and meditation in order to create new things! I was invited
alla mostra collettiva sul Priamar di Savona....luogo prestigioso e storico!!!
Inaugurazione Sabato 2 Ottobre alle ore 18 la mostra terminerà il 20 ottobre
Essendo incentrata sulla mano ho pensato a 2 nuovi soggetti.....dovevano scegliere...sono piaciuti entrambi e li hanno esposti!!!! disponibile il catalogo.
Novità a breve!!
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Camillus Knives Usn Navy Issue
Lotus Parigi 2010: LEAK
New Elise: No, not the redesign presented in February, but a completely new model! (4-cylinder, 320 hp, 1095 kg)
Elite : already seen last week, the concept of 2 +2 coupe / convertible.
Elan : very bad (and stylistically very Lambo) Sport 2 +2, can substitute for the future of Evora and rival of the 911 (4.0 V6 400 hp, 1295 kg)
Eternal : four doors, stylistically very similar to Elite
Esprit : return, highly anticipated, the historic supercar. In the 458 viewfinder Italy, the price will be stratospheric (5.0 V8, 620 hp, 1450 kg, 330 km / h, 0-100 in 3.4 seconds)
All models feature a clean style, very clear with the past. Forget the soft lines and retro Elise S1, Donato Coco has revolutionized everything (for better and, alas, even worse). See you soon, more updates soon!
UPDATE 1: Here is a picture of the stand by a user of Seloc : in the foreground the new Elise (!), Then the Elite, Elan (yellow) and the Esprit ...
UPDATE 2: here is the new Galla .. er, Elan! It seems very successful ...
UPDATE 3 : ecco il posteriore della Esprit, finalmente! La foto è abbastanza pessima, difficile giudicare bene da ora, ma pare essere molto molto cattiva...
UPDATE 4 : si svela la coupè quattro porte Eterne; non sono un grande fan della categoria, ma il risultato sembra davvero gradevole (altro che Panamera...)
UPDATE 5 : nuove foto della Esprit. Prima impressione: bella e cattivissima, ma stilisticamente poteva essere differenziata maggiormente dalla Elan (l'anteriore sembra quasi un copia-incolla).
UPDATE 7: other photos of the stand with the concept. Esprit in the foreground, then Elan, Elite, Elise.
8 UPDATE: A short video of the car at the VIP presentation took place last night. Only three hours to end the embargo and the official press conference.
LAST UPDATE: 9.30 h.17: 15
22:58 pm the night before the fateful September 30: the first confirmation from those who come to the salon is already entered. The car will be totally new to the Lotus stand FIVE . New Elise: No, not the redesign presented in February, but a completely new model! (4-cylinder, 320 hp, 1095 kg)
Elite : already seen last week, the concept of 2 +2 coupe / convertible.
Elan : very bad (and stylistically very Lambo) Sport 2 +2, can substitute for the future of Evora and rival of the 911 (4.0 V6 400 hp, 1295 kg)
Eternal : four doors, stylistically very similar to Elite
Esprit : return, highly anticipated, the historic supercar. In the 458 viewfinder Italy, the price will be stratospheric (5.0 V8, 620 hp, 1450 kg, 330 km / h, 0-100 in 3.4 seconds)
All models feature a clean style, very clear with the past. Forget the soft lines and retro Elise S1, Donato Coco has revolutionized everything (for better and, alas, even worse). See you soon, more updates soon!
UPDATE 1: Here is a picture of the stand by a user of Seloc : in the foreground the new Elise (!), Then the Elite, Elan (yellow) and the Esprit ...

UPDATE 2: here is the new Galla .. er, Elan! It seems very successful ...

UPDATE 3 : ecco il posteriore della Esprit, finalmente! La foto è abbastanza pessima, difficile giudicare bene da ora, ma pare essere molto molto cattiva...

UPDATE 4 : si svela la coupè quattro porte Eterne; non sono un grande fan della categoria, ma il risultato sembra davvero gradevole (altro che Panamera...)

UPDATE 5 : nuove foto della Esprit. Prima impressione: bella e cattivissima, ma stilisticamente poteva essere differenziata maggiormente dalla Elan (l'anteriore sembra quasi un copia-incolla).

6 UPDATE: This should be the new Elise. A partial disappointment to be honest ... the family feeling with the other concept is very clear but it appears to be the worst managed of the lot. Not to mention that if the technical data are true, we are talking about 320 hp and 1095 kg .. that there is dangerously alongside the band dominated by Boxster/TT/Z4. The roof on this concept seems to be glass and fixed, but surely the Elise will be a plaque as the current and likely will have a hard-top in addition to the traditional classic canvas roof. The latter I do not mind, there is also some reference to the S2, but the front with that face and eyes from AIS to China told me recently ...

UPDATE 7: other photos of the stand with the concept. Esprit in the foreground, then Elan, Elite, Elise.

8 UPDATE: A short video of the car at the VIP presentation took place last night. Only three hours to end the embargo and the official press conference.
9 UPDATE: The live press conference has just ended. I'm already writing a post con le mie impressioni sui vari modelli, nell'attesa delle foto ufficiali...
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Congrats On The Baby Email
23 settembre = Autunno
Much time has passed since the last time, I seem years if not centuries, but who cares! important as the Master says Gaudenzi and publish, even if you make the Pornazi (he said erotic or porn), what is important and that sooner or later start somewhere ...
So posting porn at the time, place a design step flashed while I was cycling ... in early to do some healthy Porno.

Much time has passed since the last time, I seem years if not centuries, but who cares! important as the Master says Gaudenzi and publish, even if you make the Pornazi (he said erotic or porn), what is important and that sooner or later start somewhere ...
So posting porn at the time, place a design step flashed while I was cycling ... in early to do some healthy Porno.
Monday, September 20, 2010
Hair Color And Shingles
Lotus Parigi 2010 : Elite Concept
source: Automobilemag

Anche se in questo momento, alle ore 10 del 20 settembre, non c'è ancora traccia di un comunicato ufficiale, sbucano grazie ad Automobilemag e ai forum d'oltremanica le foto e i dettagli della prima delle novità tanto sbandierate da Lotus nelle ultime settimane. Si tratta di una grossa 2+2 coupè-cabriolet, anche se non è chiaro se la versione di serie, prevista per il 2014, sfrutterà l'opportunità del tetto rigido retraibile. La Elite Concept si presenta con uno stile fortemente innovativo per la casa di Hethel, a tratti un po' Mazda, a bit 'Tesla, very Aston, but also a little' Ferrari. The result, which arises from the pencil of the former Ferrari driver Donato Coco seems to be well managed, particularly through the front very aggressive and dynamic profile sculpted taut lines. The latter leaves me personally quite a few 'doubtful ...

should be hiding under the skin instead of the 5.0 V8 of the Lexus IS-F, mid-front mounted, and equipped with a compressor capable of delivering 540 hp, 620 or even in a "S" . Integrated in the transmission there are two electric motors and a KERS (probably optional on the production car), and to complement the current high-tech change will only be available in automatic version with paddles on the steering wheel. The weight should read instead many kg in 1750, but not too bad considering the features that are absolutely important. More than anything there is to get used to the expected price of more than € 130 thousand ...
In the coming days other updates are coming soon, hopefully before the new Esprit . In that regard, an image appeared on the web, but there are high chances that it is a fake, even if well done. Why not publish it and wait for an official statement (or almost).

In the coming days other updates are coming soon, hopefully before the new Esprit . In that regard, an image appeared on the web, but there are high chances that it is a fake, even if well done. Why not publish it and wait for an official statement (or almost).

UPDATE 11:15 am
E 'came the press release confirms that virtually everything written above. Lotus Forums ( Clicky ) has published together with the high-resolution photos.
E 'came the press release confirms that virtually everything written above. Lotus Forums ( Clicky ) has published together with the high-resolution photos.
Friday, August 27, 2010
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Addio 2ZZ-GE, benvenute Evora S e IPS

On 27 August 2010 is a significant date for Lotus Cars Ltd. today leave the factory the latest Elise / Exige with Toyota's 1.8 VVTL-i, otherwise known as 2ZZ-GE . At the presentation in Geneva in 2004, were not few people turn up their nose to the presence of a Toyota engine under the hood of the newly 111R, and some critics did not fail during the test drive because of its answer a bit 'bland below 6000 rpm. The 2ZZ from 192 hp and 180 Nm, designed in collaboration with Yamaha (motorcycle manufacturer's influence is evident both in how the power output and torque as well, from a certain point of view, the sounds of the same engine) was placed and still stands in sharp contrast to his predecessor 1.8 Rover K Series, considered by many purists still the real engine for the Elise though marred by the fragility of the head gasket, Lively and fragile the Rover, but less emotional Bulletproof Toyota. The turning point came in 2005 with the presentation of Exige 240R, a limited edition of 50 pieces: the 2ZZ, paired for the first time a lobe Eaton M62 supercharger and an intercooler, it reaches the threshold of 243 horsepower and 236 Nm of torque. But the biggest change you have in the delivery: power and torque are now distributed more evenly throughout the rev scale, with the peak reached above 8000 rpm. In 2006, the compressor sees the light for the first time in the new edition is not limited Exige S, which helps the 2ZZ to provide more than 220 horses. The Exige S is a success and soon eclipsed sales of the aspirated variant, which will be dropped in 2008, when it comes to the Elise SC . SC on the supercharged Toyota engine loses the intercooler because of space in the engine compartment of the Elise, but the values \u200b\u200bof performance remain the same. The highest point in the career of 1.8 is reached in the same year with the renewed Exige Cup 260-hp. In late 2009 the first rumors: The 2ZZ is a Euro 4 engine and from 2011 all cars must be approved in Europe 5 Euro. The home of Hethel has neither the budget nor (probably) the desire to modify the engine to make it conform to standards, Toyota bosses have no intention of making investments on an engine that has died for them in 2006 with the release of production of Celica (sigh!) and MR2. The end of the 2ZZ is announced. In February, presents the new Elise with 06.01 Euro 5 engine, which replaces the 1ZZ-FE, the younger brother of the 2ZZ mounted the entry level Elise S. A few days ago the news, farewell 2ZZ, which means immediate halt to the production of R Elise, Elise SC, Exige S, Exige Cup 260 and 2-Eleven. In other words are ordered only Elise S 1.6 and Evora. The future? In a little over a month at the Paris show will know everything. A Exige R with 280 hp V6 is rumored for years now ... it's the right time?
Meanwhile in Paris, today were presented with two versions of the Evora coaches: the S Evora and Evora IPS. The first (pictured above) is the most awaited version of spicy from standard 280 hp: a compressor brings the power of 350 hp and weight (alas) to 1430 Kg purists and critics turn up their nose in front of this fact: it is true, is not a car lighter, but is perfectly in line with the increased competition (see 911). Sure, some chiletto less would just like ...
IPS instead stands for Intelligent Precision Shift , in other words it is a version with 6-speed automatic transmission (in the photo above is a summary of paddles), especially appealing to customers overseas and in the Middle East. A new feature that was announced two years ago to the presentation of Evora. Now
looks forward to Paris and now some new Esprit ... hoping that the New Era much heralded by the Lotus does not prove a loud and embarrassing crap ...

Meanwhile in Paris, today were presented with two versions of the Evora coaches: the S Evora and Evora IPS. The first (pictured above) is the most awaited version of spicy from standard 280 hp: a compressor brings the power of 350 hp and weight (alas) to 1430 Kg purists and critics turn up their nose in front of this fact: it is true, is not a car lighter, but is perfectly in line with the increased competition (see 911). Sure, some chiletto less would just like ...

IPS instead stands for Intelligent Precision Shift , in other words it is a version with 6-speed automatic transmission (in the photo above is a summary of paddles), especially appealing to customers overseas and in the Middle East. A new feature that was announced two years ago to the presentation of Evora. Now
looks forward to Paris and now some new Esprit ... hoping that the New Era much heralded by the Lotus does not prove a loud and embarrassing crap ...
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