Thanks to the enthusiasm, commitment and skill of Massimo Croce was possible the realization of this artistic event / cultural in the city of Cairo. With great honor to the artist Cellese Paola Delfino has accepted the invitation.
The dream is to propose it again at least partially in the river next summer.
PERIOD April 4, 2009
PAINTERS ARTISTS: Maria Paola Delfino and Angiola ACCOUNTS GUGLIE Scelfo
composer / musician ELETTRORUMORISTI: Massimo CROSS, Adham Hafez, Sergio Maltagliati, Mahmoud Refat, Alfonso sanctimony,
SINGERS: Dina el Wadidi
Curator: Max Cross
2009 is the year when many countries in the world will celebrate the centenary of the Adham fond HAFEZ action of the future.
The founder and leader of this extraordinary Italian artistic movement was FT Marinetti, who was born in Alexandria in 1876, and in this country he spent his childhood.
Questo fatto rende particolarmente interessante celebrare questo evento in
Egitto, nasce così l’idea di organizzare presso l’Istituto Italiano di
Cultura del Cairo, un evento in cui potere coinvolgere artisti italiani
ed egiziani. Elettrorumorismi Futuristi è il nome di questo progetto,
il cui scopo è quello di rendere omaggio ad uno dei più interessanti
artisti Futuristi, il pittore Luigi Russolo, che nel 1913 scrisse un
manifesto dal titolo l’Arte dei rumori, tramite il quale il Futurismo
divenne precursore teorico della contemporanea musica elettronica, la
cui caratteristica principale è quella di poter generare, grazie ai
nuovi strumenti technology, a multitude of complex sounds and
irregular, that is noise. Among the fundamental characteristics of Futurist art movement
there was the exaltation of the machines in
as means through which to build a future in modern society.
the proliferation of machines led to a progressive development of noise
especially within cities, and it is thanks to Futurism
that noise became a symbol of life and renewal. In literature, F.
T. Marinetti introduced the concept of free speech, that
"We must destroy the syntax, placing the nouns in case, as
born", "Abolish even the punctuation "and introduce" bold use of onomatopoeia and
continuous "in this way the noise was also entered
literature. Noise was also an essential element of
Futurist painting, in fact, manifest in the painting of sounds, noises and smells
, 1913, signed by the artist Carlo Carrà, we read:
"We Futurists therefore contended that the leading element in the painting
sound, the noise element and trace element smell new roads.
We have already created in the artist's love for modern living
essentially dynamic, noisy sound and smell, destroying
stupid mania of the solemn the toga, the peaceful, dell'ieratico of
mummified, the intellectual, in fact. Imagination wireless
words in freedom, the systematic use of onomatopoeia. The music-
antigraceful without rhythmic quadrature, and the art of noises are
resulted from the same sensibility that produced the painting of
sounds, noises and smells. " Massimo Croce,
curator and organizer of the event, has planned an evening in which the video will be screened
where noise and Futurism
will be the main protagonists. A particularly interesting part of this review
video will be one in which two painters, Angiola Maria Conti-Spire
Scelfo and Paola Delfino are showing their paintings
through the creation of two videos, of which he composed the Maximum Cross '
elettrorumoristico accompaniment, this is to emphasize the'
important link between painting and sound in Luigi Russolo. Interestingly,
is no doubt that the projections will Circus_8,
a tribute to Peter Grossi.
Italy, it must be said that the future did not produce big ideas making
often drag across the ocean currents, but with
excellent results. There are, however, 'little-known artists to the general public
who anticipated the coming years. One of them is Peter Grossi
(1917-2002), exponent most radical and avant-garde musical pioneer
technological applications, as well as a composer of electronic images
. Many ideas have to come in him a precursor
: minimalism, sound art, music, techno, electronic music,
interaction with the graphics, open source, not to mention his
important role in computer music. Circus_8-visual work is a sound made by the composer Sergio
Maltagliati. He left the Big
graphic programs, has created new ones,
intervening in the programming code and adding an original music track
that, in parallel to the flow of signs and colors, creates multiple
variazioni sonore. Circus_8, distribuito su supporto dvd dalla netLabel
Quantum Bit, è presentato in prima assoluta in una versione curata da
Massimo Croce dal titolo Circus_8[(in)]rEmiX . La serata proseguirà con
quattro performance eseguite con il lap-top, vero erede dell’
Intonarumori di Luigi Russolo. La prima performance, dal titolo Omaggio
a Luigi Russolo, prevede la lettura di sei punti estratti dal manifesto
l’Arte dei rumori in lingua araba, grazie alla voce della giovane
cantante egiziana Dina el Wadidi, ad ogni punto letto seguirà una
interpretazione elettroumoristica operata da Massimo Croce. Seguirà la
performance del musicista egiziano Adham Hafez, who will play a '
by Carlo Broschi, opera singer of the eighteenth century, over an accompaniment
ellettrorumoristico. The duo will follow the Strida, composed by Massimo
Santimone Cross and Alfonso, who suddenly sound
-noise using the lap-top. Finally, the evening will conclude with a performance of
Mahmoud Refat, which is the most important Egyptian elettrorumorista
, founder and curator of 100copies, which has the great merit of
organize concerts and music events throughout Egypt
electronic promoting in a systematic manner
music created with the new technologies among the youth of this country.