Monday, February 16, 2009

Vba Cheats Leaf Green

We must kill the future; Manifesto Net.Futurista

[untouchable vibrant glossy ruthless fanatic hygiene]

We finally arrived at the showdown. It will be a tough showdown.

must say this now very clear: we would never wanted to get to this point, we never wanted to write these words. But it is largely been passed fit and so we are forced to react with vigorous determination.

I address you, Passat and presented last minute!

Your intrusiveness and your tedious pedantry have caused us too long and too silly. The spirit of antiquarian and insistently celebration of our country compels us net.futuristi today, the future of the twenty-first century, to write this page

red-hot against the future

Yes We enthusiastically beloved masterpieces Futurists and Futurism. We have seen beds studied gutted including adored admired. But now we must throw them once and for all in the bucket. We have to finish necessarily the killing of our fathers. It is hygienic operation. And high time.

We have already updated and greatly exceeded the most futuristic insights of the last century in the visual arts, sound and performance. This is not the point. Instead, it is done today in a symbolic act, but very determined during the now infamous celebrations for the centenary of the publication of the First Futurist Manifesto. We smelled fishy in these celebrations, the stench of corpses. Stench of traditionalism. Stench of presentism. Stench of commercialism academicism professorial vulgar utilitarianism. And we also feel a sickening stench of cialtroneria media. And that is why we have to give oxygen to the environment conduct a toilet: Futurist eliminate the smell without any discounts.

Courage, friends net.futuristi. You must have this courage. This hygienic courage.

In the first Futurist manifesto Filippo Tommaso Marinetti, exactly a century ago, wrote:

"When we are forty, other younger and stronger men for us, as well throw in the wastebasket like useless manuscripts. We want it! They will come against us, our successors, will come away from every part, danced to the winged cadence of their first songs, stretching out crooked fingers of predators, sniffing dog is, at the academy doors the strong odor of our decaying minds , have already been promised to the literary catacombs. [...] They'll storm around us, panting with scorn and anguish, and all of them, exasperated by our proud and tireless courage, they rushed to kill us, driven by a hatred the more implacable because their hearts will be drunk with love and admiration for us. "

Here. Told us our great father. Told us to kill the Futurist Marinetti. Not tradiamolo! As future calls to kill the moonlight and all the previous literature (including the symbolic father), so today we must kill the war-word poems, we must kill the el'aeropittura plastic dynamism, the tactilism el'aeropoesia.

celebrate. Celebrate. Celebrate. What do you still celebrate? Boccioni's horses? interpenetration of the Dance? Crali planes? Depero the vest? ceramics by Albissola? Again?

were brilliant, we know! But in the last century! We live in the third millennium. And it is time to clarify once and for all. Our feeling transformed by the revolution neotecnologica requires us to remove any residual pathetic mannerism futurist. We must throw - finally and proudly - the old Futurism in the bucket. Let's look inside

ruthlessly. If the future is still in us, we kill a part of ourselves. Even this we prosa enfatica ormai ci disgusta e ci fa ricordare qualcosa che dobbiamo necessariamente uccidere. Cancelleremo anche questa! Tenete quindi a mente ciò che state leggendo ma dimenticate e cancellate il modo in cui ci siamo espressi! Coraggio, amici net.futuristi. Non abbiate timore. Abbiamo già ucciso avversari accanitissimi. Resta da evitare il rischio più insidioso per noi. Non avremo compiuto nulla fino a quando non ci saremo liberati degli scheletri di famiglia! Noi oggi abbiamo il compito di immensificare il Futurismo del XX secolo, e per fare questo bisogna ucciderlo una volta per tutte!

Anche noi net.futuristi saremo buttati via tra qualche decennio. È naturale ed igienico che sia così! Noi non ci opponiamo a questo naturale e healthy process of evolution!


we want it!
* published in Ad Futurum POST - 1 Year No One on the centenary of the February 20, 2009