all began one afternoon in April 2005.
I was invited to participate with my work in "Voices of Women" event organized by the Province of Savona.
In the company of other artists were setting up the space with paintings and stands in a disorderly manner in the resting room, when suddenly I heard the excited voice of a woman hit me, "but how did you manage to have a work by John Acquaviva. ...

finally decided to figure out what had hit this lady, as there were no works by Acquaviva, an artist who, however, I did not know: I laughed .... but no ... there was not a mistake it was just my experiment and nothing more ..... (Picture # 8 on plexiglass tower Savona Wall)
I inquired and learned with a mixture of pride and surprise that Acquaviva had a 'historicized artist, who had joined the Futurist movement.
Retracing the route of my artistic research, I realized I have experimented a lot with the purpose of expressing the speed in a way originale, in un linguaggio tutto mio ovvero citando il Marinetti....”La velocità avendo per essenza la sintesi intuitiva di tutte le forze in movimento è naturalmente pura”.
Ripercorro i passi successivi della mia esperienza artistica (estrapolando alcune immagini di opere, ulteriori opere si possono osservare all'interno del blog in occasione delle varie mostre).
L 'inizio del mio percorso: il primo soggetto: il mare con il movimento delle onde (2002) ed i lampi di luce sul fondale marino (foto 7 astratto)
Poi mi dedicai ai paesi con automobili, moto, biciclette, cartelli stradali; (foto 6 olio su legno)
quindi le barche liguri (gozzi) di vetroresina bright colors and improbable accumulated and fragmented within the same work (2005). (Cycle of tryptic fragments and reflections)
(photo 3, 4 and 5)
then sails (2006) in port at improbable angles, waiting and sailing boats launched into a fight in a competition to the death, where the sense of freedom, the smell of the sea, the salt spray, the blinding sun, the stars are the infinite (2007 cycle and 2008 cycle covertly Sails in Love) (picture 2)
summer of 2006 a young woman gave me a book "Eyes after the dust" by V. Punzi, and are subsequently invited to attend a show of our Tricolour Arrows, where I meet Savona, the captain of the flock: I sense so that infinity, freedom, speed is no doubt, even with iron inner certainty, connected to the sky, airplanes. This is how the cycle Dinamika with which they are identified as neo futurist artist.
(photo 1)
The physical structure of metallic aircraft so elegant, smooth, light and sound have inspired me the series of aircraft (2007 to present). I tried to express the emotions that I had caused their bodies: strength, power, destruction, freedom, game, fight, peace
In January 2008 while walking in the port of Varanasi was struck and fascinated by the propellers of the boats in storage: Metal Forged flashed reflecting the sunlight, her curves so perfect. I memorized this harmony with the finger sexy, then I started to trace the painting media: the propeller, propulsion, speed, elegance, mechanics ... .. I found that the conjunction and coordination of research done on the sails and aircraft.
My search is not over, taking up new forms are emerging stimuli of previous experiences but always enthusiastically following the creative energy, innovative and independent of the neo-futurist tirelessly.