Travel Notes Return Pittore: Paola DELFINO
Scultore: Rosanna LA SPESA
danza: Antonella Vaccamorta, Nicoletta Pescio
Luogo: Sala Consiliare
Città Celle Ligure SV
Indirizzo Via Stefano Boagno
period from 14 to 23 August 2008
time from 10.30 to 12.30, -19.30 17, 21 - 22.30 every day
for info and appointments at tel 320 4225970
blog: http://pdelfino.
web site: Free Entry
Genre: Contemporary Art staff
The International Association of Arts AIDA non-profit association in collaboration with the Italian organ donors (AIDO) under the auspices of the Municipality of Celle Ligure and Savona Province, organized within the central exhibition hall council Travel Notes.
The exhibition has already been proposed to Varesini, thanks to the collaboration Municipality of Varese, which has provided the room Veratti and staff.
The exhibition was a great success for the happy occasion of the Notte Bianca. In addition to the presence
exhibition of paintings by Paul Dolphin and the alternating group Kima from the writings of Merini Alda, Pablo Neruda, Jacques Prevert, Hikmet, Boudelaire (poets who have always been tireless research and have lived every moment, making only one trip of their lives) alternating with contemporary literary writings.
The trip is intended as a departure, the journey as a renewal, the journey as discovery, the journey as a landing ....
not only landscapes but reflections on change, on stylistic coincident a frantic search for the true self. "Life is a journey, crossing with curiosity and desire to move between inside and outside of us, in a perpetual dance ..." Alda Merini
Paul Dolphin, emerging artist, received his first award while still a child artist, writer , art critic Milena Milani, then took part in several competitions for young people and adults earning numerous awards. The color is fine .... its unique combinations of complementary colors make the composition of energy and harmony, a symphony of vibrations and lying side by side to make the viewer aware of the feelings, emotions, thoughts of the artist, scream, a desire for freedom, una ricerca disperata di comunicare al mondo......una espressionista contemporanea. (Eugenio Crudeli).
Rosanna LA SPESA, trentatreanni di carriera artistica alle spalle, numerose esposizioni ed allestimenti, sempre impegnata a far riflettere il mondo sulla realtà contemporanea. I suoi allestimenti sono sempre rivolti al risveglio delle coscienze anestetizzate dal consumismo. Di grande successo è stata la sua mostrea a tema bellico Souvenir, dove vetro, filo spinato e ceramica assemblati in modo sapientemente raffinato ed elegante trasportava il visitatore dalla bellezza dell'esecuzione al significato più profondo della guerra, delle bombe, della situazione delle donne nel mondo integralista islamico.
Dicono her: "The artist is pursuing a long-standing work on consciousness and the conscience ... a job with intimate values \u200b\u200band to cultivate his own being as free as the artist feels and wants to be."
Sunday, August 17 21.30 Presentation of new stories by young writer Rita Scali with experienced numerous prizes and awards obtained in different selections at the national level.
Dance therapy: Guests of August 18
Nicoletta Vaccamorta Stable
Educator, DanzaMovimentoTerapeuta APID
Founder Group Mamunda
Ass.Compagnia theater actress, dialect and language dialect of Genoa Teatro
presenter of workshops (Auser, Csg, ASL 3 Genovese, Ser.T, )
trainers adolescents with disabilities
Psychologist Antony Fisher, Consultant in psychiatry at the Community
Circuit thimble, it also works in private
DanzaMovimentoTerapeuta APID
Monday, August 18 will carry out a stage of movement therapy called "Eye - point - direction by 21 hours.
Performace pictorial Music Delfino and Zibba probably at dell'inagurazione August 14 at 21:30